Browsing by Yonsei Author : Yun, Ji Eun

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Yun, Ji Eun [윤지은]
Department :
Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) - Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원)

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Showing results 1 to 39 of 39

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2014The Association of Adolescent Fatness and Fitness With Risk Factors for Adult Metabolic Syndrome: A 22-Year Follow-up StudyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH
2012Validity of the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in korean national medical health insurance claims data: the korean heart study (1) KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2011국제신체활동 설문도구로 측정한 신체활동도와 건강관련 삶의 질의 관련성 - 제4기 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2011Association of the leptin to high-molecular-weight adiponectin ratio with metabolic syndrome ENDOCRINE JOURNAL
2011Public health challenges of electronic cigarettes in South Korea Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2011Adiponectin is Associated with Impaired Fasting Glucose in the Non-Diabetic Population. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH
2011Total, direct, and indirect serum bilirubin concentrations and metabolic syndrome among the Korean populationENDOCRINE
2011Alanine aminotransferase is associated with metabolic syndrome independently of insulin resistance. CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2010Association of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in general population cohorts: a collaborative meta-analysisLANCET
2010The Korean Prediction Model for Adolescents’ Future Smoking Intentions Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2010Adiponectin concentrations: a genome-wide association study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS
2010Associations between lipid measures and metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and adiponectin. - Usefulness of lipid ratios in Korean men and women CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2010The Relationship between the Level of Fatness and Fitness during Adolescence and the Risk Factors of Metabolic Disorders in Adulthood Korean Diabetes Journal
2010Serum leptin is associated with metabolic syndrome in obese and nonobese Korean populationsMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2009Low serum bilirubin level as an independent predictor of stroke incidence: a prospective study in Korean men and women. STROKE
2009The association of serum lipids with renal function: the Korea Medical Institute StudyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION & REHABILITATION
2009Serum adiponectin as a useful marker for metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic patientsDIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS
2009Serum adiponectin is associated with smoking status in healthy Korean men. ENDOCRINE JOURNAL
2009Serum adiponectin is associated with family history of diabetes independently of obesity and insulin resistance in healthy Korean men and women. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY
2008Pancreatic cancer and factors associated with the insulin resistance syndrome in the Korean cancer prevention study CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION
2008Family history of diabetes and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Korean men and womenATHEROSCLEROSIS
2008Body mass index and cancer risk in Korean men and womenINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
2008The association between adiponectin and diabetes in the Korean populationMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2008Stroke risk prediction model: A risk profile from the Korean studyATHEROSCLEROSIS
2007Associations between Smoking, Screening, and Death Caused by Cervical Cancer in Korean Women YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007MSX1 Polymorphism Associated with Risk of Oral Cleft in Korea: Evidence from Case-Parent Trio and Case-Control Studies YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007Medical expenditure of National Health Insurance attributable to smoking among the Korean population Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2007한국 자궁경부암 여성에서의 Ras Association Domain Family 1A (RASSF1A) Ala133Ser 유전자다형성 연구Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology (부인종양)
2007한국인의 혈청 아디포넥틴과 당뇨병 진단기준 실정에 관한 연구 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2007혈청 아디포넥틴 측정 키트(AdipoMark)의 개발과 심혈관질환 위험요인과의 관련성 연구 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2007제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 인슐린저항성 지표와 프레밍험 위험도와의 관련성 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2007Smoking and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in women with lower levels of serum cholesterolATHEROSCLEROSIS
2006프레밍험 모형은 한국인의 허혈성심질환 발생률을 과대 추정한다 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2006Cigarette smoking, elevated fasting serum glucose, and risk of pancreatic cancer in Korean menINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
2005Fasting Serum Glucose Level and Cancer Risk in Korean Men and WomenJAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
2005한국인 흡연과 사망위험에 대한 11년 추적연구 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2005LDL 콜레스테롤 유전율과 유전자 분리모형 연구 KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2004HDL 콜레스테롤의 유전율과 유전자 분리모형 연구 Korean Journal of Epidemiology
2004Polymorphism p53 codon-72 and invasive cervical cancer: a meta-analysisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS

