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Showing results 1 to 20 of 398

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Development and evaluation of an integrated health promotion program for school-age children from vulnerable familiesDissertation
2023Factors affecting Career Commitment of Millennial and Generation Z Nurses: A Mixed Methods ResearchDissertation
2023심혈관 병동 환자분류체계 개발 :아이트래커 및 전자의무기록 활용Dissertation
2023Life Course Determinants and Adverse Health-related Outcomes of Pre-frailty Trajectories among Older Adults: Using the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 2006-2020Dissertation
2023무균실에서 보호 격리 중인 조혈모세포이식환자를 위한 불확실성 중재 프로그램 개발 및 임상 적용평가Dissertation
2023간호활동에 기반한 회복실 환자분류체계 개발Dissertation
2023Development of a self-management scale for patients with liver cirrhosisDissertation
2023고위험신생아 부모의 퇴원 준비 측정도구 개발Dissertation
2023급성심부전 환자의 자가간호 변화유형에 따른 영향요인Dissertation
2022수정된 문제행동이론에 근거한 대학생의 스마트폰 과의존 위험행위 구조모형 Dissertation
2022수술 전 노쇠가 노인 대장암 환자의 건강 성과에 미치는 영향Dissertation
2022Social Determinants of Health by Cluster of Obesogenic Behaviors in Ethnic Minority Adolescents and Korean Adolescents Dissertation
2022Delirium Prediction Models in Intensive Care Unit Patients Using Nursing Data Dissertation
2022Prediction Model for Hospital-acquired Influenza Using Electronic Medical Records Dissertation
2022Development of Physical Activity and Dietary Behavior Improvement Program for Boarding School StudentsDissertation
2022Development and Validation of Nurse Competency Inventory for Patient EngagementDissertation
2022The Mediating Effect of Uncertainty in Illness on Brain Tumor Patients' Cancer Coping Dissertation
2022가족중심 신생아 임종간호 프로토콜 개발 및 적용가능성 평가Dissertation
2022간호중간관리자의 조직침묵 경험Dissertation
2022췌장암 환자와 돌봄제공자의 증상, 대처 및 삶의 질 : 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개 모형 적용Dissertation

