2. Thesis

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2016Clinicopathologic features and molecular characteristics of glucose metabolism contributing to 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in gastrointestinal stromal tumor Thesis
2016Functional validation of cell division cycle associated 8 (CDCA8) as a novel therapeutic target in human hepatocellular carcinoma Thesis
2016Analysis of phenolic compounds in beer by HPLC MS MS and their antioxidant effectThesis
2016정상 노년층의 쓰기와 말하기 간의 결속표지 사용 비교 Thesis
2016급성 폐색전증 환자의 이중 에너지 전산화 단층 촬영의 폐 관류결손 측정을 이용한 예후 평가 Thesis
2016성도의 해부학적 변형에 따른 음성 변화의 음향학적 특징 Thesis
2016구어동반 제스처가 노년층의 단어인출에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2016테라헤르츠파 분광과 영상을 이용한 동물 조직의 수분 함량 분석 Thesis
2016Tumor mesenchymal stem-like cell as a prognostic marker in primary glioblastoma Thesis
2016Functional study of O-GlcNAc modification on extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 Thesis
2016The effects of UVB on ORAI1 channel and the role of ORAI1 channel on the UVB-induced epidermal hyperplasia and upregulation of TSLP and COX-2 Thesis
2016Functional effect of hemostatic pad based on a collagen with chitosan by addition of batroxobin Thesis
2016동사 이름대기 검사 개발 및 적용Thesis
2016HMGB1 전처리에 의한 NLRP3 인플라마솜 활성 조절 Thesis
2016연령-기간-코호트(APC) 모형의 추정 방법론 비교 Thesis
2016Transcriptional regulation of AMELX and DSPP genes by MIZ-1 and ZBTB5 Thesis
2016ERK negatively regulates TLR2 induced transcription of TNFα, IL-6, iNOS, Cox2, and IL1β in bone marrow derived macrophages Thesis
2016The value of phosphohistone H3 as a proliferation marker for evaluating invasive breast cancers : with an emphasis on comparisons to Ki-67 Thesis
2016소자증을 동반한 파킨슨병 환자의 세로쓰기와 가로쓰기의 방향 간 가독성 비교 Thesis
2016Expression, distribution and cellular localization of Sirtuins in the normal and ischemic brain of rodent Thesis

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