Browsing by Yonsei Author : Choi, Joong Uhn

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Choi, Joong Uhn [최중언]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 74

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2009지방척수수막류의 급속 성장Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2009The history of ependymoma managementCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2009Factors contributing improvement of syringomyelia and surgical outcome in type I Chiari malformationCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2009Treatment and outcomes of primary intracranial teratomaCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2009Low-dose craniospinal irradiation as a definitive treatment for intracranial germinomaRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2008Cranial growth after distraction osteogenesis of the craniosynostosisJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2008Treatment modality for intractable epilepsy in hypothalamic hamartomatous lesionsNEUROSURGERY
2008Prediction of prognosis in children with medulloblastoma by using immunohistochemical analysis and tissue microarrayJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-PEDIATRICS
2008Factors contributing to resectability and seizure outcomes in 44 patients with gangliogliomaCLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY
2008Management of intracranial cavernous malformation in pediatric patients.CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2008Simultaneous endoscopic third ventriculostomy and ventriculoperitoneal shunt for infantile hydrocephalusCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2007악성으로 변환하여 재발한 성숙 과오종Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2007직장 항문 기형 환자에서 동반하는 척추 이형성Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2007지주막 낭종에서 수술적 치료 방법 선택Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2007Congenital cavernous sinus cystic teratoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007Long term magnetic Resonance Angiography follow-up in moyamoya disease Korean Journal of Cerebrovascular Surgery (대한뇌혈관외과학회지)
2007악성 뇌종양에서 Gliadel® Wafer의 효용성;예비 보고 Journal of Korean Brain Tumor Society (대한뇌종양학회지)
2007The promotion of pediatric neurosurgery throughout the worldCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2007Treatment failure in intracranial primary germinomasCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2007Progressive myelopathy due to meningeal thickening in shunted patients: Description of a novel entity and the role of surgeryCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2007Mixed or metachronous germ-cell tumor?CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2007Distraction vs remodeling surgery for craniosynostosisCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM
2006두개인두종의 수술 접근법Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006소아에서 두개강 내 해면상 혈관종의 수술적 치료Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006수모세포종 소아에서 방사선 치료 후 발생한 맥관장애Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006측두엽 간질의 삼중 병리에 대한 절제술의 경험Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006Parry-Romberg 증후군Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006신경교증과 혼동되는 소아에서의 해면상 혈관종Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006지방척수수막류 환자에 있어서 요역동학 검사Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2006소아 난치성 간질에서 기능적 반측 대뇌 절제술Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2005시상하부 과오종에 대한 감마나이프방사선수술의 장기추적 결과:치료성적을 어떻게 높일 수 있을까? Journal of the Korean Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (대한정위기능신경외과학회지)
2005소아 간질 치료에서 뇌량 전체 절제술의 결과 Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society (대한간질학회지)
2005Risk factors for postoperative ischemic complications in patients with moyamoya diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2005Surgical Treatment of Cavernous Malformation of Pineal Region Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2005인체 U373 악성 교종 세포주의 세포 분열에 있어 Sept2의 역할Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2005갈렌정맥기형Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2005Effects of Methylprednisolone on the Neural Conduction of the Motor Evoked Potentials in Spinal Cord Injured Rats JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2005Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal after Successful Surgery for Intractable Temporal Lobe EpilepsyEPILEPSIA
2005관류 강조 자기공명 영상을 이용한 소아 모야모야 환아의 뇌 혈역학 분석 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2004U343 교종 세포주에서 GFAP와 Fascin과의 상호작용 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2004신경외과 영역에서의 태아 수술Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery (대한소아신경외과학회지)
2004The Surgical Effect of Callosotomy in the Treatment of Intractable Seizure YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004정상 면역 상태의 소아에서 발생한 진행성다초점백질뇌병증의 신경영상검사 연속 추적 관찰 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association
2004수모세포종의 방사선치료 후 전두엽하방 재발된 환자에서 원인 분석 및 구제 치료 Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
2004Endoscopic disconnection for hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable seizure - Report of four casesJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2000수두증 흰쥐 모델에서 수두증 정도에 따른 체성 감각 유발 장전위의 변화 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
1999지방척수수막류의 수술적 치료결과 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
1999척수강내에 발생한 선천성 표피양 낭종: 증례보고 Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
1999A new experimental model of obstructive hydrocephalus in the rat: the micro-balloon techniqueChild's Nervous System
1998Identical characteristics of the patient populations with pineal region tumors in Japan and in Korea and therapeutic modalitiesCHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM

