Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Jinsung

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Kim, Jinsung [김진성]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56071876500)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 163

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Development of a new VMAT QA framework for Mobius3D using control-point specific EPID images FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2024A novel proposition of radiation energy conservation in radiation dose deformation using deformable image registrationPHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2024The role of artificial intelligence measured preoperative kidney volume in predicting kidney function loss in elderly kidney donors: a multicenter cohort study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2024Advanced mathematical modeling for preciseestimation of CT energy spectrum using a calibration phantomPHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS
2024LLM-driven multimodal target volume contouring in radiation oncology NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Personalized Deep Learning Model for Clinical Target Volume on Daily Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Breast Cancer PatientsADVANCES IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2024The InterVision Framework: An Enhanced Fine-Tuning Deep Learning Strategy for Auto-Segmentation in Head and Neck JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE
2024Experience of Implementing Deep Learning-Based Automatic Contouring in Breast Radiation Therapy Planning: Insights From Over 2000 CasesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2024Radiomics-based hybrid model for predicting radiation pneumonitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS
2024Generating 3D images of VMAT plans for predictive models and activation maps associated with plan deliverabilityMEDICAL PHYSICS
2024Dosimetric analysis of six whole-breast irradiation techniques in supine and prone positions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Assessment of traumatic mandibular nerve using MR neurography sequence: a preliminary study BMC ORAL HEALTH
2024Dose-toxicity surface histogram-based prediction of radiation dermatitis severity and shapePHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2024Dosimetric Comparison of CPAP and DIBH for Left-sided Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy ADVANCES IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2024Inter-scanner super-resolution of 3D cine MRI using a transfer-learning network for MRgRTPHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2024Development of shielding evaluation and management program for O-ring type linear accelerators SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024An investigation of correlation between external surrogate signal and internal motion according to respiratory irregularityProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2024Assessment of radio-activation using spectroscopy in medical linear accelerators PLOS ONE
2024Clinical feasibility of deep learning-based synthetic CT images from T2-weighted MR images for cervical cancer patients compared to MRCAT SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Evaluation of the deliverability of dynamic conformal arc therapy (DCAT) by gantry wobble and its influence on dose SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Assessment of deep learning-based auto-contouring on interobserver consistency in target volume and organs-at-risk delineation for breast cancer: Implications for RTQA program in a multi-institutional study BREAST
2024Large Institutional Experience of Early Outcomes and Dosimetric Findings with Postoperative Stereotactic Partial Breast Irradiation in Breast CancerRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2024Normal tissue complication probability models of hypothyroidism after radiotherapy for breast cancer CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2023Risk of on-treatment lymphopenia is associated with treatment outcome and efficacy of consolidation immunotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapyRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2023An Investigation of the Effect of Virtual Reality on Alleviating Anxiety in Patients With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy: A Randomized Controlled TrialINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2023Using a Deep Learning Model to Address Interobserver Variability in the Evaluation of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) Severity JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE
2023Empowering Vision Transformer by Network Hyper-Parameter Selection for Whole Pelvis Prostate Planning Target Volume Auto-Segmentation CANCERS
2023Acute coronary event (ACE) prediction following breast radiotherapy by features extracted from 3D CT, dose, and cardiac structuresMEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Dosimetric verification of annual quality assurance for a linear accelerator using a transmission type detector SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023A high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (HRCBCT) reconstruction framework for CBCT-guided online adaptive therapyMEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Preliminary study for the development of radiation safety evaluation methodology for industrial kV-rated radiation generator facilitiesNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
2023Development and evaluation of an integrated model based on a deep segmentation network and demography-added radiomics algorithm for segmentation and diagnosis of early lung adenocarcinoma COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS
2023An investigation into the risk of population bias in deep learning autocontouring RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2023Development of open access tool for automatic use factor calculation using DICOM-RT patient data PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES IN MEDICINE
2023Technical note: Progressive deep learning: An accelerated training strategy for medical image segmentationMEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Development and Validation of a Normal Tissue Complication Probability Model for Lymphedema After Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2023Machine learning‑based radiomics models for prediction of locoregional recurrence in patients with breast cancer ONCOLOGY LETTERS
2023Application of error classification model using indices based on dose distribution for characteristics evaluation of multileaf collimator position errors SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Development of a quasi-3D dosimeter using radiochromic plastic for patient-specific quality assuranceMEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Evaluating motion of pancreatic tumors and anatomical surrogates using cine MRI in 0.35T MRgRT under free breathing conditions JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Mathematical prediction with pretreatment growth rate of metastatic cancer on outcomes: implications for the characterization of oligometastatic disease FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2023Neural network based ensemble model to predict radiation induced lymphopenia after concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer from two institutions NEOPLASIA
2023Development of Automated Delivery Quality Assurance Analysis Software for Helical Tomotherapy TECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT
2023Feasibility study of using triple-energy CT images for improving stopping power estimationNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
2023Incorporating axillary-lateral thoracic vessel juncture dosimetric variables improves model for predicting lymphedema in patients with breast cancer: A validation analysis CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2023Ensemble learning and personalized training for the improvement of unsupervised deep learning-based synthetic CT reconstructionMEDICAL PHYSICS
2023Novel framework for determining TPS-calculated doses corresponding to detector locations using 3D camera in in vivo surface dosimetryPHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2023Dosimetric comparison of robust angles in carbon-ion radiation therapy for prostate cancer FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2023A New Approach to Quantify and Grade Radiation Dermatitis Using Deep-Learning Segmentation in Skin Photographs CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Activity Evaluation Methodology for the Disposed Medical Linear Accelerators APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL

