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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Fine-mapping analysis including over 254,000 East Asian and European descendants identifies 136 putative colorectal cancer susceptibility genes NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2014Food away from home and body mass outcomes: Taking heterogeneity into account enhances quality of resultsNUTRITION
2018Food price trends in South Korea through time series analysisPUBLIC HEALTH
2024Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH
2017Fruit and vegetable consumption, Helicobacter pylori antibodies, and gastric cancer risk: A pooled analysis of prospective studies in China, Japan, and Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
2018Future directions for notifiable diseases: tuberculosis-related laws in the Philippines GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH
2018Gaps in health behaviours and use of preventive services between patients with diabetes and the general population: a population-based cross-sectional study BMJ OPEN
2024Gastric and colorectal cancer incidence attributable to dietary factors in Korea JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL ONCOLOGY
2016Gender gap in self-rated health in South Korea compared with the United States INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY
2018Gender-related effects of vision impairment characteristics on depression in KoreaOPHTHALMIC EPIDEMIOLOGY
2012Gender-specific combined effects of smoking and hypertension on cardiovascular disease mortality in elderly Koreans: The Kangwha Cohort StudyMATURITAS
2017Gender-specific interactions between education and income in relation to obesity: a cross-sectional analysis of the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V) BMJ OPEN
2021Gene-Environment Interactions Relevant to Estrogen and Risk of Breast Cancer: Can Gene-Environment Interactions Be Detected Only among Candidate SNPs from Genome-Wide Association Studies? CANCERS
2004Gene-gene and gene-environmental interactions of p53, p21, and IRF-1 polymorphisms in Korean women with cervix cancerINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2015Gene-gene interaction analysis identifies a new genetic risk factor for colorectal cancer JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE
2002Genetic contribution to factor VII levels in families of patients undergoing coronary arteriographyBLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS
2023Genetic influences on alcohol flushing in East Asian populations BMC GENOMICS
2018Genetic risk score of common genetic variants for impaired fasting glucose and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes influences oxidative stress SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015Genetic variants at 1q32.1, 10q11.2 and 19q13.41 are associated with prostate-specific antigen for prostate cancer screening in two Korean population-based cohort studiesGENE

