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Showing results 37 to 56 of 137

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2006East Asian mtDNA haplogroup determination in Koreans: Haplogroup-level control region SNP analysis and subhaplogroup-level control region sequence analysisELECTROPHORESIS
2016Effectiveness of Coupled Application of AmpFℓSTR Yfiler Kit and Reduced Size Y-chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Analysis for Archeological Human BonesJOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES
2015Epigenetic age signatures in the forensically relevant body fluid of semen: a preliminary studyFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2012Evaluating the genomic and sequence integrity of human ES cell lines; comparison to normal genomesSTEM CELL RESEARCH
2022Evaluation of dural channels in the human parasagittal dural space and dura materANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER
2004Five highly informative X-chromosomal STRs in KoreansINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2011Forensic and genetic characterization of mtDNA from Pathans of PakistanINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2016Forensic DNA methylation profiling from evidence material for investigative leads BMB REPORTS
2005Forensic evaluation and haplotypes of 19 Y-chromosomal STR loci in KoreansFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL
2014Forensic interlaboratory evaluation of the ForFLUID kit for vaginal fluids identificationJOURNAL OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE
2018Forensic SNP Genotyping with SNaPshot: Development of a Novel In-house SBE Multiplex SNP AssayJOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES
2004Genetic characteristics and population study of 4 X-chromosomal STRs in Koreans: evidence for a null allele at DXS9898INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2008Genetic characterization and assessment of authenticity of ancient Korean skeletal remainsHUMAN BIOLOGY
2023Genetic investigation of 124 SNPs in a Myanmar population using the Precision ID Identity Panel and the Illumina MiSeqLEGAL MEDICINE
2009Genetic polymorphism and haplotype analysis of 4 tightly linked X-STR duos in Koreans CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015Genome-wide methylation profiling and a multiplex construction for the identification of body fluids using epigenetic markersFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2015Haplotype and mutation analysis for newly suggested Y-STRs in Korean father-son pairsFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2007Haplotypes and mutation analysis of 22 Y-chromosomal STRs in Korean father-son pairsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2013IDH1 mutation analysis in low cellularity specimen: A limitation of diagnostic accuracy and a proposal for the diagnostic procedurePATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE
2020Improved STR analysis of degraded DNA from human skeletal remains through in-house MPS-STR panelELECTROPHORESIS

