Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Ho Yung

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Lee, Ho Yung [이호영]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 76

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2013Effect of lanthanum carbonate on phosphate control in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients in Korea: a randomized prospective studyCLINICAL NEPHROLOGY
2012Effects of neutral pH and low-glucose degradation product-containing peritoneal dialysis fluid on systemic markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction: a randomized controlled 1-year follow-up study NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2011Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Peritonitis Caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans: A Case Report and Comprehensive Literature Review INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY
2010High peritoneal transport status is not an independent risk factor for high mortality in patients treated with automated peritoneal dialysis JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2010Predictors of mortality in patients returning to dialysis after allograft lossBLOOD PURIFICATION
2010Association of inflammation and protein-energy wasting with endothelial dysfunction in peritoneal dialysis patients NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2010Correlates of the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in long-term kidney transplant patients JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2010Effect of baseline glomerular filtration rate on renal function following stenting for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosisSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY
2009Influence of ketoanalogs supplementation on the progression in chronic kidney disease patients who had training on low-protein diet.NEPHROLOGY
2009Prognostic value of elevated cardiac troponin I in ESRD patients with sepsis NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Changing prevalence of glomerular diseases in Korean adults: a review of 20 years of experience NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Cancer in Patients on Chronic Dialysis in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2009Elevated cardiac troponin T predicts cardiovascular events in asymptomatic continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients without a history of cardiovascular diseaseAMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
2008Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis in an old-aged man. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2008신이식 환자에 있어서 이식 초기의 요산 수치와 사구체 여과율 변화량과의 관계 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008A Case of Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis in a Hepatitis B Virus Carrier Successfully Treated with High dose Immunosuppressive Therapy and Prophylactic Lamivudine Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008Mycophenolate Mofetil과 Cyclophosphamide의 증식성 루푸스 신염 치료 효과 비교 Korean Journal of Medicine
2008신동맥 협착 환자에서 스텐트 삽입술 후 신기능의 변화 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008Risk factors for adverse outcomes after peritonitis-related technique failure PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2008Long-term clinical outcomes of peritoneal dialysis patients: single center experience from Korea PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2008The clinical usefulness of peritoneal dialysis fluids with neutral pH and low glucose degradation product concentration: an open randomized prospective trial PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2008Chlamydia pneumoniae accompanied by inflammation is associated with the progression of atherosclerosis in CAPD patients: a prospective study for 3 years NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2007Improving outcome of CAPD: Twenty-five years' experience in a single Korean centerPERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2007Reduced residual renal function is a risk of peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2007만성신부전증에서 진단된 일측 신동맥 협착 및 반대측 신장의 국소분절사구체경화증 1예 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2007지속성 복막투석 환자에서 나타난 혈중 호산구증가증 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2007장기간 지속성 외래 복막투석 유지의 예후 인자 : 초기 %제지방질량지수와 복막염의 중요성 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2007Outcome of Multipair Donor Kidney Exchange by a Web-Based Algorithm JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY
2007Factors associated with Hypokalemia in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Electrolytes & Blood Pressure
2006Usefulness of 23S rRNA Amplification by PCR in the Detection of Bacteria in CAPD PeritonitisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
2006Changing prescribing practice in CAPD patients in Korea: increased utilization of low GDP solutions improves patient outcome. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2006혈액투석을 받는 말기신부전 환자에서 노쪽피부정맥 변이에 의한 두경부 부종 및 동정맥루 성숙 지연 1례 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2006만성 신부전에서 맥압의 임상적 의의 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2006당뇨병성 신증에서 pioglitazone이 transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1과 fibronectin의 발현에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2006에틸렌 글라이콜(Ethylene Glycol) 중독과 동반된 급성 신부전, 급성 췌장염 및 지연 회복성 골수 억제가 동반된 1예 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2006복막투석을 시행 중인 말기신부전환자에서 QTd의 연속적 변화 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2006크레메진의 투석도입 지연효과에 따른 진행성 신부전증환자의 비용감소분 추계 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2005간 이식술 후 발생한 급성 신부전에 대한 위험인자 분석 Journal of the Korean Society for Transplantation
2005신이식 후 발생한 막성 사구체신염의 임상상 Journal of the Korean Society for Transplantation
2005Superior patient survival for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients treated with a peritoneal dialysis fluid with neutral pH and low glucose degradation product concentration (balance) PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2005Polymorphism of the ACE Gene in Dialysis Patients: Overexpression of DD Genotype in Type 2 Diabetic End-Stage Renal Failure Patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2005EPO 사용이 없었던 말기신부전으로 혈액투석 중인 환자에서 발생한 적혈구증가증 1예 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2005유전분증의 임상적 특징 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2005혈관 염증 지표들에 대한 온-라인 혈액여과투석법과 고유량 혈액투석법의 효과 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2005자동 복막투석의 임상적 유용성 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2005Impact of Cyclosporin on Podocyte ZO-1 Expression in Puromycin Aminonucleoside Nephrosis Rats YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2005Clinical Characteristics of Dialysis Related Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis: Multi-center Experience in Korea YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2005당뇨병성 신증 환자의 좌심실비대와 안지오텐신 전환효소 유전자 다형성과의 관계 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2005당뇨 혈액투석 환자에서 혈관내피세포 기능이상에 영향을 미치는 인자 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2004The Evolution of Lupus Activity among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Lupus Nephritis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

