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2016 | Effectiveness of Coupled Application of AmpFℓSTR Yfiler Kit and Reduced Size Y-chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Analysis for Archeological Human Bones | JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES |
2015 | Epigenetic age signatures in the forensically relevant body fluid of semen: a preliminary study | FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS |
2012 | Evaluating the genomic and sequence integrity of human ES cell lines; comparison to normal genomes | STEM CELL RESEARCH |
2022 | Evaluation of dural channels in the human parasagittal dural space and dura mater | ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER |
2004 | Five highly informative X-chromosomal STRs in Koreans | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE |
2011 | Forensic and genetic characterization of mtDNA from Pathans of Pakistan | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE |
2016 | Forensic DNA methylation profiling from evidence material for investigative leads
2005 | Forensic evaluation and haplotypes of 19 Y-chromosomal STR loci in Koreans | FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL |
2014 | Forensic interlaboratory evaluation of the ForFLUID kit for vaginal fluids identification | JOURNAL OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE |
2018 | Forensic SNP Genotyping with SNaPshot: Development of a Novel In-house SBE Multiplex SNP Assay | JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES |
2004 | Genetic characteristics and population study of 4 X-chromosomal STRs in Koreans: evidence for a null allele at DXS9898 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE |
2008 | Genetic characterization and assessment of authenticity of ancient Korean skeletal remains | HUMAN BIOLOGY |
2023 | Genetic investigation of 124 SNPs in a Myanmar population using the Precision ID Identity Panel and the Illumina MiSeq | LEGAL MEDICINE |
2009 | Genetic polymorphism and haplotype analysis of 4 tightly linked X-STR duos in Koreans
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2015 | Haplotype and mutation analysis for newly suggested Y-STRs in Korean father-son pairs | FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS |
2007 | Haplotypes and mutation analysis of 22 Y-chromosomal STRs in Korean father-son pairs | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE |
2013 | IDH1 mutation analysis in low cellularity specimen: A limitation of diagnostic accuracy and a proposal for the diagnostic procedure | PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE |
2020 | Improved STR analysis of degraded DNA from human skeletal remains through in-house MPS-STR panel | ELECTROPHORESIS |