Browsing by Yonsei Author : Hong, Nam Ki

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Hong, Nam Ki [홍남기]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56640783600)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 124

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Association of Delayed Denosumab Dosing with Increased Risk of Fractures: A Population-Based Retrospective Study Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2024Validating Machine Learning Models Against the Saline Test Gold Standard for Primary Aldosteronism Diagnosis JACC: Asia
2024Effect of anti-sclerostin antibody on orthodontic tooth movement in ovariectomized rats PROGRESS IN ORTHODONTICS
2024Validation and proposal of case definitions for identifying patients with myasthenia gravisCURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINION
2024Discriminatory Accuracy of Fracture Risk Assessment Tool in Asian Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis JBM : Journal of Bone Metabolism
2024Efficacy and safety of weekly liquid alendronate in Korean postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: a 12-month, multi-center, randomized trial ARCHIVES OF OSTEOPOROSIS
2024Metabolic phenotyping with computed tomography deep learning for metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and sarcopenia predicts mortality in adultsJOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE
2024The potential role for artificial intelligence in fracture risk predictionLANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY
2024Differential Impact of Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat on Bone Changes after Gastrectomy Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2024Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on Bone Health Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2024Risk of fracture in patients with myasthenia gravis: a nationwide cohort study in KoreaJOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH
2024Association of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor use with risk of osteoporotic fracture among older women: A nationwide, population-based cohort studyDIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE
2024Secular trends in the incidence and treatment patterns of primary hyperparathyroidism in Korea: a nationwide cohort study JBMR plus
2024A randomized controlled trial of the effect of raloxifene plus cholecalciferol versus cholecalciferol alone on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteopenia JBMR plus
2024Bone Loss after Solid Organ Transplantation: A Review of Organ-Specific ConsiderationsEndocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2024Dentists' Intention to Use Teleconsultation for the Treatment of Patients With Osteoporosis: An Online Survey StudyTELEMEDICINE AND E-HEALTH
2024Impact of COVID-19 on the Incidence of Fragility Fracture in South Korea JBM : Journal of Bone Metabolism
2024Circulating lumican as a potential biomarker for osteosarcopenia in older adultsBONE
2024Association of secondhand smoke with fracture risk in community-dwelling nonsmoking adults in Korea JBMR plus
2023Romosozumab is associated with greater trabecular bone score improvement compared to denosumab in postmenopausal osteoporosisOSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL
20232023 Korean Endocrine Society Consensus Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Primary Aldosteronism Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2023Age-Dependent Association of Height Loss with Incident Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal Korean Women Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2023Alterations in the global brain network in older adults with poor sleep quality: A resting-state fMRI studyJOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH
2023Increased Risk of Hip Fracture in Patients with Acromegaly: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2023Two Cases of Frontal Variation of Idiopathic Calvarial Thinning-Therapeutic Effect of Denosumab and Romosozumab JCEM Case Reports
2023Effectiveness and Usefulness of Bone Turnover Marker in Osteoporosis Patients: A Multicenter Study in Korea JBM : Journal of Bone Metabolism
2023Characteristics Associated with Bone Loss after Spinal Cord Injury: Implications for Hip Region Vulnerability Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2023Preclinical assessment of rodent jumping power with a novel electrical stimulation-assisted device SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Cortical and Trabecular Bone Deficit in Middle-Aged Men Living with HIVJOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH
2023Elevated morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic idiopathic hypophosphatemia: a nationwide cohort study FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY
2023Sex differences in mortality in patients with acromegaly: a nationwide cohort study in KoreaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY
2023Jump Power Predicts Fracture Risk in Older Adults Independent of Sarcopenia and FRAXJOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH
2023Deep-Learning-Based Detection of Vertebral Fracture and Osteoporosis Using Lateral Spine X-Ray RadiographyJOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH
2023Genomic and transcriptomic profiling reveal molecular characteristics of parathyroid carcinoma EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2023Exploratory use of romosozumab for osteoporosis in a patient with Hajdu-Cheney syndrome: a case reportOSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL
2023In-depth proteomic signature of parathyroid carcinomaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY
2023Adipopenia is associated with osteoporosis in community-dwelling non-underweight adults independent of sarcopeniaARCHIVES OF OSTEOPOROSIS
2023Chest X-ray-based opportunistic screening of sarcopenia using deep learning JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE
2023Low skeletal muscle mass is associated with mortality in kidney transplant recipientsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION
2023High Fatty Liver Index and Fracture Risk: Clinical Implications GUT AND LIVER
2022Low skull bone density is associated with poor motor prognosis in women with Parkinson's disease FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE
2022Association of Shift Work with Normal-Weight Obesity in Community-Dwelling Adults Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2022Update on Preoperative Parathyroid Localization in Primary Hyperparathyroidism Endocrinology and Metabolism(대한내분비학회지)
2022Prevalence and clinical characteristics of primary aldosteronism in a tertiary-care center in KoreaHYPERTENSION RESEARCH
2022Cardiovascular risks associated with calcium supplementation in patients with osteoporosis: a nationwide cohort studyEUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOTHERAPY
2022Retropharyngeal Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma Localized by 18F-Fluorocholine Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography: A Case Report JBM : Journal of Bone Metabolism
2022Elevated gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase level is associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Elevated serum γ-glutamyl transferase is associated with low muscle function in adults independent of muscle massNUTRITION
2022Operational Definition Identifying Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures in the Claims Database JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2022Machine Learning-Derived Integer-Based Score and Prediction of Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism among Kidney Transplant Recipients: An Integer-Based Score to Predict Tertiary HyperparathyroidismCLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY

