Browsing by Yonsei Author : Shin, Saeam

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Shin, Saeam [신새암]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (55257458400)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 102

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024The utility of next generation sequencing-based minimal residual disease monitoring in a post-myeloproliferative neoplasm acute myeloid leukemia patient: a case reportLEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA
2024POU6F2, a novel fusion partner of NUP98 in acute myeloid leukaemia: A case reportBRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY
2024NUP98 is rearranged in 5.0% of adult East Asian patients with AML BLOOD ADVANCES
2024Clinical Application of Optical Genome Mapping for Molecular Diagnosis of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2024Enhancing mutation detection in multiple myeloma with an error-corrected ultra-sensitive NGS assay without plasma cell enrichment CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2024급성백혈병의 형태와 유사한 모세포양 이차성 형질세포백혈병의 국내 첫 증례 보고 Laboratory Medicine Online
2024혈중 순환 종양 DNA 분석 임상 적용 가이드라인 소개 Laboratory Medicine Online
2024진단 시 낮은 종양 분율에 의해 유전 검사 위음성을 보인 급성 백혈병 1예: 최신 진단 기준에 비춘 시사점 Laboratory Medicine Online
2024Real-World Clinical Utility of Targeted RNA Sequencing in Leukemia Diagnosis and Management CANCERS
2024NUP214 Rearrangements in Leukemia Patients: A Case Series From a Single Institution ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2024Comparison of Optical Genome Mapping With Conventional Diagnostic Methods for Structural Variant Detection in Hematologic Malignancies ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2024Comparison of exon-level copy number variants in CytoScan XON assay and next-generation sequencing in clinical samplesCLINICA CHIMICA ACTA
2024Monitoring measurable residual disease in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia using immunoglobulin gene clonality based on next-generation sequencing CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2024Clinician-Driven Reanalysis of Exome Sequencing Data From Patients With Inherited Retinal DiseasesJAMA NETWORK OPEN
2024Comprehensive insights into AML relapse: genetic mutations, clonal evolution, and clinical outcomes CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2024Clinical Practice Guideline for Blood-based Circulating Tumor DNA Assays ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2024Association Between Aortic Valve Sclerosis and Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2024발작야간혈색소뇨증에서 GPI 결핍세포 검출을 위한 유세포검사법: 국내 실태조사 및 검사법 지침 제언 Laboratory Medicine Online
2024CEBPA double mutations associated with ABO antigen weakness in hematologic diseases BLOOD ADVANCES
2024Unraveling trajectories from aplastic anemia to hematologic malignancies: genetic and molecular insights FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2024Serial Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis with a Tumor-Naïve Next-Generation Sequencing Panel Detects Minimal Residual Disease and Predicts Outcome in Ovarian CancerCANCER RESEARCH
2024저신장 환아에서 발견한 TRAPPC2 유전자 돌연변이의 기능 검사를 통한 해석 1예 보고 Laboratory Medicine Online
2024Coagulation Testing in Real-World Setting: Insights From a Comprehensive Survey CLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS
2024Circulating Tumor DNA Reflects Histologic and Clinical Characteristics of Various Lymphoma Subtypes CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2024Clinical relevance of clonal hematopoiesis and its interference in cell-free DNA profiling of patients with gastric cancerCLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE
2023Next-Generation Sequencing of Vitreoretinal Lymphoma by Vitreous Liquid Biopsy: Diagnostic Potential and Genotype/Phenotype Correlation INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE
2023A Case of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Micro BCR::ABL2 Rearrangement: Precaution in Reverse Transcription PCR to Prevent False Negativity Laboratory Medicine Online
2023BCR::ABL1 정량 검사의 국내 현황 조사(2022) Laboratory Medicine Online
2023Diagnostic yield of targeted next-generation sequencing for pediatric hereditary hemolytic anemia BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS
2023Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis on Metastatic Prostate Cancer with Disease Progression CANCERS
2023Utility of Plasma Microbial Cell-Free DNA Whole-Genome Sequencing for Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in Patients With Hematologic Malignancy or COVID-19JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2023Investigation of PARP Inhibitor Resistance Based on Serially Collected Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients With BRCA-Mutated Ovarian CancerCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2023Exploring the Characteristics of Circulating Tumor DNA in Pt1a Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Pilot Study CANCERS
2023CBFA2T3::GLIS2 유전자재배열을 동반한 소아 급성거핵모구백혈병의 국내 첫 증례 보고 Laboratory Medicine Online
2023Development of a Next-generation Sequencing-based Gene Panel Test to Detect Measurable Residual Disease in Acute Myeloid Leukemi ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2023Development and validation of sensitive BCR::ABL1 fusion gene quantitation using next-generation sequencing CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2023Genetic diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity using clinical exome sequencing FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2023FLT3-ITD 검사의 국내 현황 조사(2021) Laboratory Medicine Online
2023The Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Human 5α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency: Classified and Analyzed from a SRD5A2 Structural Perspective INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2023Copy-number analysis by base-level normalization: An intuitive visualization tool for evaluating copy number variationsCLINICAL GENETICS
2023A Case of STIL-TAL1-positive T-lymphoblastic Leukemia With a Minor Philadelphia-positive Clone ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2023RAB29-NUCKS1 유전자재배열을 동반한 공격성NK세포백혈병: 증례보고 Laboratory Medicine Online
2022Analysis of trio test in neurodevelopmental disorders FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS
2022Analytical and Clinical Validation of Cell-Free Circulating Tumor DNA Assay for the Estimation of Tumor Mutational BurdenCLINICAL CHEMISTRY
2022Caspase-10 affects the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis by regulating inflammatory cell death JOURNAL OF AUTOIMMUNITY
2022Rare Gene Rearrangement t(11;22)(q23;q13)/ KMT2A-EP300 in Therapy-related Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Case Report ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2022체액세포분석 수기검사: 국내 실태조사 및 임상검사실 지침(2021) Laboratory Medicine Online
2022Implication and Influence of Multigene Panel Testing with Genetic Counseling in Korean Patients with BRCA1/2 Mutation-Negative Breast Cancer CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2022Optical genome mapping identifies clinically relevant genomic rearrangements in prostate cancer biopsy sample CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2022Recommendations for the Verification of Quantitative Molecular Hemato-Oncology Tests Laboratory Medicine Online

