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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Efficacy of genotype-matched vaccine against re-emerging genotype V Japanese encephalitis virusEMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS
2024A vaccine platform targeting lung-resident memory CD4+ T-cells provides protection against heterosubtypic influenza infections in mice and ferrets NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Distinctive CD39+CD9+ lung interstitial macrophages suppress IL-23/Th17-mediated neutrophilic asthma by inhibiting NETosis NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Discovery of a new long COVID mouse model via systemic histopathological comparison of SARS-CoV-2 intranasal and inhalation infection BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE
2024Antiviral activity of the water extract and ethanol extract of Sorbus commixta against influenza A virus in vitro HELIYON
2024Safety of applying influenza-antigen-coated microneedles to rat skin and the antigen specific immune response in vivoJournal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
2024Immunogenicity and vaccine potential of clinical isolate Mycobacterium kansasii strain against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM
2024Both sides now: evolutionary traits of antigens and B cells in tolerance and activation FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2024Permissive lung neutrophils facilitate tuberculosis immunopathogenesis in male phagocyte NADPH oxidase-deficient mice PLOS PATHOGENS
2024Design and synthesis of an acid-stable phosphoarginine mimetic retaining the α-amino acid structureTETRAHEDRON LETTERS
2024Mitochondria Activity and CXCR4 Collaboratively Promote the Differentiation of CD11c+B Cells Induced by TLR9 in Lupus IMMUNE NETWORK
2024Lipo-pam™ adjuvanted herpes zoster vaccine induces potent gE-specific cellular and humoral immune responsesNPJ VACCINES
2024An optimized cyclophosphamide-treated mouse model of Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infection ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY
2024Protein-energy restriction-induced lipid metabolism disruption causes stable-to-progressive disease shift in Mycobacterium avium-infected female mice EBIOMEDICINE
2024Tacrolimus-loaded chitosan-based nanoparticles as an efficient topical therapeutic for the effective treatment of atopic dermatitis symptomsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2024Impact of IL-1(3 on lung pathology caused by Mycobacterium abscessus infection and its association with IL-17 productionMICROBES AND INFECTION
2024Single-cell transcriptomics by clinical course of Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024ETV5 promotes lupus pathogenesis and follicular helper T cell differentiation by inducing osteopontin expressionPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
2024Identification and characterization of recent retrovirus in Rhinolophus ferrumequinum bats MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM
2024Adjunctive administration of parabiotic Lactobacillus sakei CVL-001 ameliorates drug-induced toxicity and pulmonary inflammation during antibiotic treatment for tuberculosisINTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY

