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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Dynamics of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes During Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer Thesis
2018Impaired function and epigenetic changes of human cord blood-derived CD133+/C-kit+Lin- endothelial progenitor cells in preeclampsia Thesis
2017The association between low 50 g glucose challenge test values and adverse pregnancy outcomes Thesis
2017Diagnostic and clinicopathological significance of Ki67 mRNA expression in cervical cancer tissue Thesis
2015단일공 복강경 전자궁절제술 후 오심과 구토를 예방하기 위한 ramosetron 정맥 투여에 대한 비교 연구 : 무작위 전향적 비교 Thesis
2015Feasibility of three-dimensional reconstruction and automated measurement of fetal long bones using 5D Long Bone™ Thesis
2014Expression of nephrin in the human placenta and membranes Thesis
2014자궁경부 세포검사에서 makorin ring finger protein1(MKRN1) 면역세포화학의 유용성 Thesis
2013Effects of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on the expression of steroid receptor coregulators TIF-2, AIB-1 and NCoR in adenomyosisThesis
2013A new prognostic index model using meta-analysis in early-stage epithelial ovarian cancer Thesis
2012Prognostic significance of NANOG in ovarian serous carcinomaThesis
2012Risk factors for preterm birth and the efficacy of prophylactic cerclage in patients with prior conizationThesis
2011Clinical significance of serum sRAGE and esRAGE in women with physiologic pregnancy and preeclampsia Thesis
2011The correlation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 proteolysis with insulin resistance in obese adolescents Thesis
2011Pregnancy outcome of late-onset recurrent preeclampsiaThesis
2011DNA methylation profile analysis of patients with ovarian tumorThesis
2010Alteration of elastin metabolism in women with pelvic organ prolaspe Thesis
2010AS04-증강 인유두종바이러스 백신에 의한 타액에서의 IgA 면역 반응 Thesis
2009임신 제 이삼분기의 다운증후군 태아에서 성별에 따른 초음파 부수소견과 모체혈청 생화학적 검사의 상관관계 Thesis
2009자궁내막증 환자의 자궁내막에서 thioredoxin 및 thioredoxin binding protein-2 mRNA 발현의 역할 Thesis

