1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2006우리나라 암환자가 이용하는 보완대체요법에 관한 연구Korean Journal of Adult Nursing (성인간호학회지)
2006기혼 취업 여성의 우울에 관한 연구 Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (정신간호학회지)
2006Symptom experience, psychological distress, and quality of life in Korean patients with liver cirrhosis: A cross-sectional surveyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES
2006Symptom Experience in Korean Patients with Liver CirrhosisTISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
2006Development and Evaluation of the Web-based Wound Care Course for Undergraduate Nursing Students Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (대한간호학회지)
2006아동의 예방접종에 미치는 영향 요인 - Pender의 건강증진모형 적용 - Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2006Effects of lifestyle modification on metabolic parameters and carotid intima-media thickness in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2008암환자의 우울이 전이발생에 미치는 영향 Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing (종양간호학회지)
2008Health insurance expenditure of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit Journal of the Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health (한국모자보건학회지)
2008Health Problems and Health Services Utilization of Infants Born Prematurely in the U.S. Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing (아동간호학회지)
2008아로마 흡입이 밤번근무 간호사의 수면과 피로에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Adult Nursing (성인간호학회지)
2008Does culture frame adjustment to the sick role?ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING
2008산후 조리원 이용여부에 따른 산모의 양육스트레스, 산후우울, 산후피로 차이 Journal of the Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health (한국모자보건학회지)
2008RN-BSN과정 학생들을 위한 의사소통 교과목 운영전략 Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (정신간호학회지)
2008소아의 아토피피부염 관리 실태 Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease (소아알레르기 호흡기학회지)
2008Abstract 2090: Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes of Therapeutic Life Style Modification Program for Women with Metabolic SyndromeCIRCULATION
2008Abstract 2089: Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Lifestyle Modification on Metabolic Coronary Heart Disease Risk FactorsCIRCULATION
2008Probing the issue of informed consent in health care in Korea-concept analysis and guideline developmentASIAN NURSING RESEARCH
2008중환자실 입원 환자의 눈 간호를 위한 근거기반 지침 개발 Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
2008Psychosocial risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the lower-back among long-haul international female flight attendantsJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING

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