Dept. of Radiology (영상의학교실)

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Artificially engineered magnetic nanoparticles for ultra-sensitive molec...

Jae-Hyun Lee ; Yong-Min Huh ; Jinwoo Cheon ; Jin-Suck Suh ; Ho-Geun Yoon ; Eu... NATURE MEDICINE, Vol.13(1) : 95-99, 2007

Nanoscale size effect of magnetic nanocrystals and their utilisation for...

Young-wook Jun ; Yong-Min Huh ; Jin-sil Choi ; Jae-Hyun Lee ; Ho-Taek Song ; ... JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.127(16) : 5732-5733, 2005

Nanomaterials for theranostics: Recent advances and future challenges

Eun-Kyung Lim ; Taekhoon Kim ; Soonmyung Paik ; Seungjoo Haam ; Yong-Min Huh ... CHEMICAL REVIEWS, Vol.115(1) : 327-394, 2015
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2025Transdural location as a predictor of recurrence in spinal cord meningiomasJOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
2025Quantitative Liver Imaging in ChildrenINVESTIGATIVE RADIOLOGY
2024Prediction of PD-L1 expression in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma with gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRIEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2024Prognostic Factors for Clinical Outcome and Cartilage Regeneration after Implantation of Allogeneic Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Large-Sized Cartilage Defects with Osteoarthritis CARTILAGE
2024Influence of contrast medium on long-term renal function and outcomes in patients with septic acute kidney injury: A propensity-matched cohort study JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE
2024A human brain atlas of χ-separation for normative iron and myelin distributionsNMR IN BIOMEDICINE
2024Regulation of Tumor Growth and Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma by the Tumor Microenvironment Through the Enhancement of IGFBP-3 ExpressionANTICANCER RESEARCH
2024Mechanical stability of the proximal tibia with different bone formations after plate removal in medial opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy: a finite element analysis JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH
2024Factors affecting the technical outcome of catheter-directed sclerotherapy for ovarian endometriomasEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2024Anatomical and histological analyses of ankle plantar flexors: insights into connective tissue composition and muscle architectureSURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2024Association of Striatal Dopamine Depletion and Brain Metabolism Changes With Motor and Cognitive Deficits in Patients With Parkinson DiseaseNEUROLOGY
2024Endovascular Treatment of Scalp Arteriovenous Fistula: Transvenous Onyx Embolization with Balloon Occlusion Neurointervention
2024Performance of LI-RADS category 5 vs combined categories 4 and 5: a systemic review and meta-analysisEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2024Imaging classification of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with histological large duct patternEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2024Long-Term Outcomes of Neoadjuvant Therapy Versus Upfront Surgery for Resectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma CANCER MEDICINE
2024Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI for the detection of liver metastases from melanoma PLOS ONE
2024Spatial Similarity of MRI-Visible Perivascular Spaces in Healthy Young Adult Twins YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Standardized Ultrasound Evaluation for Active Surveillance of Low-Risk Thyroid Microcarcinoma in Adults: 2024 Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology Consensus Statement KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2024Incorporating supramaximal resection into survival stratification of IDH-wildtype glioblastoma: a refined multi-institutional recursive partitioning analysisCLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2024Development and Validation of a Prediction Model Using Sella Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Based Radiomics and Clinical Parameters for the Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency and Idiopathic Short Stature: Cross-Sectional, Multicenter Study JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

