2024 | A tip for bolster dressing when doing composite grafting on the alar rim | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY |
2024 | Squamous cell carcinoma of lip: Clinical feature analysis and suggestion of reconstruction algorithm | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY |
2024 | Exploring Molecular Genetic Alterations and RAF Fusions in Melanoma: A Belvarafenib Expanded Access Program in Patients with RAS/RAF-Mutant Melanoma
2024 | Nuclear Localization of Yes-Associated Protein Is Associated With Tumor Progression in Cutaneous Melanoma
2024 | Comparison of full-thickness skin graft and punch grafting in the reconstruction of plantar defects | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY |
2024 | Looking Beyond the Hutchinson Sign: A Retrospective Study of Clinical Factors Indicating the Presence and Invasiveness of Nail Unit Melanoma in Patients With Longitudinal Melanonychia | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2023 | 한국인의 두피에 발생한 악성 흑색종의 임상병리학적 특징: 단일기관 후향적 연구 | Korean Journal of Dermatology(대한피부과학회지) |
2023 | Epidemiology and survival analysis of Merkel cell carcinoma in South Korea: a nationwide, multicenter retrospective study | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY |
2023 | Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type-7 Expression Suppresses Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Progression by Inhibiting Cancer-associated Cytokines
2023 | Mohs Micrographic Surgery With Digital Pathology Improves Surgical Quality and Efficiency: A Retrospective Cohort Study | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2023 | Risk of recurrence of nail unit melanoma after functional surgery versus amputation | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY |
2023 | Various Applications of Purse-String Suture and Its Cosmetic Outcome in Cutaneous Surgical Defects
2022 | First-line pembrolizumab versus dabrafenib/trametinib treatment for BRAF V600-mutant advanced melanoma | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY |
2022 | A nomogram combining clinical factors and biomarkers for predicting the recurrence of high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
2022 | Implication of IL6-positive Cancer-associated Fibroblasts in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis: A Possible Modulator of Immune Microenvironment | ANTICANCER RESEARCH |
2022 | Deep Learning Algorithms for Predicting Breslow Thickness from Dermoscopic Images of Acral Lentiginous Melanomas | JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY |
2022 | A Novel Method of Steroid Delivery to Improve the Efficacy of Intralesional Injection in Keloid Treatment | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2022 | Weight-bearing activity impairs nuclear membrane and genome integrity via YAP activation in plantar melanoma
2022 | Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Extramammary Paget Disease | JAMA ONCOLOGY |
2022 | Incidence and Prevalence of Skin Cancers in South Korea from 2008 to 2016: A Nation-Wide Population Based Study
2022 | Implication of COPB2 Expression on Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis
2021 | Skin diseases in Asian individuals that you do not want to miss: A selection of unique or relatively more common conditions in Asian populations | CLINICS IN DERMATOLOGY |
2021 | Association between Skin Cancer and Systemic and Ocular Comorbidities in South Korea
2021 | Application of secondary intention for the restoration of the apical triangle after Mohs micrographic surgery | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENT |
2021 | Prediction of Immune-Checkpoint Blockade Monotherapy Response in Patients With Melanoma Based on Easily Accessible Clinical Indicators
2021 | Hypopigmentation in Extramammary Paget Disease Is an Important Prognostic Factor for High Recurrence Rate and Poor Surgical Outcome | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2021 | Initial topical monotherapy may increase the risk of recurrence in patients with extramammary Paget's disease | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY |
2021 | Invasive Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Chronic Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Case Report of Treatment by Slow Mohs Micrographic Surgery
2021 | PTEN Promoter Hypermethylation Is Associated with Breslow Thickness in Acral Melanoma on the Heel, Forefoot, and Hallux
2021 | Slow Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Acral Melanoma Treatment in Korean Patients | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2021 | Checkmark rotation flap for nasal tip reconstruction in Asian patients | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENT |
2021 | 설문지를 이용한 난치성 사마귀 환자의 병력과 임상적 특성 조사를 위한 예비 연구 | Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지) |
2020 | Advantages of A Hairline Incision for the Excision of Forehead Lipomas | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2020 | Male sex and Breslow thickness are important risk factors for recurrence of localized melanoma in Korean populations | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY |
2020 | Clinical Outcomes of Immune Checkpoint Blocker Therapy for Malignant Melanoma in Korean Patients: Potential Clinical Implications for a Combination Strategy Involving Radiotherapy
2020 | Non-melanoma skin cancer as a clinical marker for internal malignancies: a nationwide population-based cohort study | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY |
2020 | AXIN2 and SNAIL expression predict the risk of recurrence in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma after Mohs micrographic surgery
2020 | Augmented decision-making for acral lentiginous melanoma detection using deep convolutional neural networks | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY |
2020 | 삼중 유방외 Paget병 1예 | Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지) |
2020 | Risk factors for recurrence in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma after Mohs micrographic surgery: A retrospective review of 237 Asian patients | JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY |
2019 | Skin Imaging Using Ultrasound Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, Confocal Microscopy, and Two-Photon Microscopy in Cutaneous Oncology
| Frontiers in Medicine |
2019 | Immediate Umbilical Reconstruction after a Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Primary Cutaneous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Arising in the Umbilicus
2019 | Effect of Radiotherapy Combined With Pembrolizumab on Local Tumor Control in Mucosal Melanoma Patients
| Frontiers in Oncology |
2019 | Clinical Features and Association with Visceral Malignancy in 80 Patients with Sebaceous Neopla는
| Annals of Dermatology |
2019 | Occupational differences in standardized mortality ratios for non-melanotic skin cancer and melanoma in exposed areas among individuals with Fitzpatrick skin types III and IV
2019 | Overexpression and Implications of Melanoma-associated Antigen A12 in Pathogenesis of Human Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma | ANTICANCER RESEARCH |
2019 | Markedly Reduced Risk of Internal Malignancies in Patients With Vitiligo: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY |
2019 | Long-term outcomes of laser treatment for congenital melanocytic nevi | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY |
2019 | Comparison of treatment options for small to medium congenital melanocytic nevi: A retrospective review of 119 cases | LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE |
2018 | Expression of EpCAM in adenoid cystic carcinoma