Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Hyun Wook

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Kim, Hyun Wook [김현욱]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (57196215273)

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Showing results 1 to 35 of 35

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024A Phase II Open-Label Randomized Clinical Trial of Preoperative Durvalumab or Durvalumab plus Tremelimumab in Resectable Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2023Prior antibiotic administration disrupts anti-PD-1 responses in advanced gastric cancer by altering the gut microbiome and systemic immune response CELL REPORTS MEDICINE
2023Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Gastric Cancer Diagnosis and Stage: A Single-Institute Study in South Korea JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2023Effect of High-Versus Low-Frequency of Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography Follow-Up Testing on Overall Survival in Patients With Stage II Or III Colon CancerCLINICAL COLORECTAL CANCER
2023Dynamic change of immune phenotype assessed by artificial intelligence (AI)-powered analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) during neoadjuvant durvalumab with or without tremelimumab (D+/-T) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Hepatic arterial infusion in combination with systemic chemotherapy in patients with hepatic metastasis from colorectal cancer: a randomized phase II study – (NCT05103020) – study protocol BMC CANCER
2023Lazertinib in pretreated EGFR T790M-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A real-world multicenter studyLUNG CANCER
2022The UGT1A9*22 genotype identifies a high-risk group for irinotecan toxicity among gastric cancer patients Genomics & Informatics
2018The impact of disease severity on paradoxical association between body mass index and mortality in patients with acute kidney injury undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy BMC NEPHROLOGY
2017Robust Identification of Alzheimer's Disease subtypes based on cortical atrophy patterns SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2017The association between the apolipoprotein B/A-I ratio and coronary calcification may differ depending on kidney function in a healthy population. PLOS ONE
2017The pattern of choosing dialysis modality and related mortality outcomes in Korea: a national population-based study KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE
2017Hyperuricemia and risk of increased arterial stiffness in healthy women based on health screening in Korean population. PLOS ONE
2017Dementia is a risk factor for major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in elderly Korean patients initiating hemodialysis: a Korean national population-based study BMC NEPHROLOGY
2017A prime determinant in selecting dialysis modality: peritoneal dialysis patient survival KIDNEY RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE
2017Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is independently associated with coronary artery calcification in the absence of overt coronary artery disease: A single-center cross-sectional study MEDICINE
2016Technique failure in Korean incident peritoneal dialysis patients: a national population-based study KIDNEY RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE
2016Electrolyte and mineral disturbances in septic acute kidney injury patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy MEDICINE
2016Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Anemia in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for urinary tract infections after renal transplants MEDICINE
2010A case of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with Churg-Strauss syndromeRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2010Correlates of the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in long-term kidney transplant patients JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2010Metabolic syndrome predicts mortality in non-diabetic patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Uric acid is associated with the rate of residual renal function decline in peritoneal dialysis patients NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Changing prevalence of glomerular diseases in Korean adults: a review of 20 years of experience NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2008신이식 환자에 있어서 이식 초기의 요산 수치와 사구체 여과율 변화량과의 관계 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008혈액투석을 시행받고 있는 말기 신부전증 환자에서 투석 방법에 따른 피부색의 변화 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008만성 신질환 환자에서 여러 가지 사구체 여과율 산출 방법간의 비교 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008Mycophenolate Mofetil과 Cyclophosphamide의 증식성 루푸스 신염 치료 효과 비교 Korean Journal of Medicine
2008신동맥 협착 환자에서 스텐트 삽입술 후 신기능의 변화 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008Long-term clinical outcomes of peritoneal dialysis patients: single center experience from Korea PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2007장기간 지속성 외래 복막투석 유지의 예후 인자 : 초기 %제지방질량지수와 복막염의 중요성 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2007Factors associated with Hypokalemia in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Electrolytes & Blood Pressure
2004비당뇨병성 만성 신질환 환자에서 안지오텐신 수용체 길항제의 단백뇨 감소 효과에 대한 안지오텐신 전환 효소 유전자 다형성의 영향 Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
2002위암 조직에서 Integrin α5, α6, αV, β1, β3, β4 아단위의 발현 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology

