Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Jung Eun

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Lee, Jung Eun [이정은]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56398534500)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 78

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Safety and impact of the Mediterranean diet in patients with chronic kidney disease: a pilot randomized crossover trial FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
2024Single-cell analysis reveals cellular and molecular factors counteracting HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer immunotherapy outcomes JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER
2024A Phase II Open-Label Randomized Clinical Trial of Preoperative Durvalumab or Durvalumab plus Tremelimumab in Resectable Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2024Impact of sensitization and ABO blood types on the opportunity of deceased-donor kidney transplantation with prolonged waiting time SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024다양한 복막투석액과 크레아티닌 측정 시스템에 따른 포도당에 의한 크레아티닌 간섭의 비교 평가 Laboratory Medicine Online
2023Comparison of METS-IR and HOMA-IR for predicting new-onset CKD in middle-aged and older adults DIABETOLOGY & METABOLIC SYNDROME
2023The Impact of BMI Changes on the Incidence of Glomerular Hematuria in Korean Adults: A Retrospective Study Based on the NHIS-HEALS Cohort BIOMEDICINES
2022Establishment of muscle mass-based indications for the cystatin C test in renal function evaluation FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE
2021No effect of vitamin D supplementation on metabolic parameters but on lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney diseaseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH
2020Analysis of Clinical Predictive Factors Affecting the Outcome of Second-Line Chemotherapy for Gemcitabine-Refractory Advanced Pancreatic Cancer GUT AND LIVER
2020Removal of large middle molecules via haemodialysis with medium cut-off membranes at lower blood flow rates: an observational prospective study BMC NEPHROLOGY
2019Involved-field radiation therapy for selected cases of recurrent ovarian cancer JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2019Noninvasive prediction model for diagnosing gastrointestinal stromal tumors using contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasoundDigestive and Liver Disease
2018Severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with subclinical cerebro-cardiovascular atherosclerosis risk in Korean men PLOS ONE
2017Effect of Personalized Nutritional Counseling on the Nutritional Status of Hemodialysis Patients Clinical Nutrition Research
2017The association between the apolipoprotein B/A-I ratio and coronary calcification may differ depending on kidney function in a healthy population. PLOS ONE
2017Association of Serotonin 1A Receptor Polymorphism with Variation in Health-Related Quality of Life in Korean Hemodialysis Patients PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2017Loss of nighttime blood pressure dipping as a risk factor for coronary artery calcification in nondialysis chronic kidney disease MEDICINE
2017Hyperuricemia and risk of increased arterial stiffness in healthy women based on health screening in Korean population. PLOS ONE
2016Glycated Albumin is Independently Associated With Arterial Stiffness in Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients MEDICINE
2015Comparison of hydration and nutritional status between young and elderly hemodialysis patients through bioimpedance analysis CLINICAL INTERVENTIONS IN AGING
2015Mesenchymal stem cell-derived microparticles ameliorate peritubular capillary rarefaction via inhibition of endothelial-mesenchymal transition and decrease tubulointerstitial fibrosis in unilateral ureteral obstruction STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY
2015The relationship between hemodialysis modality and insulin resistance in non-diabetic hemodialysis patientsBLOOD PURIFICATION
2014Risk Factors for Developing Hyponatremia in Thyroid Cancer Patients Undergoing Radioactive Iodine Therapy PLOS ONE
2014Endothelial Dysfunction Is Associated With Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis PatientsMEDICINE
2014바터씨 증후군으로 오인된 furosemide로 인한 신수질 석회화 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine (영남의대학술지)
2013Usefulness of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography for Predicting Cardiac Events in Asymptomatic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients at the Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL
2013항생제 병용요법으로 치료한 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 복막투석 복막염 1예 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine (영남의대학술지)
2013Serum osteoprotegerin is associated with vascular stiffness and the onset of new cardiovascular events in hemodialysis patients KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE
2013Two Distinct Functional Patterns of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-Specific T Cell Responses in Seronegative, Aviremic Patients PLOS ONE
2013Trends in the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Korean adults: the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1998 to 2009NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2012A Case of Basal Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with Membranous Glomerulonephritis Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine (영남의대학술지)
2011Insulin resistance and lower plasma adiponectin increase malignancy risk in nondiabetic continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patientsMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2011The effect of anemia and left ventricular geometric patterns on renal disease progression in type 2 diabetic nephropathy.JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
2011Association between the Ratio of Triglycerides to High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Chronic Kidney Disease in Korean Adults: The 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyKIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH
2010자가 면역성 갑상선염 환자에서 발생한 쇼그렌 증후군과 원위 세뇨관 산증 1예 Korean Journal of Nephrology
2010A case of acute phosphate nephropathy in a patient with nephrotic syndrome and decreased serum fetuin-ACLINICAL NEPHROLOGY
2010Association of inflammation and protein-energy wasting with endothelial dysfunction in peritoneal dialysis patients NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2010Metabolic syndrome predicts mortality in non-diabetic patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Activation of local aldosterone system within podocytes is involved in apoptosis under diabetic conditions AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY
2009Modifications of T-Scores by Quantitative Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in Koreans JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2009Colchicine attenuates inflammatory cell infiltration and extracellular matrix accumulation in diabetic nephropathy AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY
2009Association of white blood cell count with metabolic syndrome in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysisMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2009The impact of dialysis modality on skin hyperpigmentation in haemodialysis patients NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION
2009Cancer in Patients on Chronic Dialysis in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2009Elevated cardiac troponin T predicts cardiovascular events in asymptomatic continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients without a history of cardiovascular diseaseAMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
2008Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis in an old-aged man. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2008A Case of Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis in a Hepatitis B Virus Carrier Successfully Treated with High dose Immunosuppressive Therapy and Prophylactic Lamivudine Korean Journal of Nephrology
2008MCP-1/CCR2 system is involved in high glucose-induced fibronectin and type IV collagen expression in cultured mesangial cells AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY
2008FR167653 inhibits fibronectin expression and apoptosis in diabetic glomeruli and in high-glucose-stimulated mesangial cells. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY

