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Showing results 61 to 80 of 344

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2020SAMP1/Klotho-결핍 마우스의 하악골에서 골형성이상 Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology(대한구강악안면병리학회지)
2020Snail augments fatty acid oxidation by suppression of mitochondrial ACC2 during cancer progression LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE
2020일차치과의원에서의 조직병리검사 Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지)
2020Exosome-based Delivery of Super-Repressor IκBα Relieves Sepsis-Associated Organ Damage and Mortality SCIENCE ADVANCES
2020Glutathione peroxidase-1 regulates adhesion and metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer cells via FAK signaling REDOX BIOLOGY
2020Transcriptional Expression in Human Periodontal Ligament Cells Subjected to Orthodontic Force: An RNA-Sequencing Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2019Cytoskeletal alteration modulates cancer cell invasion through RhoA-YAP signaling in stromal fibroblasts PLOS ONE
2019치은의 소아황색육아종 Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
2019p38 Stabilizes Snail by Suppressing DYRK2-Mediated Phosphorylation That Is Required for GSK3β-βTrCP-Induced Snail DegradationCancer Research
2019Downregulation of CHIP promotes ovarian cancer metastasis by inducing Snail-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition Molecular Oncology
2019Bcl-2 is a prognostic marker and its silencing inhibits recurrence in ameloblastomasORAL DISEASES
2019PKM2 enhances cancer invasion via ETS-1-dependent induction of matrix metalloproteinase in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells PLoS One
2019Therapeutic implications of cancer epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH
2019The Pathogenic Effect of Cortactin Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma IN VIVO
2019Loss of SLC25A11 causes suppression of NSCLC and melanoma tumor formationEBioMedicine
2019The Effect of Dilution with 10% Dextrose Solution on the Potency of Botulinum Toxin A Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2019Combined treatment with 2′-hydroxycinnamaldehyde and temozolomide suppresses glioblastoma tumorspheres by decreasing stemness and invasivenessJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2019상악의 단발 림프종모양육아종증 Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
2018Cancer-Stimulated CAFs Enhance Monocyte Differentiation and Protumoral TAM Activation via IL6 and GM-CSF SecretionCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2018Microsphere-Based Nanoindentation for the Monitoring of Cellular Cortical Stiffness Regulated by MT1-MMPSMALL

