Deep Learning* ; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted / methods ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging / methods ; Tomography, X-Ray Computed / methods
auto segmentation ; deep learning ; optimization
Background: Recent advancements in Deep Learning (DL) methodologies have led to state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications especially in object recognition, classification, and segmentation of medical images. However, training modern DL models requires a large amount of computation and long training times due to the complex nature of network structures and the large number of training datasets involved. Moreover, it is an intensive, repetitive manual process to select the optimized configuration of hyperparameters for a given DL network.
Purpose: In this study, we present a novel approach to accelerate the training time of DL models via the progressive feeding of training datasets based on similarity measures for medical image segmentation. We term this approach Progressive Deep Learning (PDL).
Methods: The two-stage PDL approach was tested on the auto-segmentation task for two imaging modalities: CT and MRI. The training datasets were ranked according to similarity measures between each sample based on Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), and the Universal Quality Image Index (UQI) values. At the start of the training process, a relatively coarse sampling of training datasets with higher ranks was used to optimize the hyperparameters of the DL network. Following this, the samples with higher ranks were used in step 1 to yield accelerated loss minimization in early training epochs and the total dataset was added in step 2 for the remainder of training.
Results: Our results demonstrate that the PDL approach can reduce the training time by nearly half (∼49%) and can predict segmentations (CT U-net/DenseNet dice coefficient: 0.9506/0.9508, MR U-net/DenseNet dice coefficient: 0.9508/0.9510) without major statistical difference (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) compared to the conventional DL approach. The total training times with a fixed cutoff at 0.95 DSC for the CT dataset using DenseNet and U-Net architectures, respectively, were 17 h, 20 min and 4 h, 45 min in the conventional case compared to 8 h, 45 min and 2 h, 20 min with PDL. For the MRI dataset, the total training times using the same architectures were 2 h, 54 min and 52 min in the conventional case and 1 h, 14 min and 25 min with PDL.
Conclusion: The proposed PDL training approach offers the ability to substantially reduce the training time for medical image segmentation while maintaining the performance achieved in the conventional case.