Browsing by Yonsei Author : Roh, Tai Suk

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Roh, Tai Suk [노태석]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (성형외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (7003716259)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 50 of 128

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Auricle reconstruction with autologous costal cartilage versus polyethylene implants in microtia patients: a meta-analysis Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2024One-Year Results of Ear Reconstruction with 3D Printed Implants YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Batwing-shaped de-epithelialization technique: a case report ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2024Ethyl Pyruvate Decreases Collagen Synthesis and Upregulates MMP Activity in Keloid Fibroblasts and Keloid Spheroids INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2024Demographic review of aesthetic surgery for patients with facial palsy Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2023Open Reduction of an Isolated Anterior Nasal Spine Fracture: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Archives of Plastic Surgery
2023Breast Tissue Reconstruction Using Polycaprolactone Ball Scaffolds in a Partial Mastectomy Pig ModelTISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
2023Fabrication of 3D-Printed Implant for Two-Stage Ear Reconstruction Surgery and Its Clinical Application YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2023The Study of a Validated Assessment Scale for a Localized Submental Fat Volume JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2023Complications Including Capsular Contracture in Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction With Textured Anatomical Versus Smooth Round Implants: A Single Center Retrospective Analysis JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2023Association between Immediate Breast Reconstruction and the Development of Breast Cancer-Related LymphedemaPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
2022Posttraumatic single-stage ear reconstruction with a contralateral temporoparietal free flap: a case report Archives of Hand and Microsurgery
2022Breast Tissue Restoration after the Partial Mastectomy Using Polycaprolactone Scaffold POLYMERS
2022Treatment of a massive keloid on posterior auricular area and ear after correction of microtia Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2022Cranioplasty and temporal hollowing correction with a three-dimensional printed bioresorbable mesh and double vertical suture anchor muscle sling: a case report Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2022Effect of Mortalin on Scar Formation in Human Dermal Fibroblasts and a Rat Incisional Scar Model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2022Dual cortical tunneling method for endoscopic forehead lift ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2022Initial report of extraperitoneal pedicle dissection in deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction using the da Vinci SP Archives of Plastic Surgery
2021A 45-degree Upward Tension-Releasing Epicanthoplasty Performed in 712 Consecutive CasesJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
2021Robotic DIEP Flap Harvest through a Totally Extraperitoneal Approach Using a Single-Port Surgical Robotic SystemPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
2021Anti-Aging Effects of Nanovesicles Derived from Human Tonsil-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2021Metformin Inhibits Transforming Growth Factor β-Induced Fibrogenic Response of Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Suppresses Fibrosis in Keloid SpheroidsANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY
2021Single-port robot-assisted prosthetic breast reconstruction with the da Vinci SP Surgical System: first clinical report Archives of Plastic Surgery
2021Treatment strategy for skin and soft tissue infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria following various procedures ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2021Stromal vascular fraction injection to treat intractable radiation-induced rectovaginal fistula Archives of Plastic Surgery
2021Anterolateral thigh free flaps and radial forearm free flaps in head and neck reconstruction: A 20-year analysis from a single institution Archives of Plastic Surgery
2020Hypofractionated Radiotherapy With Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Decreases Postoperative Complications in Prosthetic Breast Reconstructions: A Clinicopathologic Study FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2020Correction of an animation deformity that developed from breast implant removal ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2020나노기둥구조 크기가 섬유아세포의 증식 및 alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)의 발현에 미치는 영향 Journal of Korean Skull Base Society
2020Comparison of complications according to incision types in nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction BREAST
2020Sex-related and racial variations in orbital floor anatomy Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2020A Prospective Randomized Study: The Usefulness and Efficacy of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Lipidocolloid Polyester Mesh Compared to Traditional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers PHARMACEUTICS
2020Inhibition of Wnt signaling pathway suppresses radiation-induced dermal fibrosis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020Dickkopf 2-Expressing Adenovirus Increases the Survival of Random-Pattern Flaps and Promotes Vasculogenesis in a Rat ModelANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY
2020A Follow-Up to "Complication of AQUAfilling® Gel Injection for Breast Augmentation: Case Report of One Case and Review of Literature"AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2020Sustained Release of Decoy Wnt Receptor (sLRP6E1E2)-Expressing Adenovirus Using Gel-Encapsulation for Scar Remodeling in Pig Model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2020Demographic Factors of Nasal Bone Fractures and Social ReflectionJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2020The effect of combination therapy on critical-size bone defects using non-activated platelet-rich plasma and adipose-derived stem cellsCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2020Ultrasonic dissection versus electrocautery for immediate prosthetic breast reconstruction Archives of Plastic Surgery
2020Analysis of factors that affect drainage volume after expander-based breast reconstruction Archives of Plastic Surgery
2020Septo-capsulopalpebral Fascial Recession Flap Technique in Lower Blepharoplasty: An Experience of 453 Consecutive Cases and a Review of the LiteratureJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
2019Commentary on: Paranasal Augmentation Using Multi-Folded Expanded Polytetrafluorethylene (ePTFE) in the East Asian NoseAESTHETIC SURGERY JOURNAL
2019Three-Dimensionally Printed Breast Reconstruction Devices Facilitate Nanostructure Surface-Guided Healthy LipogenesisACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
2019A Novel Technique of Asian Tip Plasty: Rein-Shaped Columellar Strut GraftAESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2019Expanding the use of internal mammary artery perforators as a recipient vessel in free tissue transfer: An anatomical analysis by computed tomography angiography in breast cancer patientsMICROSURGERY
2019Cryptotia recurrence lowering technique with additional acellular dermal matrix graft Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2019Characteristics of adhesion areas between the tissue expander and capsule in implant-based breast reconstruction Archives of Plastic Surgery
2019Effect of Relaxin Expression from an Alginate Gel-Encapsulated Adenovirus on Scar Remodeling in a Pig Model Yonsei Medical Journal
2019Radially patterned polycaprolactone nanofibers as an active wound dressing agent Archives of Plastic Surgery
2019Hairline Lowering Surgery With Bone Tunneling Suture Fixation: Effectiveness and Safety in 91 PatientsAesthetic Surgery Journal

