2017 | Evaluation of the accuracy and precision of four intraoral scanners with 70% reduced inlay and four-unit bridge models of international standard
2017 | Antibacterial activity and effect on gingival cells of microwave-pulsed non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma in artificial saliva
2017 | Immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory effect of ZOE-based dental materials | DENTAL MATERIALS |
2017 | Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma functionalized dental implant for enhancement of bacterial resistance and osseointegration | DENTAL MATERIALS |
2016 | Long-Term Antibacterial Performance and Bioactivity of Plasma-Engineered Ag-NPs/TiO2 Nanotubes for Bio-Implants | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2016 | Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma increased mRNA expression of growth factors in human gingival fibroblasts | CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS |
2016 | The in vitro and in vivo effects of a fast-dissolving mucoadhesive bi-layered strip as topical anesthetics
2016 | Cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of zinc ions and eugenol during setting of ZOE in immortalized human oral keratinocytes grown as three-dimensional spheroids. | DENTAL MATERIALS |
2016 | Bone Regeneration Using a Mixture of Silicon-Substituted Coral HA and β-TCP in a Rat Calvarial Bone Defect Model
2015 | a-TCP를 첨가한 글라스 아이오노머 시멘트의 법랑질 탈회저항성
| Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | 치과재료 품목의 국제조화를 위한 각국 분류체계의 비교연구
| Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | An Alternative to Annealing TiO2 Nanotubes for Morphology Preservation: Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2015 | SLA 처리 티타늄 표면에서의 유전자발현에 대한 상온대기압 플라즈마의 효과
| Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | 수증기 첨가 상온 대기압 플라즈마의 미백 효과
| Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | 골유도 재생술을 위한 다공성 티타늄-은 합금 메쉬의 골 형성
| Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | Resin bonding of metal brackets to glazed zirconia with a porcelain primer
2015 | Catechol-Functionalized Synthetic Polymer as a Dental Adhesive to Contaminated Dentin Surface for a Composite Restoration
2015 | The Study on Inhibition of Planktonic Bacterial Growth by Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treated Surfaces for Dental Application | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2015 | 치과용 지르코니아의 in vitro 및 in vivo 생물학적 평가 | Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지) |
2015 | Cytotoxicity and terminal differentiation of human oral keratinocyte by indium ions from a silver-palladium-gold-indium dental alloy | DENTAL MATERIALS |
2015 | Air atmospheric-pressure plasma-jet treatment enhances the attachment of human gingival fibroblasts for early peri-implant soft tissue seals on titanium dental implant abutments | ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA |
2014 | Characterization of hydroxyapatite containing a titania layer formed by anodization coupled with blasting | ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA |
2014 | Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Elastomeric Impression Materials Using Different Fibroblasts Cell Lines | Journal of Korean Dental Science |
2014 | 상온대기압 질소 및 공기 플라즈마가 의치상용 레진의표면 특성과 살균효과에 미치는 영향
| Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene (한국치위생학회지) |
2014 | 상온 대기압 플라즈마의 치의학적 응용
| Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지) |
2014 | Positive control for cytotoxicity evaluation of dental vinyl polysiloxane impression materials using sodium lauryl sulfate | ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA |
2014 | Cellular attachment and differentiation on titania nanotubes exposed to air- or nitrogen-based non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma.
2014 | A comparative study of three cytotoxicity test methods for nanomaterials using sodium lauryl sulfate. | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2014 | Air atmospheric pressure plasma jet pretreatment for drop-wise loading of dexamethasone on hydroxyapatite scaffold for increase of osteoblast attachment. | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2014 | Fabrication of bioactive, antibacterial TiO2 nanotube surfaces, coated with magnetron sputtered Ag nanostructures for dental applications. | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY |
2014 | BMP-2 promotes oral squamous carcinoma cell invasion by inducing CCL5 release
2014 | The disinfection of impression materials by using microwave irradiation and hydrogen peroxide | JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY |
2014 | Cytotoxicity Comparison of the Nanoparticles Deposited on Latex Rubber Bands between the Original and Stretched State
2014 | Development of hydrophilic dental wax without surfactant using a non-thermal air atmospheric pressure plasma jet | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS |
2014 | Cell immobilization on polymer by air atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
2014 | Biological evaluation of micro-nano patterned implant formed by anodic oxidation | CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS |
2014 | The enhanced integrin-mediated cell attachment and osteogenic gene expression on atmospheric pressure plasma jet treated micro-structured titanium surfaces | Current Applied Physics |
2014 | Tailoring of antibacterial Ag nanostructures on TiO2 nanotube layers by magnetron sputtering | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B - Applied Biomaterials |
2014 | Cytotoxicity Test of One-Step Self-Etching Bonding Agents by Standardized Dentin Barrier Test Using Polyurethane Discs
2014 | Cytotoxicity evaluation of zinc oxide-eugenol and non-eugenol cements using different fibroblast cell lines | ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA |
2013 | Modification of TiO(2) nanotube surfaces by electro-spray deposition of amoxicillin combined with PLGA for bactericidal effects at surgical implantation sites | ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA |
2013 | 중증 치주염환자의 치은열구액에서 전신 급성감염인자인 C-reactive protein의 검출
| Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지) |
2013 | SLA 처리된 임플란트 표면에서 상온대기압 공기 플라즈마가 세포활성에 미치는 영향
| Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지) |
2013 | Time-dependent growth of TiO2 nanotubes from a magnetron sputtered Ti thin film | Thin Solid Films |
2013 | The effects of enhancing the surface energy of a polystyrene plate by air atmospheric pressure plasma jet on early attachment of fibroblast under moving incubation | THIN SOLID FILMS |
2013 | Tooth Whitening Effects by Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasmas with Different Gases | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
2013 | Acid neutralizing, mechanical and physical properties of pit and fissure sealants containing melt-derived 45S5 bioactive glass | DENTAL MATERIALS |
2013 | Surface modification of biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds by non-thermal atmospheric pressure nitrogen and air plasma treatment for improving osteoblast attachment and proliferation | THIN SOLID FILMS |
2013 | Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of silica coated gold nanoparticles for hyperthermia
| Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지) |
2013 | 저온 상압 플라즈마의 치아 미백 효과 및 법랑질 표면형상의 변화에 미치는 효과
| Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지) |