2. Thesis

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Risk Factors for Surgery in Patients with Intestinal Behçet’s Disease During Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Therapy Thesis
2023Sex difference in effectiveness of early rhythm- over rate-control in patients with atrial fibrillation Thesis
2022뒤시엔느형 근디스트로피 환자의 심장기능 이상과 장기적인 임상 결과 사이의 연관성 Thesis
2022Prevalence of sarcopenia among hemodialysis patients: Impact of different indices of muscle mass and myokines Thesis
2022Clinical characteristics and prognosis according to focality of epilepsy patients reporting generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone Thesis
2022Characteristics and treatment outcomes of transition in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Thesis
2021Circulating NK and T cell subpopulations correlate with response to immune checkpoint blockade in sarcoma patients Thesis
2021Optimal duration for dual antiplatelet therapy after left main coronary artery stenting Thesis
2021Follistatin –like protein 1 (FSTL1) secretion during exercise Thesis
2021Additive prognostic value of aortic arch calcification of chest X-ray and feasibility of machine learning algorithm on cardiovascular outcome; retrospective study Thesis
2021Epidemiology of fungal infection after lung transplantation Thesis
2020A lesion-based convolutional neural network improves endoscopic detection and depth prediction of early gastric cancer Thesis
2020Progression of coronary artery calcification and association with traditional risk burden in asymptomatic Korean adults: the Korea initiatives on coronary artery calcification (KOICA) registry Thesis
2019메트폴민을 사용하는 2형 당뇨병 환자에서 비타민 B12 결핍의 유병률 및 호모시스테인 수치와의 연관성 Thesis
2017Predictors of sick sinus syndrome in patients after successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial flutter Thesis
2017The trends of atrial fibrillation-related hospital visit and cost, treatment pattern and mortality in Korea : 10-year nationwide sample cohort data Thesis
2017Subclinical fluid overload is significantly associated with coronary artery calcification in patients with chronic kidney disease Thesis
2018Large discrepancy between unobserved automated office blood pressure and ambulatory blood pressure in a high cardiovascular risk cohort Thesis
2018Association between triglyceride glucose index and arterial stiffness in Korean adults Thesis
2017The effect of metformin on recurrence of colorectal adenoma in diabetic patients with previous colorectal adenoma Thesis

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