Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Chang Hoon

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Kim, Chang Hoon [김창훈]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56640014800)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 198

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Outcomes and predictors of success following multilevel surgery in positional and non-positional obstructive sleep apneaOTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY
2024Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by definitive local treatment in locally advanced sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2024Distinctive CD39+CD9+ lung interstitial macrophages suppress IL-23/Th17-mediated neutrophilic asthma by inhibiting NETosis NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Comparative analyses of post-infectious olfactory dysfunction between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 cases SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Sinonasal seromucinous hamartoma: a single institution case series combined with a narrative review of the literatureEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY
2024Let-7a-5p Inhibits IL-4-induced MUC5AC Expression and Mucus Hypersecretion and Is Transported in Nasal Lavage Extracellular VesiclesAMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
2024Differential regulation of viral entry-associated genes modulated by inflammatory cytokines in the nasal epitheliumJOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY
2024SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific nasal-resident CD49a+CD8+ memory T cells exert immediate effector functions with enhanced IFN- production NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Type 1/17 CD103+CD4+ nasal-resident memory T cells in non-eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polypsALLERGY
2024Intermittent hypoxia induces Th17/Treg imbalance in a murine model of obstructive sleep apnea PLOS ONE
2024Airway epithelial CD47 plays a critical role in inducing influenza virus-mediated bacterial super-infection NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2023Clinical characteristics and associated factors of qualitative olfactory dysfunctionRHINOLOGY
2023Impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on the Incidence and Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2023Calprotectin in chronic rhinosinusitis eosinophil extracellular trapsINTERNATIONAL FORUM OF ALLERGY & RHINOLOGY
2023Incidence of Olfactory Dysfunction and Associated Factors: A Nationwide Cohort Study From South Korea ENT-EAR NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL
2023IL-4 drastically decreases deuterosomal and multiciliated cells via alteration in progenitor cell differentiationALLERGY
2023Visualization of the relationship between electrogustometry and whole mouth test using multidimensional scaling SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Spatiotemporal dynamics of the development of mouse olfactory system from prenatal to postnatal period FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY
2023Clinical Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients With Mixed Apnea ComponentsOTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY
2023Comparison of clinical features and surgical outcomes between hypopnea- and apnea-predominant obstructive sleep apneaCLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY
2022Serum high-mobility group box 1 protein level correlates with the lowest SaO2 in patients with sleep apnea: a preliminary study BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY
2022The YSK Olfactory Function Test: Development of a New Korean Olfactory Test Journal of Rhinology
2022A Case of Nasal Septum Gossypiboma 14 Years After Septorhinoplasty Journal of Rhinology
2022Amelioration of SARS-CoV-2 infection by ANO6 phospholipid scramblase inhibition CELL REPORTS
2022Gustatory dysfunction in patients with olfactory dysfunction and the associated factorsRHINOLOGY
2022Effectiveness of cross-linked human acellular dermal matrix in primary and revision augmentation rhinoplastyJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY
2022Is obstructive sleep apnea associated with erythrocytosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis LARYNGOSCOPE INVESTIGATIVE OTOLARYNGOLOGY
2022Association between the use of electronic cigarettes and the prevalence of chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis: a nationwide cross-sectional studyRHINOLOGY
2022Association of the human papillomavirus infection with the recurrence of sinonasal inverted papilloma: a systematic review and meta-analysisRHINOLOGY
2021Anterior skull base reconstruction using an anterolateral thigh free flap Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2021Differences and similarities between the upper and lower airway: focusing on innate immunityRHINOLOGY
2021Outcomes of multilevel upper airway surgery, including tongue base resection, in patients with torus mandibularisJOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2021Are Electronic Cigarettes Harmful? Mucin May Be the Key CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY
2021Can the sensitisation to staphylococcal enterotoxin predict the severity of chronic rhinosinusitis?EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY
2021Association between obesity and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: a national population-based study BMJ OPEN
2021Integrated genetic and epigenetic analyses uncover MSI2 association with allergic inflammationJOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY
2021Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Bepotastine Salicylate in Patients With Allergic RhinitisLARYNGOSCOPE
2021Role of specific IgE on staphylococcal enterotoxin B in chronic rhinosinusitis severityCLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY
2021Th2 cytokines-DUOX2-ROS-HMGB1 translocation axis is important in the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitisCLINICAL SCIENCE
2021Compressive stress induces collective migration through cytoskeletal remodelling in nasal polyp epitheliumRHINOLOGY
2021Efficacy of Rhino-Protect ointment after endoscopic sinus surgery: a prospective, randomized, multicenter studyEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY
2020Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 3-Independent Dendritic Cells Are Major Mediators of Th2 Immune Responses in Allergen-Induced Asthmatic Mice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2020High-mobility group box 1 protein induces epithelialmesenchymal transition in upper airway epithelial cellsRHINOLOGY
2020Comparison of olfactory and taste functions between eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitisAURIS NASUS LARYNX
2020Efficacy and Safety of Rituximab in Korean Patients with Refractory Inflammatory Myopathies JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2020Development of a Korean Culture-Friendly Olfactory Function Test and Optimization of a Diagnostic Cutoff Value CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY
2020Association between the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and obstructive sleep apnea: a meta-analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020An Alternative Dendritic Cell-Induced Murine Model of Asthma Exhibiting a Robust Th2/Th17-Skewed Response ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH
2020Relationship between Sleep Duration, Sun Exposure, and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Status: A Cross-sectional Study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020Huge Anterior Skull Base Defect Reconstruction on Communicating Between Cranium and Nasal Cavity: Combination Flap of Galeal Flap and Reverse Temporalis FlapJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY

