2019 | Resonance Frequency Analysis of Tapered Implants Placed at Maxillary Posterior Sites After Lateral Sinus Augmentation: A 1.5-year Follow-Up Prospective Study | IMPLANT DENTISTRY |
2018 | Retrospective radiographic observational study of 1692 Straumann tissue-level dental implants over 10 years: II. Marginal bone stability | CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2018 | Retrospective radiographic observational study of 1692 Straumann tissue-level dental implants over 10 years: I. Implant survival and loss pattern. | CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2018 | Proof-of-concept study of vertical augmentation using block-type allogenic bone grafts: A preclinical experimental study on rabbit calvaria | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B-APPLIED BIOMATERIALS |
2017 | Dimensional alterations following vertical ridge augmentation using collagen membrane and three types of bone grafting materials: A retrospective observational study | CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2017 | Chemokine in inflamed periodontal tissues activates healthy periodontal-ligament stem cell migration | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY |
2017 | Randomized Clinical Trial of Maxillary Sinus Grafting using Deproteinized Porcine and Bovine Bone Mineral | CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2017 | Long-term outcomes of dental implants placed in elderly patients: a retrospective clinical and radiographic analysis | CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH |
2017 | In Vivo Evaluation of Commercially Available Gel-Type Polyethylene Glycol Membrane for Carrier of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2016 | In vivo bone formation by human alveolar-bone-derived mesenchymal stem cells obtained during implant osteotomy using biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics or Bio-Oss as carriers | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B-APPLIED BIOMATERIALS |
2016 | Increased osteoinductivity and mineralization by minimal concentration of bone morphogenetic protein-2 loaded onto biphasic calcium phosphate in a rabbit sinus
2015 | Reduction of Adipose Tissue Formation by the Controlled Release of BMP-2 Using a Hydroxyapatite-Coated Collagen Carrier System for Sinus-Augmentation/Extraction-Socket Grafting
2015 | The Effect of Enamel Matrix Derivatives on the Collagen Formation by Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells both in vitro and in vivo Analysis
| Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지) |
2015 | Prospective randomized, controlled trial of sinus grafting using Escherichia-coli-produced rhBMP-2 with a biphasic calcium phosphate carrier compared to deproteinized bovine bone | CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH |
2015 | Human bone marrow stem cells cultured under hypoxic conditions present altered characteristics and enhanced in vivo tissue regeneration | BONE |
2015 | Ridge regeneration of damaged extraction sockets using rhBMP-2: an experimental study in canine | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY |
2015 | Controlled release of BMP-2 using a heparin-conjugated carrier system reduces in vivo adipose tissue formation | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A |
2015 | Differential effect of water-soluble chitin on collagen synthesis of human bone marrow stem cells and human periodontal ligament stem cells | TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A |
2015 | Effect of FGF-2 on collagen tissue regeneration by human vertebral bone marrow stem cells | STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT |
2014 | Improvement in periodontal healing after periodontal surgery supported by nutritional supplement drinks
2014 | Simultaneous placement of an interpositional free gingival graft with nonsubmerged implant placement
2014 | 좁은 폭경의 상악 전치부 수복 시 임플란트 선택에 관한 후향적 연구: 골이식을 동반하지 않은 좁은 폭경의 임플란트와 골이식을 동반한 보통 폭경의 임플란트 식립 비교
| Implantology |
2014 | Ridge preservation using demineralized bone matrix gel with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 after tooth extraction: A randomized controlled clinical trial | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2014 | Treatment of FGF-2 onstem cells from inflamed dental pulp tissue from human deciduous teeth | ORAL DISEASES |
2014 | Sinus Augmentation Using BMP-2 in a Bovine Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Carrier in Dogs | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY |
2013 | 전치부 심미영역에서 연조직 및 경조직 증대술을 동반한 조기 임플란트 식립
| Implantology |
2013 | 좁은 직경 임플란트에 관한 장기간의 후향적 연구 결과
| Implantology |
2013 | Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Stimulates the Osteogenic Potential of the Schneiderian Membrane: A Histometric Analysis in Rabbits | TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A |
2013 | 심한 치주골 흡수에서 티타늄 메쉬를 이용한 치주골 재건에 대한 증례
| Implantology |
2013 | 흡연자에서 임플란트의 단기간 성공률 및 변연골 흡수량에 관한 후향적 연구
| Implantology |
2013 | Bone Formation and Remodeling of Three Different Dental Implant Surfaces with Escherichia Coli–Derived Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 in a Rabbit Model | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2012 | 외과적 정출술을 통한 치은 하방 치경부 파절선이 있는 상악 전치부의 심미 보철 치료
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2012 | Novel application of human periodontal ligament stem cells and water-soluble chitin for collagen tissue regeneration: in vitro and in vivo investigations | TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A |
2012 | Osteoinductive activity of biphasic calcium phosphate with different rhBMP-2 doses in rats | ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY |
2012 | Effect of humoral factors from hPDLSCs on the biologic activity of hABCs | ORAL DISEASES |
2012 | Dose- and time-dependent effects of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 on the osteogenic and adipogenic potentials of alveolar bone-derived stromal cells | JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH |
2012 | The dynamic healing profile of human periodontal ligament stem cells: histological and immunohistochemical analysis using an ectopic transplantation model | JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH |
2012 | Novel analysis model for implant osseointegration using ectopic bone formation via the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2/macroporous biphasic calcium phosphate block system in rats: a proof-of-concept study.
2012 | Comparative evaluation of roughness of titanium surfaces treated by different hygiene instruments
2012 | In situ dental implant installation after decontamination in a previously peri-implant diseased site: a pilot study
2012 | Development of the implant surgical technique and assessment rating system
2012 | Prevalence and anatomic topography of mandibular tori: computed tomographic analysis | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2012 | Long-term results from soft and hard tissue augmentation by a modified vascularized interpositional periosteal-connective tissue technique in the maxillary anterior regiontechnique in the maxillary anterior region | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2012 | The clinical effect of locally delivered minocycline in association with flap surgery for the treatment of chronic severe periodontitis: a split-mouth design | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY |
2012 | Acquisition of human alveolar bone-derived stromal cells using minimally irrigated implant osteotomy: in vitro and in vivo evaluations | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY |
2012 | Volumetric bone regenerative efficacy of biphasic calcium phosphate-collagen composite block loaded with rhBMP-2 in vertical bone augmentation model of a rabbit calvarium | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A |
2012 | The influence of perforating the autogenous block bone and the recipient bed in dogs. Part II: histologic analysis | CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH |
2012 | Flap extension attained by vertical and periosteal-releasing incisions: a prospective cohort study. | CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH |
2012 | 토끼 두개골 결손부에서 가교화된 제1형 콜라켄 차폐막의 초기 골형성 효과 | Biomaterials Research (생체재료학회지) |
2012 | Analysis of hydrolyzable polyethylene glycol hydrogels and deproteinized bone mineral as delivery systems for glycosylated and non-glycosylated bone morphogenetic protein-2 | ACTA BIOMATERIALIA |