Browsing by Yonsei Author : An, Suk Kyoon

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An, Suk Kyoon [안석균]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Psychiatry (정신과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (7203025507)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 150

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Impact of the mental health law revision restricting hospitalization on healthcare utilization in South Korea using interrupted time series analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Impact of data extraction errors in meta-analyses on the association between depression and peripheral inflammatory biomarkers: an umbrella reviewPSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
2022A nationwide cohort study of the association of benzodiazepines with SARS-CoV-2 infection and clinical outcomes SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Theory of mind and hair cortisol in healthy young adults: the moderating effects of childhood trauma EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY
2022Relationship of neurocognitive ability, perspective taking, and psychoticism with hostile attribution bias in non-clinical participants: Theory of mind as a mediator FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
2022The stress-vulnerability model on the path to schizophrenia: Interaction between BDNF methylation and schizotypy on the resting-state brain network SCHIZOPHRENIA
2021Effect of Childhood Trauma on the Association Between Stress-Related Psychological Factors and Hair Cortisol Level in Young Adults PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021Empathy and Theory of Mind in Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis: Relations With Schizotypy and Executive Function PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021Sex-specific association of hair cortisol concentration with stress-related psychological factors in healthy young adults BIOLOGY OF SEX DIFFERENCES
2021Shame and guilt in youth at ultra-high risk for psychosis COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2021Increased resting-state cerebellar-cortical connectivity in breast cancer survivors with cognitive complaints after chemotherapy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021"Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test": Translated and Korean Versions PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021젊은 조현병 환자에서 공감경향과 마음이론기술: 자기보고 조현형차원 및 실행기능과의 연관성 Korean Journal of Schizophrenia Research(대한조현병학회지)
2021Associations of Self-Consciousness with Insomnia Symptoms Chronobiology in Medicine
2020Sex differences in the association between social relationships and insomnia symptomsJOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2020Deactivation of anterior cingulate cortex during virtual social interaction in obsessive-compulsive disorderPSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING
2020Changes in resting-state brain connectivity following computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in dialysis patients: A pilot studyGENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY
2020Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test: Relationship with Neurocognition and Facial Emotion Recognition in Non-Clinical Youths PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2020Impaired Facial Emotion Recognition in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis and Associations With Schizotypy and Paranoia Level FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2020Reduced Activation of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex During Self-Referential Processing in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for PsychosisAUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2019Individualized Prediction of Transition to Psychosis in 1,676 Individuals at Clinical High Risk: Development and Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model Based on Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2019Factors Associated With Psychosocial Functioning and Outcome of Individuals With Recent-Onset Schizophrenia and at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2019Reduced DNA Methylation of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Is Associated With Anhedonia-Asociality in Women With Recent-Onset Schizophrenia and Ultra-high Risk for PsychosisSCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN
2019Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Versus a Deep Learning Algorithm in the Prediction of Dementia: An Analysis Based on Periodic Health Examination JMIR Medical Informatics
2019The Associations between Anger Expression and Insomnia among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Korea Chronobiology in Medicine
2019Psychotic conversion of individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: The potential roles of schizotypy and basic symptomsEARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY
2019Suicidal ideation in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and its association with suspiciousness independent of depressionEARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY
2019Associations of systemic inflammation with frontotemporal functional network connectivity and out-degree social-network size in community- dwelling older adultsBRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY
2019Oxytocin receptorgenevariantsareassociatedwithemotionrecognitionandresilience, but not with false-belief reasoning performance in healthy young Korean volunteers CNS NEUROSCIENCE & THERAPEUTICS
2019Population-based dementia prediction model using Korean public health examination data: A cohort study PLOS ONE
2018지역 사회 노인을 대상으로 한 불면증 단기 치료 프로그램의 효과 Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology (수면정신생리)
2018Aberrant cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity and minimal self-disturbance in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and with first-episode schizophreniaSCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2018Genetic variation in cytokine genes and risk for transition to psychosis among individuals at ultra-high riskSCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2018Predicting Working Memory Capacity in Older Subjects Using Quantitative Electroencephalography PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2018Aberrant Tendency of Noncurrent Emotional Experiences in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2018정신증고위험군의 임상적 특성 및 진단 Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association (신경정신의학)
2018Fragile Self and Malevolent Others: Biased Attribution Styles in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2018Coping styles in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Associations with cognitive appraisalsPSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2018Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Reduces Hypnotic Prescriptions PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2017추적 관찰을 통한 한국 농촌 노인의 수면 장애 예측 Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology (수면정신생리)
2017Impaired Social and Role Function in Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis and First-Episode Schizophrenia: Its Relations with Negative Symptoms PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2017Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia in Korea: A Multicenter Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2016Associations between actigraphy-assessed sleep, inflammatory markers, and insulin resistance in the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) studySLEEP MEDICINE
2016Common variants of HTR3 genes are associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder and its phenotypic expression SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2016Heterogeneity of Psychosis Risk Within Individuals at Clinical High Risk: A Meta-analytical StratificationJAMA PSYCHIATRY
2016Frontostriatal Connectivity Changes in Major Depressive Disorder After Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Study.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY
2016Experiential pleasure deficits in the prodrome: A study of emotional experiences in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and recent-onset schizophrenia.COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2015Relationships between chronotypes and affective temperaments in healthy young adultsJOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2015Impairedfacialemotionrecognitioninindividualsatultra-highriskforpsychosisand withfirst-episodeschizophrenia, and theirassociationswithneurocognitivedeficitsandself-reportedschizotypySCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH

