Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Beom Kyung

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Kim, Beom Kyung [김범경]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (35302925200)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 295

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Similar recurrence after curative treatment of HBV-related HCC, regardless of HBV replication activity PLOS ONE
2024Hepatitis B Reactivation and Vaccination Effectiveness after Solid Organ Transplantation: A Matched Case-Control Study VACCINES
2024Comparison between Nivolumab and Regorafenib as Second-line Systemic Therapies after Sorafenib Failure in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Sorafenib vs. Lenvatinib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after atezolizumab/bevacizumab failure: A real-world study CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY
2024Hepatitis C virus infection in patients undergoing surgery in a single tertiary academic centerJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2024Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver clinical practice guidelines on liver transplantationHEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2024Neither hepatic steatosis nor fibrosis is associated with clinical outcomes in patients with intestinal Behçet’s diseaseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY
2024A Liver Stiffness-Based Etiology-Independent Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict Hepatocellular CarcinomaCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2024Causal Analyses of Statin to Prevent Liver Disease Progression: A Nationwide Study Using Superlearning Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation 약학회지
2023Prediction model of hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma in patients receiving antiviral therapy JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
2023Magnetic resonance elastography-based prediction model for hepatic decompensation in NAFLD: A multicenter cohort studyHEPATOLOGY
2023Association of Alcohol Consumption With Liver Cancer and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Without CirrhosisCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023Inhibition of Dickkopf-1 enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of sorafenib via inhibition of the PI3K/Akt and Wnt/β-catenin pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma CELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING
2023Risk and predictors of hepatic decompensation in grey zone patients by the Baveno VII criteria: A competing risk analysisALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS
2023Survival Trends in Sorafenib for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Reconstructed Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials LIVER CANCER
2023MAFLD might be better in identifying subjects with sarcopenia or cardiovascular risk than NAFLD: A nationwide studyJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023ALT Is Not Associated With Achieving Subcirrhotic Liver Stiffness and HCC During Entecavir Therapy in HBV-Related CirrhosisCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023How to deliver palliative care for patients with management in decompensated cirrhosis HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION
2023Noninvasive risk assessment of hepatic decompensation in patients with hepatitis B virus-related liver cirrhosisJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023A machine learning model for predicting hepatocellular carcinoma risk in patients with chronic hepatitis BLIVER INTERNATIONAL
2023Clinical and histologic factors associated with discordance between steatosis grade derived from histology vs. MRI-PDFF in NAFLDALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS
2023UNOS Down-Staging Criteria for Liver Transplantation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 25 StudiesCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023Comparable Mortality Between Asian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Under Long-Term Antiviral Therapy vs Matched Control: A Population-Based StudyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY
2023Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence in Alcohol-Associated Cirrhosis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023The clinical effect of antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis B virus-related decompensated cirrhosis and undetectable DNAJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2023Outcome of untreated low-level viremia versus antiviral therapy-induced or spontaneous undetectable HBV-DNA in compensated cirrhosisHEPATOLOGY
2023Global burden of primary liver cancer and its association with underlying aetiologies, sociodemographic status, and sex differences from 1990-2019: A DALY-based analysis of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY
2023Statin use is associated with better post-operative prognosis among patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinomaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION
2023How to optimize the treatment strategy for advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma with macrovascular invasion Journal of Liver Cancer(대한간암학회지)
2023Meta-analysis: Chemoprevention of hepatocellular carcinoma with statins, aspirin and metforminALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS
2023Metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease identifies subjects with cardiovascular risk better than non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseLIVER INTERNATIONAL
2023Predictive biomarkers of survival in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma receiving atezolizumab plus bevacizumab treatment CANCER MEDICINE
2023Sorafenib versus nivolumab after lenvatinib treatment failure in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinomaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY
2023Post-operative recurrence of liver cancer according to antiviral therapy for detectable hepatitis B viremia: A nationwide studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE
2023Suboptimal Performance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prediction Models in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus-Related Cirrhosis DIAGNOSTICS
2023Hepatic Steatosis but Not Fibrosis Is Independently Associated with Poor Outcomes in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseGUT AND LIVER
2022New Evidence of Oral Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on the Prognosis of Patients With Advanced Liver Disease CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY
2022Effect of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease on liver cancer risk in a population with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: A nationwide studyHEPATOLOGY RESEARCH
2022Head-to-head comparison between MEFIB, MAST, and FAST for detecting stage 2 fibrosis or higher among patients with NAFLDJOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY
2022How to Optimize the Care Cascade of Hepatitis C Virus Infection GUT AND LIVER
2022Real-world clinical features, health-care utilization, and economic burden in decompensated cirrhosis patients: A national databaseJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2022Global prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY
2022Liver Stiffness on Magnetic Resonance Elastography and the MEFIB Index and Liver-Related Outcomes in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual ParticipantsGASTROENTEROLOGY
2022Prognostic Impact of MAFLD Following Surgical Resection of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Nationwide Cohort Study CANCERS
2022Clinical characteristics and prognosis of Korean patients with hepatocellular carcinoma with respect to etiology Journal of Liver Cancer(대한간암학회지)
2022The effect of pharmacological treatment and lifestyle modification in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trialsOBESITY REVIEWS
2022Humoral Immunogenicity to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
2022Statin use and risk of progression to liver cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B independent of conventional risk factors: A nationwide study HEPATOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS
2022Fibrotic Burden Determines Cardiovascular Risk among Subjects with Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease GUT AND LIVER

