2011 | Impact of preoperative ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration of axillary lymph nodes on the surgical management of primary breast cancer
| Thesis |
2010 | Initially nondiagnostic ulrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules : value and management
| Thesis |
2016 | Interobserver and test-retest reproducibility of T1ρ and T2 measurement of lumbar intervertebral disc by using 3T magnetic resonance imaging
| Thesis |
2006 | Magnetic resonance cholangiography : comparison of two- and three-dimensional sequences for assessment of malignant biliary obstruction
| Thesis |
2013 | MDCT evaluation of food stasis in remnant stomach after subtotal gastrectomy by laparoscopic versus open abdominal approach | Thesis |
2014 | Multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy imaging system for improvement of diagnostic accuracy in localized prostate cancer
| Thesis |
2016 | Nodules with nondiagnostic results on repeat fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) : which nodules should be considered for repeat biopsy or surgery rather than follow-up?
| Thesis |
2012 | Non-invasive liver stiffness assessment using tagged MRI of cardiac-induced liver motion : comparison of various methods to diagnose liver fibrosis | Thesis |
2014 | Photoacoustic imaging of breast microcalcifications : a preliminary study with 8-gauge core-biopsied breast specimens
| Dissertation |
2012 | Positive predictive value for additional synchronous breast lesions in whole-breast sonography at the diagnosis of breast cancer: Clinical and imaging factors
| Thesis |
2016 | Prediction of pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy by preoperative dynamic computed tomographic imaging and fecal elastase-1 levels
| Thesis |
2004 | Preoperative evaluation of a CBD stone in patients with gallstone disease
| Thesis |
2009 | Preoperative staging of papillary thyroid carcinoma : comparison of ultrasonography and computed tomography
| Thesis |
2018 | Rescue stenting for recanalization of intracranial atherosclerotic disease : the preliminary experience with enterprise stent
| Thesis |
2008 | Risk factors for early intra-hepatic recurrence in 240 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent curative resection : analysis of preoperative radiologic and laboratory findings and postope
| Thesis |
2010 | Role of MR imaging for characterization of hepatic small interminate lesions on CT in patients with underlying extrahepatic carcinoma
| Thesis |
2011 | Sonographic characteristics suggesting papillary thyroid carcinoma according to nodule size | Thesis |
2013 | Surgical outcome of extratemporal lobe epilepsy | Thesis |
1981 | Tc-99m-HIDA를 이용한 간.담도계 질환의 임상적 연구 | Thesis |
2010 | The role of ultrasonography and FDG-PET in axillary lymph node staging of breast cancer
| Thesis |