Dept. of Microbiology (미생물학교실)

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AIM2 activates the inflammasome and cell death in response to cytoplasmi...

Teresa Fernandes-Alnemri ; Je-Wook Yu ; Jianghong Wu ; Pinaki Datta ; Emad S.... NATURE, Vol.458(7237) : 509-513, 2009

Nanoscale size effect of magnetic nanocrystals and their utilisation for...

Young-wook Jun ; Yong-Min Huh ; Jin-sil Choi ; Jae-Hyun Lee ; Ho-Taek Song ; ... JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.127(16) : 5732-5733, 2005

In vivo magnetic resonance detection of cancer by using multifunctional ...

Yong-Min Huh ; Young-wook Jun ; Ho-Taek Song ; Sungjun Kim ; Jin-sil Choi ; J... JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.127(35) : 12387-12391, 2005
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
1999Effects of cycloheximide and dexamethasone on Fas-mediated apoptosis in primary human astrocytesKorean Journal of Immunology (대한면역학회지)
1998Allelotype analysis of hepatocellular carcinomaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
1998Expression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 in Colorectal Carcinomas with Microsatellite InstabilityPATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE
1998위암, 대장암 및 간암 세포주에서 p16INK4A 단백 발현 Journal of the Korean Cancer Association (대한암학회지)
1998중증근무력증 환자의 말초 혈액내 T림프구 분획의 변화 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association (대한신경과학회지)
1998Effects of intravenous immunoglobulin on plasma interleukin-10 levels in Kawasaki diseaseIMMUNOLOGY LETTERS
1998일차배양된 성인 성상아교세포에서 인터루킨-2 수용기의 발현 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association (대한신경과학회지)
1998Molecular analysis of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from Korea by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism sequence analysisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE
1998Reduced lymphocyte proliferation and interleukin-2 production in anxiety disordersPSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE
1998태아 흉선세포와 간 림프구에서 NK cell receptor 의 발현과 SSCP를 이용한 다양성 분석. Korean Journal of Immunology (대한면역학회지)
1998Expression of Fas-related genes in human hepatocellular carcinomasCANCER LETTERS
1998Expression of p58 in fetal thymocytes and fetal liver lymphocytes.Korean Journal of Immunology (대한면역학회지)
1998집먼지 진드기에 감작된 마우스에서 전신성 과민반응 유발과 면역학적 관점Korean Journal of Immunology (대한면역학회지)
1998Isolation of a Partial Human CBNA Encoding a Factor Binding to the Perfect Palindrome of Enhancer A of HLA Class I Promoters Homologous to NF-κB2Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology (대한미생물학회지)
1998Deletion mapping of chromosome 4q in hepatocellular carcinomaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
1998Eosinophil count and eosinophil cationic protein concentration of induced sputum in the diagnosis and assessment of airway inflammation in bronchial asthmaALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS
1998Clonal expansion of T-cells in measlesIMMUNOLOGY LETTERS
1997Clonal expansion of CD8+ T cells in Kawasaki diseaseJOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY
1997Induction of ICAM-1, HLA-DR Molecules by IFN-Gamma and Oncogene Expression in Human Bladder Cancer Cell LinesUROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS
1997T 세포 백혈병 세포주에서 T 세포 수용체 β쇄 CDR3 유전자 염기서열의 규명Korean Journal of Immunology (대한면역학회지)

