Browsing by Yonsei Author : Baek, Wooyeol

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Baek, Wooyeol [백우열]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (성형외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56990792600)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 34 of 34

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Ethyl Pyruvate Decreases Collagen Synthesis and Upregulates MMP Activity in Keloid Fibroblasts and Keloid Spheroids INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2024Clinical Activity of TGF-β Inhibitor Vactosertib in Combination with Imatinib in Desmoid Tumors: A Multicenter Phase Ib/II StudyCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2024Reaching New Heights: A Comprehensive Study of Hand Transplantations in Korea after Institutionalization of Hand Transplantation Law YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Durvalumab plus pazopanib combination in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcomas: a phase II trial NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2023A bipedicled keystone perforator island flap: Pedicle division technique with enhanced advancement potential for chronic wound coverageJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
2023One Year Experience of the Hand Allotransplantation First Performed after Korea Organ Transplantation Act (KOTA) Amendment Archives of Plastic Surgery
2023Prevention and Resolution of Silicone Implant-Related Problems in Secondary Rhinoplasty Using a Cross-Linked Human Acellular Dermal Matrix PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
2023Breast Tissue Reconstruction Using Polycaprolactone Ball Scaffolds in a Partial Mastectomy Pig ModelTISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
2023Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Soft Tissue Sarcoma for Prediction of Pazopanib-Based Treatment Response CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2022Late reconstruction of post-traumatic enophthalmos and hypoglobus using three-dimensional implants: a case series Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2022Breast Tissue Restoration after the Partial Mastectomy Using Polycaprolactone Scaffold POLYMERS
2022Methodology in Conventional Head and Neck Reconstruction Following Robotic Cancer Surgery: A Bridgehead Robotic Head and Neck Reconstruction YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Phase II Clinical Trial of Eribulin-Gemcitabine Combination Therapy in Previously Treated Patients With Advanced Liposarcoma or LeiomyosarcomaCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2022Cranioplasty and temporal hollowing correction with a three-dimensional printed bioresorbable mesh and double vertical suture anchor muscle sling: a case report Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2022Dual cortical tunneling method for endoscopic forehead lift ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2022Super-thin ALT flap elevation using preoperative color doppler ultrasound planning: Identification of horizontally running pathway at the deep adipofascial layersJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
2021Anti-Aging Effects of Nanovesicles Derived from Human Tonsil-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2021Dilation-Responsive Microshape Programing Prevents Vascular Graft StenosisSMALL
2021PD-L1 tumour expression is predictive of pazopanib response in soft tissue sarcoma BMC CANCER
2020One-year clinical outcomes of coronary chronic total occlusion intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable angina: from the Korean chronic total occlusion registryCORONARY ARTERY DISEASE
2020Sex-related and racial variations in orbital floor anatomy Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2020A Prospective Randomized Study: The Usefulness and Efficacy of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Lipidocolloid Polyester Mesh Compared to Traditional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers PHARMACEUTICS
2020Hydrogel cross-linking-programmed release of nitric oxide regulates source-dependent angiogenic behaviors of human mesenchymal stem cell SCIENCE ADVANCES
2020Microchannel network hydrogel induced ischemic blood perfusion connection NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2019Three-Dimensionally Printed Breast Reconstruction Devices Facilitate Nanostructure Surface-Guided Healthy LipogenesisACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
2019Radially patterned polycaprolactone nanofibers as an active wound dressing agent Archives of Plastic Surgery
2018광범위한 안면외상 환자에서의 미세술기를 이용한 재건술 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
2017The effect of light-emitting diode (590/830 nm)-based low-level laser therapy on posttraumatic edema of facial bone fracture patientsJOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2017Variance of the pectoralis major in relation to the inframammary fold and the pectoralis minor and its application to breast surgeryCLINICAL ANATOMY
2017Patient Satisfaction with Implant Based Breast Reconstruction Associated with Implant Volume and Mastectomy Specimen Weight Ratio JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2016The Keystone Flap in Greater Trochanter Pressure Sore Journal of the Korean Society for Microsurgery (대한미세수술학회지)
2016Facial Flap Repositioning in Posttraumatic Facial Asymmetry Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2016Perforator Based Tibialis Anterior Segmental Muscle Island Flap in Lower Extremity Reconstruction Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
2016Reduction malarplasty by bidirectional wedge ostectomy or two percutaneous osteotomies according to zygoma protrusion typeJOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY

