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Mycophenolate Mofetil과 Cyclophosphamide의 증식성 루푸스 신염 치료 효과 비교

Other Titles
 A comparison study between mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide for treatment of proliferative lupus nephritis 
 문성진  ;  김동기  ;  박선영  ;  장제현  ;  김현욱  ;  이정은  ;  한승혁  ;  고광일  ;  김동현  ;  김찬호  ;  이상원  ;  김범석  ;  강신욱  ;  한대석  ;  이호영  ;  박용범  ;  이수곤  ;  최규헌 
 Korean Journal of Medicine, Vol.74(6) : 640-647, 2008 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine
Issue Date
Lupus nephritis ; Mycophenolate mofetil ; Cyclophosphamide
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of MMF as compared with intravenous cyclophosphamide as induction therapy for proliferative lupus nephritis in Koreans. METHODS: Forty-three patients who were diagnosed with proliferative lupus nephritis (WHO Class III and IV) between Jan 2000 and Dec 2006 were included in this study. Nineteen patients were treated with oral MMF (initial dose: 1.0 g/day and then it was increased to 2.0 g/day) and 24 patients were treated with 0.75-1.0 g/m2 of monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide (CP) followed by subsequent treatment with oral corticosteroid (initial dose 1 mg/kg/day and then it was slowly tapered down) for 6 months. The demographic and laboratory findings, the response rate and the adverse events were reviewed retrospectively and these were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: A complete response occurred in 7 out of the 19 patients (36.8%) treated with MMF and in 8 out of the 24 patients (33.3%) treated with CP, and the difference was not significantly different between the two groups (p=0.66). A partial response was achieved in 52.6% and 45.8%, respectively. There were no significant differences of the laboratory findings such as serum albumin, C3, C4, the urine protein/creatinine ratio and serum creatinine after treatment for 6 months. In addition, both groups had similar rates of adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that for the treatment of lupus nephritis, MMF was as effective as IV cyclophosphamide with similar adverse events. This finding suggests that MMF could be an alternative treatment for active lupus nephritis as induction therapy.
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Shin Wook(강신욱) ORCID logo
Ko, Kwang Il(고광일)
Kim, Dong Ki(김동기)
Kim, Dong Hyun(김동현)
Kim, Beom Seok(김범석) ORCID logo
Kim, Chan Ho(김찬호)
Kim, Hyun Wook(김현욱) ORCID logo
Moon, Sung Jin(문성진)
Park, Sun Young(박선영)
Park, Yong Beom(박용범)
Lee, Sang-Won(이상원) ORCID logo
Lee, Soo Kon(이수곤)
Lee, Jung Eun(이정은) ORCID logo
Lee, Ho Yung(이호영)
Chang, Jae Hyun(장제현)
Choi, Kyu Hun(최규헌) ORCID logo
Han, Dae Suk(한대석)
Han, Seung Hyeok(한승혁) ORCID logo
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