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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2019Camouflage Extraction Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patient: 4-year Follow-upKorean Journal of Cleft Lip and Palate
2020Camouflage treatment for skeletal Class III patient with facial asymmetry using customized bracket based on CAD/CAM virtual orthodontic system: A case reportANGLE ORTHODONTIST
2018Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion with multiple missing teethYonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정)
2018Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class III facial asymmetry patient with narrow maxillary archYonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정)
2018Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion with extraction of bimaxillary first premolarsYonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정)
2019Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion with anterior crossbite and crowdingYonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정)
2024Can medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw be attributed to specific microorganisms through oral microbiota analyses? A preliminary study BMC ORAL HEALTH
2021Can ultrasonography be used to assess capsular distention in the painful temporomandibular joint? BMC ORAL HEALTH
2001Cephalometric and physiologic predictors of the efficacy of an adjustable oral appliance for treating obstructive sleep apneaAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS
2000Cephalometric characteristics of Korean Class III surgical patients and their relationship to plans for surgical treatmentInternational Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery
2016Cephalometric configuration of the occlusal plane in patients with anterior open biteAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS
2024Cerium doping of 45S5 bioactive glass improves redox potential and cellular bioactivity SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Cerium oxide nanozymes confer a cytoprotective and bio-friendly surface micro-environment to methacrylate based oro-facial prosthesesBIOMATERIALS
2014Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molarsJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY
2021Changes in cellular regulatory factors before and after decompression of odontogenic keratocysts JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2023Changes in condylar position during orthodontic treatment depending on the amount of incisor retraction: a cone-beam computed tomography studyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
2023Changes in masticatory performance during the retention period following 4-premolar extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatmentCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
2023Changes in mechanical and bacterial properties of denture base resin following nanoceria incorporation with and without SBA-15 carriersJOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS
2017Changes in occlusal function after extraction of premolars: 2-year follow-up ANGLE ORTHODONTIST
2017Changes in psychological health, subjective food intake ability and oral health-related quality of life during orthodontic treatmentJOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION

