Browsing by Yonsei Author : Choi, Eun Kyoung

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Choi, Eun Kyoung [최은경]
Department :
College of Nursing (간호대학) - Dept. of Nursing (간호학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (55486375200)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 50 of 67

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Healthcare Interventions for Children Using Nonimmersive Virtual Reality: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEALTH CARE
2024Translation and validation of the Korean version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Teenagers (QUALAS-T-K)DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
2024Digital health intervention on patient safety for children and parents: A scoping reviewJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2024Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean version of the quality of life assessment in spina bifida for children (QUALAS-C-K)DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
2024Investigating family resilience factors for enhancing family adaptation in children with epilepsyEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2024Association between smartphone overdependence and mental health in South Korean adolescents: a secondary data analysis Child Health Nursing Research
2024Non‑pharmacological interventions for delirium in the pediatric population: a systematic review with narrative synthesis BMC PEDIATRICS
2024Effects of parental holding on pain response in young children during cystometry: A randomized controlled trialNEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS
2023Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean modified version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Young Adults (QAULAS-YA-Km)DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
2023Hypertension literacy: Concept analysis NURSING OPEN
2023The association between nurse continuity and hypospadias repair patient outcomes: A retrospective studyJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2023Foot deformity and quality of life among independently ambulating children with spina bifida in South Korea BMC PEDIATRICS
2023Development and effects of an internet-based family resilience-promoting program for parents of children with cancer: A randomized controlled trialEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING
2023Factors Associated With Media Addiction in Korean Elementary School ChildrenJOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSING
2023Sensorial saturation improves infants' procedure-related pain behaviour in the cardiac intensive care unit: A quasi-experimental study Australian Critical Care
2023Factors affecting the transition to adulthood of Korean young adults with spina bifida: a qualitative study BMC NURSING
2022Workplace bullying and different levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms of nurses: A quantile regression approach for effective coping strategiesJOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2022An educational design and development project for pediatric heart transplant recipients and their familiesJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2022Nurse-led eHealth transition care program for adolescents with spina bifida: A feasibility and acceptability studyJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2022Improvement in obstructive sleep apnea in a child with Down syndrome with rapid palatal expansionJOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2022Resilience-Promoting Programs in Families of Children With Cancer: A Systematic ReviewJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY NURSING
2022Transfer anxiety in parents of children transferred from pediatric intensive care units to general wards in South Korea: a hybrid concept analysis Child Health Nursing Research
2022Physician-Customized Strategies for Reducing Outpatient Waiting Time in South Korea Using Queueing Theory and Probabilistic Metamodels INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2022An Online-Based Transition Care Program for Adolescents with Spina Bifida Using Intervention Mapping: A Protocol for Program Development INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2022Family resilience factors affecting family adaptation of children with cancer: A cross-sectional studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING
2021Discrepancies in Educational Needs for Transition in Adolescents and Young Adults with Spina Bifida in South Korea: Use of the Borich Needs Assessment ModelJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2021Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being of Adolescents in Multicultural Families in South Korea: Social-Cultural and Community Influence FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
2021Parents' Perception of Self-Management Behaviors for Their Children With Spina Bifida in South Korea: A Qualitative StudyREHABILITATION NURSING
2021Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on major cardiovascular outcomes: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies and randomized controlled trials EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES
2021Transition programs for adolescents and young adults with spina bifida: A mixed-methods systematic reviewJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2020Consumption of Fish and ω-3 Fatty Acids and Cancer Risk: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses of Observational StudiesADVANCES IN NUTRITION
2020Two-Step Integrative Education Program and mHealth for Korean Children With Spina Bifida: A Quasi-Experimental Pre-Post StudyJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2020Risk and protective factors related to stigma among people with epilepsy: An integrative reviewEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2020Factors affecting home-based disaster preparedness among school-aged children's parents: A cross-sectional studyNursing & Health Sciences
2019A 2-Step Integrative Education Program and mHealth for Self-Management in Korean Children with Spina Bifida: Feasibility StudyJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2019Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Korean Children with Down Syndrome and Parental Quality of LifeJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2019Healthcare Transition Readiness, Family Support, and Self-management Competency in Korean Emerging Adults with Type 1 Diabetes MellitusJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2019Sleep problems in Korean children with Down syndrome and parental quality of lifeJournal of Intellectual Disability Research
2019신생아집중치료실 미숙아 부모의 자율면회 방문 현황과 부모 스트레스와의 상관관계 Child Health Nursing Research
2019Estimating Nationwide Prevalence of Live Births with Down Syndrome and Their Medical Expenditures in Korea Journal of Korean Medical Science
2019Factors Influencing Physical Activity in Adolescents with Complex Congenital Heart Disease Child Health Nursing Research
2019중환자실 간호사의 임종간호 어려움과 임종간호 교육요구 조사: 혼합연구방법 Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care (한국호스피스완화의료학회지)
2019Parents' Needs Concerning Their Children with Spina Bifida in South Korea: A Mixed Method Study JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2019제1형 당뇨병 청소년의 자기관리 영향요인: 정보-동기-행동기술 모델을 기반으로 Child Health Nursing Research
2019Medication self-management and the quality of discharge education among parents of children with epilepsyEPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR
2018Adaptation and Resilience in Families of Children With Spina Bifida in South KoreaREHABILITATION NURSING
2018복합만성질환을 가진 자녀를 둔 부모의 소아청소년 완화의료 요구도 Child Health Nursing Research
2018Sexual function and qualify of life in women with spina bifida: Are the women with spina bifida satisfied with their sexual activity?NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS
2018Body mass index and 20 specific cancers: re-analyses of dose-response meta-analyses of observational studiesANNALS OF ONCOLOGY
2017Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Young Men With Spina Bifida: Could It Be Neglected Aspects in Clinical Practice?UROLOGY

