Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Kee Deog

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Kim, Kee Deog [김기덕]
Department :
College of Dentistry (치과대학) - Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (36161051800)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 161

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Evaluating the performance of generative adversarial network-synthesized periapical images in classifying C-shaped root canals SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw using periodontitis-induced rat before tooth extraction BMC ORAL HEALTH
2023Allergic reactions to local anesthetic mepivacaine in dental procedures: a case report Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2023Evaluation of dental status using a questionnaire before administration of general anesthesia for the prevention of dental injuries Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2022Efficacy of tooth brushing via a three-dimensional motion tracking system for dental plaque control in school children: a randomized controlled clinical trial BMC ORAL HEALTH
2022Identifying the course of the greater palatine artery using intraoral ultrasonography: cohort studySURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2022Conservative orthodontic treatment for severe pathologic migration following total glossectomy: A case report KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS(대한치과교정학회지)
2022Development and Validation of a Visually Explainable Deep Learning Model for Classification of C-shaped Canals of the Mandibular Second Molars in Periapical and Panoramic Dental RadiographsJOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS
2022Accuracy of 3D printed dental casts for protective dental splints during general anesthesiaRAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL
2022Foreign body aspiration and ingestion in dental clinic: a seven-year retrospective study Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2020The Effectiveness of Occlusal Adjustment Procedures for the Treatment of Food Impaction: Nine Clinical Cases Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2019Location of the Mandibular Incisive Canal Related to the Placement of Dental Implants: A Case ReportJOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY
2019환자-치과의사 관계(Patient-Dentist Interaction, PDI) 평가점수의 관련 요인 분석 Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지)
2019Foreign body removal assisted by an intraoral ultrasound probeORAL RADIOLOGY
2018치근단 방사선사진, 파노라마 방사선 사진 및 전산화 단층 영상을 이용한 임플란트 시술 부위 골질의 평가 Implantology
2018The relationship between masseter muscle thickness measured by ultrasonography and facial profile in young Korean adults IMAGING SCIENCE IN DENTISTRY
2018Ultrasound Guided Free Gingival Graft: Case ReportJOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY
2018고도의 치주염과 치아우식에 이환된 환자의 임플란트와 가철성 국소의치를 이용한 구강회복 증례 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2018Long-Term Stability of Pre-Orthodontic Orthognathic Bimaxillary Surgery Using Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Versus Conventional SurgeryJOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2017근관 실러의 분류와 특성 비교Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2017Prevalence of proximal contact loss between implant-supported fixed prostheses and adjacent natural teeth and its associated factors: a 7-year prospective studyCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH
2017Tooth Segmentation Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Genetic AlgorithmJOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS
2017Creating protective appliances for preventing dental injury during endotracheal intubation using intraoral scanning and 3D printing: a technical note Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2017Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) Might Not Improve Early Bone Healing after Sinus Augmentation in Healthy Rabbits BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL
2016상아질 접착에서의 Chlorhexidine의 효과 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016Management of hyperthyroid patients in dental emergencies: a case report Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2016MTA의 특성과 임상적 적용 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016전신질환으로 발생할 수 있는 구강 내 증상의 발현: 증례보고 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016다수의 결손을 가진 상악 부분 무치악에서 열가소성 의치를 이용한 수복 증례 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery for painless anesthesia: a literature review Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2016Changes in the craniofacial complex and alveolar bone height of young adults: Applications to dental medicineCLINICAL ANATOMY
2016Single-Tooth Osteotomy Using Piezoelectric Devices to Treat an Ankylosed Maxillary MolarINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY
2015치아균열증후군 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Need of Orthodontic Treatment and Considering Factors from Interdisciplinary Point of View : Focused on Case Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Protective dental splint for oroendotracheal intubation: experience of 202 cases Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2015치수-치주 연관병소에 관할 고찰 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Mandibular metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma: A case report IMAGING SCIENCE IN DENTISTRY
2015Availability of Software-Based Correction of Mandibular Plane for the Vertical Measurement of the Mandible in Cone Beam Computed Tomography BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL
2015The influence of mandibular skeletal characteristics on inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2015Preservation of Hypermobile Teeth by Establishing Posterior Occlusal Support Using Implant Prostheses: A 5-Year Follow-UpJOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY
2015Efficacy of computer-assisted, 3D motion-capture toothbrushing instruction.CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
2014간접 수복물의 접착 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2014Alternative One Visit Impression Technique for Multiple Tooth Preparations and Implants Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2014Factors Influencing Superimposition Error of 3D Cephalometric Landmarks by Plane Orientation Method Using 4 Reference Points: 4 Point Superimposition Error Regression Model PLOS ONE
2014The study of anatomic structures in establishing the posterior seal area for maxillary complete denturesJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY
2014Correlation Analysis of Three-Dimensional Changes of Hard and Soft Tissues in Class III Orthognathic Surgery Patients Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2013통합치과전문임상의(Advanced General Dentistry, AGD)의 어제와 오늘 그리고 내일 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2013치과 공포를 갖고 있는 성인에서의 경구 및 아산화질소 복합 진정요법을 이용한 통합적 치과치료의 증례보고Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2013Coumadin을 복용중인 환자의 치주치료 후 발생한 술 후 과다출혈 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2013컴퓨터를 이용한 속도 조절형 치과 국소마취 기구: 문헌고찰 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)

