Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kuh, Sung Uk

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Kuh, Sung Uk [구성욱]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (8247615900)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 129

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy of Anabolic Agents and Bisphosphonates in the Patients With Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials NEUROSPINE
2024Differential effects of sevoflurane and desflurane on frontal intraoperative electroencephalogram dynamics associated with postoperative deliriumJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA
2024Deep Learning Model Based on You Only Look Once Algorithm for Detection and Visualization of Fracture Areas in Three-Dimensional Skeletal Images DIAGNOSTICS
2023Optimization of the optical transparency of bones by PACT-based passive tissue clearing EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2023Three-Dimensional Quantitative Assessment of Pedicle Screw Accuracy in Clinical Utilization of a New Robotic System in Spine Surgery A Multicenter Study NEUROSPINE
2023Risk factors for unplanned reoperation after corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity BONE & JOINT RESEARCH
2023Predicting Mechanical Complications After Adult Spinal Deformity Operation Using a Machine Learning Based on Modified Global Alignment and Proportion Scoring With Body Mass Index and Bone Mineral Density NEUROSPINE
2023Clinical Effect of Transverse Process Hook with K-Means Clustering-Based Stratification of Computed Tomography Hounsfield Unit at Upper Instrumented Vertebra Level in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY
2022Comparison of Whole Spine Sagittal Alignment in Patients with Spinal Disease between EOS Imaging System versus Conventional Whole Spine X-ray YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022A Micro-Costing Analysis of Flexible Bronchoscopic Intubation in a Korean Tertiary Hospital Journal of Health Technology Assessment(보건의료기술평가)
2021Development of a direction-sensitive gamma-ray monitoring system using a gamma camera with a dual-sided collimator: A Monte Carlo studyAPPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
2021Which Is More Predictive Value for Mechanical Complications: Fixed Thoracolumbar Alignment (T1 Pelvic Angle) Versus Dynamic Global Balance Parameter (Odontoid-Hip Axis Angle) NEUROSPINE
2021Modified Global Alignment and Proportion Scoring With Body Mass Index and Bone Mineral Density Analysis in Global Alignment and Proportion Score of Each 3 Categories for Predicting Mechanical Complications After Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery NEUROSPINE
2021Characteristics and Risk Factors of Rod Fracture Following Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis NEUROSPINE
2021Comparison of Zero-profile Anchored Spacer Versus Plate-and-Cage After 1-Level ACDF With Complete Uncinate Process Resection : A 3-Year Assessment of Radiographic and Clinical OutcomesCLINICAL SPINE SURGERY
2021Influence of Frailty on Life Expectancy in Octogenarians After Lumbar Spine Surgery NEUROSPINE
2021The Fate of Proximal Junctional Vertebral Fractures after Long-Segment Spinal Fixation : Are There Predictable Radiologic Characteristics for Revision surgery? JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY
2021Revision Surgery for a Failed Artificial Disc YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2021Surgical Strategy for Sacral Tumor Resection YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2020Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion vs posterior laminoplasty for the treatment of myelopathy due to two-level localized ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament MEDICINE
2020Association of complete uncinate process removal on 2-year assessment of radiologic outcomes: subsidence and sagittal balance in patients receiving one-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS
2020Modified global alignment and proportion scoring with body mass index and bone mineral density (GAPB) for improving predictions of mechanical complications after adult spinal deformity surgerySPINE JOURNAL
2020Fully automated 3D segmentation and separation of multiple cervical vertebrae in CT images using a 2D convolutional neural networkCOMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE
2019Intramedullary Cavernous Hemangioma with Calcification of Spinal CordWORLD NEUROSURGERY
2019Residence could influence the surgical outcome after corrective surgery in adult spinal deformity: comparison study between urban and rural area in KoreaEUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL
2019Preoperative radiographic clues for transdural disc herniation: could it be predictable?ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2019Progression of Cervical Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament After Laminoplasty or Laminectomy With Posterior FixationCLINICAL SPINE SURGERY
2019Comparison of Endovascular Embolization and Surgery in the Treatment of Spinal Intradural Dorsal Arteriovenous FistulasWORLD NEUROSURGERY
2019Does minimally invasive fusion technique influence surgical outcomes in isthmic spondylolisthesis?MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES
2019Treatment outcomes of 17 patients with atypical spinal meningioma, including 4 with metastases: a retrospective observational studySPINE JOURNAL
2018Clinical relation among dural adhesion, dural ossification, and dural laceration in the removal of ossification of the ligamentum flavumSPINE JOURNAL
2018Surgical Outcomes After Segmental Limited Surgery for Adjacent Segment Disease: The Consequences of Makeshift SurgeryWorld Neurosurgery
2018Herniated Discs at the Cervicothoracic Junction.WORLD NEUROSURGERY
2017Ossification foci act as stabilizers in continuous-type ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: a comparative study between laminectomy and laminoplastyACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA
2017Late-Developing Metastatic Malignant Melanoma in the Thoracic Spine Originating from Choroidal Melanoma. Korean Journal of Spine
2017A Rare Case of Aggressive Melanotic Schwannoma Occurred in Spinal Nerve of a 59-Year-Old Male JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE
2017Management of Esophageal and Pharyngeal Perforation as Complications of Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery.WORLD NEUROSURGERY
2017The Influences of Different Ratios of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate and Collagen Augmentation on Posterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion in Rat Model YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2016Critical Values of Facet Joint Angulation and Tropism in the Development of Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: An International, Large-Scale Multicenter Study by the AOSpine Asia Pacific Research Collaboration Consortium GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL
2016Is lumbar facet joint tropism developmental or secondary to degeneration? An international, large-scale multicenter study by the AOSpine Asia Pacific Research Collaboration Consortium SCOLIOSIS AND SPINAL DISORDERS
2016A Nationwide Retrospective Study of Opioid Management Patterns in 2,468 Patients with Spinal Pain in Korea ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL
2016Joint kinematics of surgeons during lumbar pedicle screw placementINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY
2016Changes in bone metabolism in young castrated male rats YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2016Paraspinal muscle, facet joint, and disc problems: risk factors for adjacent segment degeneration after lumbar fusionSPINE JOURNAL
2016Association of miR-146a, miR-149, miR-196a2, and miR-499 Polymorphisms with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Cervical Spine PLOS ONE
2016A retrospective observational study on the treatment outcomes of 26 patients with spinal cord astrocytoma including two cases of malignant transformationEUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL
2016Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Multilevel: Comparison with Conventional Transforaminal Interbody Fusion.WORLD NEUROSURGERY
2015Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Spondylolisthesis: Comparison Between Isthmic and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisWORLD NEUROSURGERY
2015Prevalence, Distribution, and Significance of Incidental Thoracic Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum in Korean Patients with Back or Leg Pain : MR-Based Cross Sectional Study JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY
2015Bone Mineral Density Changes after Orchiectomy using a Scrotal Approach in Rats Korean Journal of Spine

