2019 | Camouflage Extraction Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patient: 4-year Follow-up | Korean Journal of Cleft Lip and Palate |
2020 | Camouflage treatment for skeletal Class III patient with facial asymmetry using customized bracket based on CAD/CAM virtual orthodontic system: A case report | ANGLE ORTHODONTIST |
2018 | Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion with multiple missing teeth | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2018 | Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class III facial asymmetry patient with narrow maxillary arch | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2018 | Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion with extraction of bimaxillary first premolars | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2019 | Camouflage treatment of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion with anterior crossbite and crowding | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2024 | Can medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw be attributed to specific microorganisms through oral microbiota analyses? A preliminary study
2021 | Can ultrasonography be used to assess capsular distention in the painful temporomandibular joint?
2001 | Cephalometric and physiologic predictors of the efficacy of an adjustable oral appliance for treating obstructive sleep apnea | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2000 | Cephalometric characteristics of Korean Class III surgical patients and their relationship to plans for surgical treatment | International Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery |
2016 | Cephalometric configuration of the occlusal plane in patients with anterior open bite | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2024 | Cerium doping of 45S5 bioactive glass improves redox potential and cellular bioactivity
2023 | Cerium oxide nanozymes confer a cytoprotective and bio-friendly surface micro-environment to methacrylate based oro-facial prostheses | BIOMATERIALS |
2014 | Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molars | JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY |
2021 | Changes in cellular regulatory factors before and after decompression of odontogenic keratocysts
2023 | Changes in condylar position during orthodontic treatment depending on the amount of incisor retraction: a cone-beam computed tomography study | CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS |
2023 | Changes in masticatory performance during the retention period following 4-premolar extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatment | CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS |
2023 | Changes in mechanical and bacterial properties of denture base resin following nanoceria incorporation with and without SBA-15 carriers | JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS |
2017 | Changes in occlusal function after extraction of premolars: 2-year follow-up
2017 | Changes in psychological health, subjective food intake ability and oral health-related quality of life during orthodontic treatment | JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION |