Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Seung Eun

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Lee, Seung Eun [이승은]
Department :
College of Nursing (간호대학) - Dept. of Nursing (간호학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (57189296843)

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Showing results 1 to 45 of 45

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Improving Patient Safety and Care Quality Through a "Speaking-Up" Climate: The Mediating Role of Situation Monitoring RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEALTHCARE POLICY
2024Effects of nurse managers' inclusive leadership on nurses' psychological safety and innovative work behavior: The moderating role of collectivismJOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP
2024예비 간호인력 대상 다학제 전문직 간 교육 중재 연구의 체계적 문헌고찰: 동아시아권 국가 연구를 중심으로 Quality Improvement in Health Care(한국의료QA학회지)
2024Moral Distress, Burnout, Turnover Intention, and Coping Strategies among Korean Nurses during the Late Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method StudyJOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2024Voice, silence, perceived impact, psychological safety, and burnout among nurses: A structural equation modeling analysisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES
2023병원 의료종사자 대상 화재 대응 교육 현황: 주제범위 문헌고찰 Quality Improvement in Health Care(한국의료QA학회지)
2023Perspectives of Frontline Nurses Working in South Korea during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Combined Method of Text Network Analysis and Summative Content Analysis JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2023Effects of Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Safety Rules and Procedures on Their Patient Safety Performance: The Mediating Roles of Communication about Errors and Coworker Support JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2023A Safety Huddle Intervention in In-Patient Surgical Units: A Mixed-Methods Study JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2023Room of horrors simulation in healthcare education: A systematic reviewNURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2023근본원인분석의 진실과 오해 Quality Improvement in Health Care(한국의료QA학회지)
2023의료 서비스를 받은 대상자의 환자경험평가 관련 요인: 병원 특성을 중심으로 Korean Journal of Health Service Management (보건의료산업학회지)
2023Associations among leadership, resources, and nurses' work engagement: findings from the fifth korean Working Conditions Survey BMC NURSING
2023Registered nurses’ perceptions and experiences with speaking up for patient safety in hospitalsCOLLEGIAN
2023아동 가족의 퇴원교육 요구: 통합적 문헌고찰 Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing(기본간호학회지)
2023Patient Safety Culture and Speaking Up Among Health Care Workers ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH
2023Evaluating a patient safety course for undergraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental studyCOLLEGIAN
2023Testing the association between the enabling and enacting factors of patient safety culture and patient safety: structural equation modelling BMC NURSING
2023Nurse Managers' Leadership, Patient Safety, and Quality of Care: A Systematic ReviewWESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH
2023Assertiveness educational interventions for nursing students and nurses: A systematic reviewNURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2022Mediating roles of patient safety knowledge and motivation in the relationship between safety climate and nurses' patient safety behaviors: a structural equation modeling analysis BMC NURSING
2022Hospital management, supervisor support and nurse speaking-up behaviours: The mediating role of safety culture perceptionJOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2022Motivators and inhibitors of nurses' speaking up behaviours: A descriptive qualitative studyJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2022환자안전 발언 분위기, 심리적 안전, 조직학습문화와 환자안전에 대한 관리자의 지지가 임상간호사의 침묵행동에 미치는 영향 Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing(기본간호학회지)
2022Patient safety educational interventions: A systematic review with recommendations for nurse educators NURSING OPEN
2022간호사가 인식한 의료기관의 환자안전문화와 환자안전 정도의 관계 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration(간호행정학회지)
2022Integration of visual thinking strategies to undergraduate health assessment course: A mixed-method feasibility study NURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2022The lived experience of nurses who volunteered to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea: A qualitative phenomenological study JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2022Psychometric Evaluation of the Korean Version of Hospital Survey on Patient Safety CultureJOURNAL OF PATIENT SAFETY
2021Psychological Safety as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Inclusive Leadership and Nurse Voice Behaviors and Error ReportingJOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP
2021군 병원 입원환자의 환자참여 의지 영향 요인Journal of Military Nursing Research(군진간호연구)
2021Using Dominance Analysis to Identify the Most Important Dimensions of Safety Culture for Predicting Patient Safety INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021네트워크 분석과 토픽 모델링을 활용한 국내 임상간호사의 경험과 고충 분석: 온라인 커뮤니티 게시글을 중심으로 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration(간호행정학회지)
2021Barriers and Facilitators of Nurses' and Physicians' Willingness to Work during a Respiratory Disease Outbreak: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021Factors Influencing Nurses' Willingness to Speak Up Regarding Patient Safety in East Asia: A Systematic Review RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEALTHCARE POLICY
2021Undergraduate nursing students' experience of learning respiratory system assessment using flipped classroom: A mixed methods studyNURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2021Adaptation and validation of a Korean-language version of the revised hospital survey on patient safety culture (K-HSOPSC 2.0) BMC NURSING
2020Patient safety education in pre-registration nursing programmes in South KoreaINTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2020The Enabling, Enacting, and Elaborating Factors of Safety Culture Associated With Patient Safety: A Multilevel AnalysisJOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP
2020Assessment of Patient Safety and Cultural Competencies among Senior Baccalaureate Nursing Students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020A Retrospective Review of School Nurse Approaches to Assessing PainPAIN MANAGEMENT NURSING
2020Factors related to perioperative nurses' job satisfaction and intention to leaveJAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE
2020Safety Culture and Patient Safety Outcomes in East Asia: A Literature ReviewWESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH
2020Use of a Simulated Electronic Health Record to Support Nursing Student Informatics Knowledge and SkillsCIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING
2019The effect of violence prevention strategies on perceptions of workplace safety: A study of medical-surgical and mental health nursesJournal of Advanced Nursing

