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Factors associated with Hypokalemia in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

 Hyun-Wook Kim  ;  Jae Hyun Chang  ;  Dae-Suk Han  ;  Ho Young Lee  ;  Kyu Hun Choi  ;  Shin-Wook Kang  ;  Beum Seok Kim  ;  Seung Hyeok Han  ;  Jung Eun Lee  ;  Dong Ki Kim  ;  Sung Jin Moon  ;  Sun Young Park 
 Electrolytes & Blood Pressure, Vol.5(2) : 102-110, 2007 
Journal Title
Electrolytes & Blood Pressure
Issue Date
Hypokalemia is a frequent problem in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and is affected by multiple factors. To evaluate factors associated with hypokalemia, we studied 68 patients on maintenance CAPD treatment for at least six months. In univariate analysis, patients with hypokalemia were associated with older age and the presence of diabetes mellitus. Serum albumin, calcium-phosphate product, triglyceride, body mass index, protein nitrogen appearance, and lean body mass assessed by creatinine kinetics were significantly lower as compared to those without hypokalemia. Serum C-reactive protein was significantly higher in the patients with hypokalemia. Multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis revealed that the serum albumin level and the ultrafiltration volume at the peritoneal equilibration test were independent factors associated with hypokalemia. This suggests that the serum potassium level may be an important nutritional marker in CAPD patients. Further longitudinal investigation is needed to clarify this relationship.
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Shin Wook(강신욱) ORCID logo
Kim, Dong Ki(김동기)
Kim, Beom Seok(김범석) ORCID logo
Kim, Hyun Wook(김현욱) ORCID logo
Park, Sun Young(박선영)
Lee, Jung Eun(이정은) ORCID logo
Lee, Ho Yung(이호영)
Chang, Jae Hyun(장제현)
Choi, Kyu Hun(최규헌) ORCID logo
Han, Dae Suk(한대석)
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