2012 | Results of laparoscopic davydov technique in 47 patients with congenital absence of the vagina: laparoscopic peritoneal vaginoplasty.
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2010 | Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in eutopic endometrium and ovarian endometriotic tissue in women with severe endometriosis. | GYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION |
2009 | 다낭성난소증후군 환자의 임상적 및 대사적 특성에 대한 체질량지수의 영향
| Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology (대한산부인과내분비학회지) |
2009 | 클로미펜에 얇은 자궁내막을 보이는 환자에서 성선자극호르몬 병합 과배란유도시 클로미펜과 레트로졸의 임상적 효용성
| Korean Journal of Reproductive Medicine (대한생식의학회지) |
2009 | Bone mineral density, arterial stiffness, and coronary atherosclerosis in healthy postmenopausal women | MENOPAUSE-THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY |
2009 | Endometrial osteopontin mRNA expression and plasma osteopontin levels are increased in patients with endometriosis | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY |
2008 | Clinical effects of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device in patients with adenomyosis | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY |
2008 | Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as an adjunct to CA-125 for the diagnosis of endometriosis | FERTILITY AND STERILITY |
2007 | 거대 양성 난소 종양의 복강경적 처치의 임상적 경험 | Korean Journal of Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery (대한산부인과내시경학회지) |
2007 | Black cohosh and St. John's wort (GYNO-Plus) for climacteric symptoms
2007 | Increased telomerase activity and human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA expression in the endometrium of patients with endometriosis
2007 | Evaluation of serum and urinary angiogenic factors in patients with endometriosis | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY |
2006 | Urinary tract injuries during pelvic surgery: Incidence rates and predisposing factors | INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL |
2006 | Guidelines for hormone replacement therapy of Asian women during the menopausal transition and thereafter | CLIMACTERIC |
2006 | 건강한 폐경 여성에서 호르몬 치료 후 Adipokine 및 Inflammatory Marker의 평가
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2005 | 폐경여성에서의 비타민 D와 부갑상선 호르몬의 영향에 관한 연구
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2005 | Effect of cetrorelix acetate on apoptosis and apoptosis regulatory factors in cultured uterine leiomyoma cells | FERTILITY AND STERILITY |
2005 | 폐경후 골다공증 여성에서 Raloxifene과 Alendronate가 골대사에 미치는 효과의 비교 연구
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2005 | The significance of bladder trabeculation in the female lower urinary system: An objective evaluation by urodynamic studies
2005 | Roles of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, p53 and p21 in pathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse | INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL |
2005 | 자궁선근증에 대한 미레나Ⓡ의 임상적 효과
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2005 | 다낭성 난소 증후군 환자에서 Isoflavone 섭취에 따른 혈중 생화학적 지표의 변화
| Korean Journal of the Fertility and Sterility |
2005 | Analysis of the Success Rates of Burch Colposuspension in Relation to Valsalva Leak-Point Pressure | JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE |
2005 | The relationship between maximal urethral closure pressure and functional urethral length in anterior vaginal wall prolapse patients according to stage and age
2005 | Survey of the characteristics and satisfaction degree of the patients using a pessary | INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL |
2005 | A Comparison of Different Pelvic Reconstruction Surgeries Using Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Patients
2005 | 부인암 병력을 가진 폐경기 여성에서의 GCP 섭취에 따른 면역체계 및 항산화 체계의 영향
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2004 | 조기난소부전 환자에서 X 염색체 불활성화 분석
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회잡지) |
2004 | Comparison of Perioperative Complications between Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery and General Gynecologic Surgery
2004 | 폐경된 유방암 환자에서 Tamoxifen 사용후 발생한 자궁근종에서 Estrogen Receptor Alpha, beta, Progesterone Receptor 발현의 차이
| Journal of Korean Society of Menopause (대한폐경학회지) |
2004 | 자궁내막증에서 cyclins-CDKs와 CDKIs에 의한 세포주기 조절경로에 관한 연구
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회잡지) |
2004 | 선택적 자궁 동맥 색전술 시행과 methotrexate로 보존적 치료를 시행한 유착태반 1예
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회잡지) |
2004 | 난소종양 환자에서 유세포분석을 통한 DNA 정량검사의 예후적 의의
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회잡지) |
2004 | 골반장기 탈출증 환자의 스테로이드 대사
| Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회잡지) |
2003 | Pelvic leiomyomatosis with intracaval and intracardiac extension: a case report and review of the literature | GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY |