2011 | Diagnosing small hepatic cysts on multidetector CT: an additional merit of thinner coronal reformations.
2011 | Segmental difference of the hepatic fibrosis from chronic viral hepatitis due to hepatitis B versus C virus infection: comparison using dual contrast material-enhanced MRI.
2011 | Segmental Adenomyomatosis of Gallbladder: CT Assessment of the Patterns of Cholecystolithiasis
| Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology |
2011 | Focal eosinophilic infiltration of the liver: gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY |
2010 | The effects of the period between biopsy and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging on cancer staging in localized prostate cancer | BJU INTERNATIONAL |
2010 | Islet Cell Tumors of the Pancreas: A Variety of MultiphaseDynamic Imaging Findings with Pathologic Correlations Focusing on Nonfunctioning Tumors and Insulinomas
| Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology |
2010 | Alpha-fetoprotein 상승을 동반한 위암의 음낭 내 전이: 증례 보고
| Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology |
2010 | Is endorectal coil necessary for the staging of clinically localized prostate cancer? Comparison of non-endorectal versus endorectal MR imaging | WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY |
2010 | 간의 3T 자기공명영상에서 초상자성산화철 조영증강
급속호흡정지영상기법들간의 양적 및 질적 비교평가
| Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (대한자기공명의과학회지) |
2010 | Limited value of diffusion-weighted MR imaging for differentiating bland from malignant portal venous thrombi | RADIOLOGY |
2010 | Letter to the editor re: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of pancreas tumours | EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY |
2010 | Restaging of Rectal Cancer with MR Imaging after Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy | RADIOGRAPHICS |
2010 | Comparison of multi-echo and single-echo gradient-recalled echo sequences for SPIO-enhanced liver MRI at 3 T. | CLINICAL RADIOLOGY |
2010 | Lymphoepithelial cysts in the pancreas: MRI of two cases with emphasis of diffusion-weighted imaging characteristics. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING |
2010 | Focal eosinophilic necrosis on superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MRI | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2010 | Double contrast-enhanced MRI of viral hepatitis-induced cirrhosis: correlation of gross morphological signs with hepatic fibrosis.
2010 | Haemodynamic events and localised parenchymal changes following transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation for hepatic malignancy: interpretation of imaging findings.
2010 | Detection of hepatic hypovascular metastases: 3D gradient echo MRI using a hepatobiliary contrast agent. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING |
2010 | Nontumorous arterioportal shunts in the liver: CT and MRI findings considering mechanisms and fate | EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY |
2009 | Imaging Findings of Sonography and Computed Tomography for a Penile Leiomyosarcoma
| Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology |
2009 | Intraabdominal complications secondary to ventriculoperitoneal shunts: CT findings and review of the literature | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2009 | Small hypervascular hepatocellular carcinomas: value of "washout" on gadolinium-enhanced dynamic MR imaging compared to superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced imaging. | EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY |
2009 | Ferucarbotran-enhanced T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: differentiation of hepatic cavernous hemangiomas from malignant solid lesions | ABDOMINAL IMAGING |
2009 | Added value of diffusion-weighted imaging in the MRI assessment of perilesional tumor recurrence after chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinomas | JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING |
2009 | Hypervascular focus in the nonhypervascular nodule ("nodule-in-nodule") on dynamic computed tomography: imaging evidence of aggressive progression in hepatocellular carcinoma | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY |
2008 | Mangafodipir trisodium-enhanced MRI of hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with histological characteristics | CLINICAL RADIOLOGY |
2008 | Nonhypervascular hypoattenuating nodules depicted on either portal or equilibrium phase multiphasic CT images in the cirrhotic liver. | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2008 | Adrenocortical oncocytoma displaying intense activity on 18F-FDG-PET: a case report and a literature review | ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE |
2008 | Prostate cancer: Added value of subtraction dynamic imaging in 3T magnetic resonance imaging with a phased-array body coil
2008 | Solid pseudopapillary carcinoma of the pancreas: differentiation from benign solid pseudopapillary tumour using CT and MRI | CLINICAL RADIOLOGY |
2008 | Small hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma: limited value of portal and delayed phases on dynamic magnetic resonance imaging | ACTA RADIOLOGICA |
2008 | Transient hepatic attenuation difference (THAD) following transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatic malignancy: changes on serial CT examinations | EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY |
2008 | Small hypervascular enhancing lesions on arterial phase images of multiphase dynamic computed tomography in cirrhotic liver: Fate and implications | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY |
2008 | Large (>or 2 cm) non-hypervascular nodules depicted on MRI in the cirrhotic liver: fate and implications | CLINICAL RADIOLOGY |
2008 | A comparison of esophagography and esophageal transit scintigraphy in the evaluation of usefulness of endoscopic pneumatic dilatation in achalasia. | ACTA RADIOLOGICA |
2007 | CT나 MR에서 발견된 부신 종양의 진단에서 18F-FDG PET유용성의 재평가
| Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology |
2007 | Solitary Fibrous Tumor Arising from Stomach: CT Findings
2007 | Incomplete colonoscopy in patients with occlusive colorectal cancer: Usefulness of CT colonography according to tumor location
2007 | FDG Uptake in PET by Bladder Hernia Simulating Inguinal Metastasis
2007 | Greater and lesser omenta: Normal anatomy and pathologic processes | RADIOGRAPHICS |
2007 | Differentiation of adrenal adenoma and nonadenoma in unenhanced CT: New optimal threshold value and the usefulness of size criteria for differentiation
2007 | CT diagnosis of Fitz-Hugh and Curtis syndrome: Value of the arterial phase scan
2007 | Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors in the liver: MRI of two immunohistochemically-verified cases | JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING |
2007 | Value of nonvisualized primary lesions of gastric cancer on preoperative MDCT. | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2007 | Fat-Containing Nodules in the Cirrhotic Liver: Chemical Shift MRI Features and Clinical Implications | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2006 | Optimal TE for SPIO-Enhanced Gradient-Recalled Echo MRI for the Detection of Focal Hepatic Lesions | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2006 | Optimal Scan Window for Detection of Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinomas During MDCT Examination | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2006 | Detection of hepatic metastasis: Manganese- and ferucarbotran-enhanced MR imaging | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY |
2006 | Variation of the time to aortic enhancement of fixed-duration versus fixed-rate injection protocols | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY |
2006 | Comparison of CT and 18F-FDG PET for Detecting Peritoneal Metastasis on the Preoperative Evaluation for Gastric Carcinoma