2020 | Small for gestational age birth may increase airflow limitation in bronchopulmonary dysplasia | PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY |
2019 | Evaluation of Newborn Infants with Prenatally Diagnosed Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation: A Single-Center Experience
| Neonatal Medicine |
2019 | Successful Treatment of Neonatal Pylorospasm with Intravenous Atropine
| Neonatal Medicine |
2019 | Implementation of a Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Panel for Constitutional Newborn Screening in High-Risk Neonates
2019 | Genitopatellar Syndrome Secondary to De Novo KAT6B Mutation: The First Genetically Confirmed Case in South Korea
2018 | The impact of a quality improvement effort in reducing admission hypothermia in preterm infants following delivery
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2018 | Prediction of Postnatal Growth Failure among Very Low Birth Weight Infants
2018 | Effective Tidal Volume for Normocapnia in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Using High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
2017 | Abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes are very likely in cases of bilateral neonatal arterial ischaemic stroke | ACTA PAEDIATRICA |
2017 | Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine in Korean Preterm Infants with Apnea of Prematurity
| Neonatal Medicine |
2017 | Postdischarge growth assessment in very low birth weight infants
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2017 | Experience and pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam in Korean neonates with neonatal seizures
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2016 | Clinical Outcomes of Renal Pelvis Dilatation in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
| Perinatology |
2016 | Diagnosis of Severe Protein C Deficiency Confirmed by Presence of Rare PROC Gene Mutation
| Neonatal Medicine |
2016 | A Case of Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema Treated by Percutaneous Catheter Insertion in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant
2015 | 미숙아에서 캥거루케어의 효과와 안정성
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2015 | The efficacy and safety of Montelukast sodium in the prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2015 | Risk Factors for Postoperative Cardiopulmonary Instability Following Ligation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
| Neonatal Medicine |
2015 | Intracranial Pial Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting as Brain Hemorrhage in Newborn Infants
| Neonatal Medicine |
2015 | Risk Factors for Rickets of Prematurity in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
| Neonatal Medicine |
2015 | Usefulness of serum cystatin C to determine the dose of vancomycin in neonate
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2015 | Initial Resuscitation at Delivery and Short Term Neonatal Outcomes in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants
2015 | Imaging patterns of sonographic lenticulostriate vasculopathy and correlation with clinical and neurodevelopmental outcome | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND |
2014 | 미숙아에서 장막층의 섬유 끈에 의한 선천적 위 출구 폐쇄 1례
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2014 | Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Confirmed to PKHD1 Gene Mutation: A Case of PKHD1 Gene Mutation
| Neonatal Medicine |
2014 | 태아수종 및 선천성 심장병에 동반된 난치성 상심실성 빈맥을 보이는 미숙아에서Amiodarone및 Digoxin 병합 치료 1례
| Neonatal Medicine |
2014 | Transient Elastography and Sonography for Prediction of Liver Fibrosis in Infants With Biliary Atresia | JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE |
2014 | Nutritional Outcomes in Children with Epidermolysis Bullosa: The Experiences of Two Centers in Korea
2014 | Positive Maternal C-Reactive Protein Predicts Neonatal Sepsis
2014 | Prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency in Korean adolescents: association with age, season and parental vitamin D status | PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION |
2013 | Serological investigation of Ureaplasma urealyticum in Korean preterm infants
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2013 | 미숙아 대사성 골 질환
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | 신생아 저산소성 허혈성 뇌손상에서 신경줄기세포의 치료적 적용
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | 대한신생아학회 창립 20주년을 기념하며
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | Risk Factors of Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants with Chronic Lung Disease
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | 초극소저체중 출생아에서 발생한 태변 연관 장폐색증
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | Parenteral Nutrition Associated Cholestasis Is Earlier, More Prolonged and Severe in Small for Gestational Age Compared with Appropriate for Gestational Age Very Low Birth Weight Infants
2013 | 빌리루빈 대사와 빌리루빈 뇌증
| Neonatal Medicine |
2013 | Usefulness of the delta neutrophil index for assessing neonatal sepsis | ACTA PAEDIATRICA |
2012 | 출생 전에 확인된 신생아 대뇌 정맥동 혈전증 1례
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2012 | Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker를 사용한 산모로부터 출생 후 급성 신부전증을 보인 신생아 1례
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2012 | 한국인 모유의 영양소와 영아의 성장과의 관계 분석 연구
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2012 | 미숙아 망막병증을 가진 극소 저체중 출생아에서 수술의 위험인자
| Journal of the Korean Society of Neonatology |
2012 | Successful pleurodesis with OK-432 (picibanil) in preterm infants with persistent pleural effusion
| Korean Journal of Pediatrics |
2012 | High incidence of rickets in extremely low birth weight infants with severe parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis and bronchopulmonary dysplasiabronchopulmonary dysplasia
2012 | Effects of cytochrome P450 (CYP)2C19 polymorphisms on pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital in neonates and infants with seizures | ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD |
2011 | 미숙아와 만삭아의 동맥관 개존증의 치료제로서 Ibuprofen 과 Indomethacin 의 비교분석
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2011 | Fetal MR imaging of constriction band syndrome involving the skull and brain | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY |
2011 | 일산화질소 흡입요법에 반응하지 않는 중증 신생아 지속성 폐동맥 고혈압증 환자에서 분무식 iloprost (Ventavis(R))의 치료효과
| Korean Journal of Perinatology (대한주산의학회잡지) |
2011 | X-linked myotubular myopathy in a family with two infant siblings: a case with MTM1 mutation