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Showing results 450 to 469 of 849

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2011Neural correlates in the processing of phoneme-level complexity in vowel productionBRAIN AND LANGUAGE
2020Neural Correlates of Anxiety Under Interrogation in Guilt or Innocence Contexts PLOS ONE
2020Neural Correlates of Cognitive Performance in Alzheimer's Disease- and Lewy Bodies-Related Cognitive ImpairmentJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2024Neural processing of prototypicality and simplicity of product design in forming design preferences PLOS ONE
2016Neural responses to affective and cognitive theory of mind in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS
2020Neural Substrates for Poststroke Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I: A Retrospective Case-Control Study Using Voxel-Based Lesion Symptom Mapping AnalysisPAIN
2010Neuroanatomic basis of amnestic MCI differs in patients with and without Parkinson diseaseNEUROLOGY
2019Neurofeedback learning for mental practice rather than repetitive practice improves neural pattern consistency and functional network efficiency in the subsequent mental motor executionNEUROIMAGE
2023Neuropharmacological computational analysis of longitudinal electroencephalograms in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia using hierarchical dynamic causal modeling NEUROIMAGE
2023Nigrosome 1 visibility and its association with nigrostriatal dopaminergic loss in Parkinson's diseaseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2011Nodal staging of rectal cancer: high-resolution pelvic MRI versus ¹⁸F-FDGPET/CTJOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY
2021Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, diastolic dysfunction, and impaired myocardial glucose uptake in patients with type 2 diabetesDIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM
2020Novel multifunctional 18 F-labelled PET tracer with prostate-specific membrane antigen-targeting and hypoxia-sensitive moietiesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
2013NSCLC Subtype Prediction Using Cytologic Fluid Specimens From Needle Aspiration Biopsies AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
2020Nuclear Medicine Operations in the Times of COVID-19: Strategies, Precautions, and ExperiencesJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2023Occipital Amyloid Deposition Is Associated with Rapid Cognitive Decline in the Alzheimer's Disease ContinuumJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2018Off-Target (18)F-AV-1451 Binding in the Basal Ganglia Correlates with Age-Related Iron AccumulationJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2018Olfactory dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease- and Lewy body-related cognitive impairmentALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA
2016Optimal timing of [18F]Mefway PET for imaging the serotonin 1A receptor in healthy male subjectsAPPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
2013Optimization of the radiosynthesis of [F-18]MEFWAY for imaging brain serotonin 1A receptors by using the GE TracerLab FXFN-Pro moduleJOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS

