Browsing by Yonsei Author : Cho, Yonggeun

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Cho, Yonggeun [조용근]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 22 of 22

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Plasma free hemoglobin measurement using hemolysis indices from cobas C702 and atellica CH930 analyzersCLINICA CHIMICA ACTA
2021Measurement of Plasma Free Hemoglobin Using Hemolysis Index and Bilirubin Interference Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance(임상검사와 정도관리)
2021임상적 중요 농도에서의 동등성 평가를 위한 세 가지 칼시토닌 자동 면역검사의 비교 Laboratory Medicine Online
2021Concordance of Three Automated Procalcitonin Immunoassays at Medical Decision Points ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2021Characteristics of community-acquired respiratory viruses infections except seasonal influenza in transplant recipients and non-transplant critically ill patients JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2021Performance Evaluation of Thyroid Function Tests on a Novel Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay SystemJOURNAL OF APPLIED LABORATORY MEDICINE
2020Establishment of Reference Intervals for Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I in Korean Adult Population Endocrinology and Metabolism (대한내분비학회지)
2020Heterophile antibody interference associated with natural killer cell therapy ENDOCRINE JOURNAL
2020Identification of Serum Biomarkers for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Using a Targeted Metabolomics Approach SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Micro-lancet (ML) for Minimizing Lancing PainBIOCHIP JOURNAL
2019자동화학분석기 Atellica CH 930 Analyzer의 성능 평가 Laboratory Medicine Online
2019Report of Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service on the Accuracy-Based Lipid Proficiency Testing (2016-2018) Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance (임상검사와 정도관리) 2002~
2019Fasting serum bile acids concentration is associated with insulin resistance independently of diabetes statusClinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
2015Hypertriglyceridemia is a Major Factor Associated With Elevated Levels of Small Dense LDL Cholesterol in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2015Protection of mice against pandemic H1N1 influenza virus challenge after immunization with baculovirus-expressed stabilizing peptide fusion hemagglutinin protein JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
2013A Case of Late-Onset Li-Fraumeni-like Syndrome with Unilateral Breast Cancer ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2012A novel multiplex real-time PCR assay for the concurrent detection of hepatitis A, B and C viruses in patients with acute hepatitis PLOS ONE
2012Diagnostic values of urine CYFRA21-1, NMP22, UBC, and FDP for the detection of bladder cancerCLINICA CHIMICA ACTA
2012Diagnostic utilities of procalcitonin and C-reactive protein for the prediction of bacteremia determined by blood cultureCLINICA CHIMICA ACTA
2012The plasma small dense LDL-cholesterol calculation formula proposed by Srisawasdi et al is not applicable to Koreans who are healthy or have metabolic syndrome AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
2012Performance evaluation of new automated hepatitis B viral markers in the clinical laboratory: two quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen assays and an HBV core-related antigen assay AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
2010Parvovirus B19-induced pure red cell aplasia in a liver transplant recipient KOREAN JOURNAL OF LABORATORY MEDICINE

