2022 | Pellino-1-dependent regulatory mechanisms of dendritic cell in Candida albicans-induced interleukin-17 immune response
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2010 | Pemphigus in Korea a retrospective analysis of 199 patients over a 16-year period
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2014 | Role of estrogen in wound healing through regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human keratinocyte
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2017 | Role of interleukin-17 production of fatty acid binding protein 5-expressing CD4+ T cells in atopic dermatitis showing systemic involvement
| Dissertation |
2017 | Role of regulatory T cells in imiquimod-induced psoriasiform dermatitis model
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2010 | The effect if Vascular Endothelial Growth factor on Human Melanocyte
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2014 | The effect of corticosteroid on the acantholysis induced by pemphigus vulgaris IgG
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2014 | The expression of tripartite motif-containing proteins in Behcet's disease
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2015 | The target search for innate allergic immune modulatory proteins in TSLP-activated NKT cells using proteomics
| Dissertation |
2021 | WNT5A drives IL-6 dependent epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition via JAK/STAT pathway in keloid pathogenesis
| Dissertation |
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2004 | 레티노인산에 의한 각질형성세포에서의 IL-8 유전자 발현의 기전
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1986 | 매독진단에 있어서 chromatic antibody test for syphilis(CATS)의 검사성적 | Dissertation |
1985 | 신체 부위별 각질세포에 대한 형태학적 연구 | Dissertation |
2004 | 아토피 피부염 환자에서 wet-wrap 드레싱이 표피 장벽에 미치는 영향
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1977 | 위산 및 담취외분비 기능에 미치는 수종 항진균제의 영향 | Dissertation |
1989 | 자외선 A의 조사와 indomethacin 투여가 마우스의 접촉과민반응에 미치는 영향 | Dissertation |
1984 | 정상 한국청년의 신체부위와 성별에 따른 각질세포의 차이 | Dissertation |
1993 | 중합효소 연쇄반응을 이용한 매독 진단 | Dissertation |
2005 | 항노화제를 이용한 혈관내피세포의 노화 관련 단백의 발굴 | Dissertation |