Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Byung In

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Lee, Byung In [이병인]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurology (신경과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 129

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017Disclosure management behaviors in Korean adults with well-controlled epilepsy: Their relation to perception of stigmaEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2017Clinical outcome following medical treatment of cavernous malformation related epilepsy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2015Association of knowledge about epilepsy with mood and self-efficacy in Korean people with epilepsyEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2015GWAS identifies two susceptibility loci for lamotrigine-induced skin rash in patients with epilepsyEPILEPSY RESEARCH
2014야간근육경련의 페니토인 치료효과 : 예비연구 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2014Phosphorylation of hypothalamic AMPK on serine(485/491) related to sustained weight loss by alpha-lipoic acid in mice treated with olanzapine.PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY
2014Effect of Androsterone after Pilocarpine-induced Status Epilepticus in Mice Journal of Epilepsy Research
2014Changing name of epilepsy in Korea; cerebroelectric disorder(noi-jeon-jeung,뇌전증,): my epilepsy story.EPILEPSIA
2014Nonconvulsive status epilepticus manifesting as full-blown psychosis during pregnancySEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2014A newly discovered LGI1 mutation in Korean family with autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsySEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2014Epilepsy: New genes, new technologies, new insightsLANCET NEUROLOGY
2013Compensatory actions of orexinergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus during metabolic or cortical challenges may enable the coupling of metabolic dysfunction and cortical dysfunctionMEDICAL HYPOTHESES
2013Classifi cation of epileptic seizures and epilepsy syndromes NEUROLOGY ASIA
2012류마티스수막염: 신경계 증상과 병리 소견 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2012인슐린종으로 인한 과다수면과 무의식배회 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2012The localizing and lateralizing value of auras in lesional partial epilepsy patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012Reflex epilepsy induced by playing Go-stop or Baduk gamesSEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2012Short-term efficacy and safety of zonisamide as adjunctive treatment for refractory partial seizures: A multicenter open-label single-arm trial in Korean patientsSEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2011Simple Partial Status of Forced Thinking Originated in the Mesial Temporal Region: Intracranial Foramen Ovale Electrode Recording and Ictal PETJournal of Epilepsy Research
2011Cognitive and behavioral effects of lamotrigine and carbamazepine monotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed or untreated partial epilepsySEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2011The effect of topiramate monotherapy on bone mineral density and markers of bone and mineral metabolism in premenopausal women with epilepsyEPILEPSIA
2010Determination of lamotrigine in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES
2010Clinical feasibility of immediate overnight switching from slow-release carbamazepine to oxcarbazepine in Korean patients with refractory partial epilepsySEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2010A nonsynonymous variation in MRP2/ABCC2 is associated with neurological adverse drug reactions of carbamazepine in patients with epilepsy.PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS
2010Comparison of temporal lobectomies of children and adults with intractable temporal lobe epilepsyCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2009Surgery for Intractable Non-lesional Partial Epilepsy Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation
2009Palilalia, echolalia, and echopraxia-palipraxia as ictal manifestations in a patient with left frontal lobe epilepsyEPILEPSIA
2009Metabolic state, neurohormones, and vagal stimulation, not increased serotonin, orchestrate postprandial drowsinessBioscience Hypotheses
2009Inhibition of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress and nuclear huntingtin fragments in a mouse model of Huntington disease.NEUROSCIENCE
2009Long-term efficacy and tolerability of topiramate as add-on therapy in refractory partial epilepsy: an observational study.EPILEPSIA
2009테스토스테론의 대사물인 androsterone의 경련억제에 대한 영향 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2009The role of MMP-9 in integrin-mediated hippocampal cell death after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticusNEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE
2009Post-ischemic administration of peptide with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease activity inhibits induction of cell death after focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in miceNEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2009Pregabalin add-on therapy using a flexible, optimized dose schedule in refractory partial epilepsies: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial.EPILEPSIA
2008일과성 국소 대뇌 허혈 생쥐 모델에서 APE/Ref-1 융합 아데노바이러스 처치에 의한 APE/Ref-1의 과발현 및 신경세포고사 감소 Journal of Neurocritical Care
2008일과성 국소 대뇌 허혈 생쥐 모델에서 Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1의 증가 및 Ask1 표적 siRNA 처치에 대한 대뇌 허혈 감소 Journal of Neurocritical Care
2008Flutamide의 항경련 작용에 대한 in vitro 연구 Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society (대한간질학회지)
2008Neurocutaneous Melanosis Presenting as Chronic Partial Epilepsy JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY
2008Long-term cognitive and mood effects of zonisamide monotherapy in epilepsy patientsEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2008신경근 통증으로 발현된 척수 내 해면혈관종 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2008일차단독요법에서의 라모트리진과 카바마제핀의 비교: 다기관 개방형 임상연구 Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society (대한간질학회지)
2008장기 추적 관찰한 Rasmussen 뇌염 1예 Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society (대한간질학회지)
2008Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion protects against acute focal ischemia, improves motor function, and results in vascular remodelingCURRENT NEUROVASCULAR RESEARCH
2008Induction of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 and oxidative stress mediate age-dependent vulnerability to 3-nitropropionic acid in the mouse striatumNEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2008Tracing of Noradrenergic Neuronal Circuitry and Functional Recovery after Permanent Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice Journal of Neurocritical Care
2008Balloon cells and dysmorphic neurons in the hippocampus associated with epileptic amnesic syndrome: a case report.EPILEPSIA
2007Efficacy and safety of levetiracetam as adjunctive treatment of refractory partial seizures in a multicentre open-label single-arm trial in Korean patientsSEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2007Lamotrigine extended-release as adjunctive therapy for partial seizuresNEUROLOGY
2007국소 대뇌 허혈 및 재관류 후 생쥐 모델에서 활성 산소 제거제(MnTBAP)에 의한 Endonuclease G의 조기 핵 내 이동방지 및 뇌경색 감소 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2007Carbamazepine에 의한 만성적, 반복적 담관염 Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society (대한간질학회지)

