Browsing by Yonsei Author : Jeung, Hei Cheul

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Jeung, Hei Cheul [정희철]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (6603306077)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 166

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Varlitinib and Paclitaxel for EGFR/HER2 Co-expressing Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Multicenter Phase Ib/II Study (K-MASTER-13) CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2024A randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase III trial comparing anthracyclines followed by taxane versus anthracyclines followed by taxane plus carboplatin as (neo) adjuvant therapy in patients with early triple-negative breast cancer: Korean Cancer Study Group BR 15-1 PEARLY trialJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2024Open-Label, Multicenter, Randomized, Biomarker-Integrated Umbrella Trial for Second-Line Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer: K-Umbrella Gastric Cancer StudyJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2024Second-line chemoimmunotherapy with nivolumab and paclitaxel in immune-related biomarker-enriched advanced gastric cancer: a multicenter phase Ib/II studyGASTRIC CANCER
2023Prior antibiotic administration disrupts anti-PD-1 responses in advanced gastric cancer by altering the gut microbiome and systemic immune response CELL REPORTS MEDICINE
2023Trastuzumab Combined With Ramucirumab and Paclitaxel in Patients With Previously Treated Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2–Positive Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction CancerJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Targeting AXL Using the AVB-500 Soluble Receptor and through Genetic Knockdown Inhibits Bile Duct Cancer Growth and Metastasis CANCERS
2022A novel anti-cancer compound development targeting YAP-TEAD protein-protein interactionEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER
2022A single arm phase Ib/II trial of first-line pembrolizumab, trastuzumab and chemotherapy for advanced HER2-positive gastric cancer NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2022Hyperprogressive disease during PD-1 blockade in patients with advanced gastric cancerEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER
2022The UGT1A9*22 genotype identifies a high-risk group for irinotecan toxicity among gastric cancer patients Genomics & Informatics
2022Pre-treatment Nutritional Risk Assessment by NRS-2002 Predicts Prognosis in Patients With Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer: A Single Center Retrospective Study Clinical Nutrition Research
2022Implication of COPB2 Expression on Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis CANCERS
2022Multicenter phase Ib/II study of second-line trastuzumab, ramucirumab, and paclitaxel in patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer: Updated HER-RAM study with biomarker analysisJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2022A multi-institutional, single-arm, phase II trial of neoadjuvant modified-FOLFIRINOX for resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2021PLEKHA7 signaling is necessary for the growth of mutant KRAS driven colorectal cancerEXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH
2021Pemetrexed plus cisplatin in patients with previously treated advanced sarcoma: a multicenter, single-arm, phase II trial ESMO OPEN
2021Real-World Clinical Outcomes of Biosimilar Trastuzumab (CT-P6) in HER2-Positive Early-Stage and Metastatic Breast Cancer FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2021Association between Skeletal Muscle Loss and the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer CANCERS
2021p16 methylation is a potential predictive marker for abemaciclib sensitivity in gastric cancerBIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY
2020Prognostic Significance of Sarcopenia in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer Patients FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2019The Effect of Nutrition Intervention with Oral Nutritional Supplements on Pancreatic and Bile Duct Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy NUTRIENTS
2019Significance of Metabolic Tumor Volume and Total Lesion Glycolysis Measured Using ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gallbladder Carcinoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2019HER2 Regulates Cancer Stem Cell Activities via the Wnt Signaling Pathway in Gastric Cancer CellsONCOLOGY
2019Immune-related Adverse Events: Overview and Management Strategies for the Use of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
2019Relationship Between Sarcopenia and Prognosis in Patient With Concurrent Chemo-Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2018Multidisciplinary treatment for patients with stage IV gastric cancer: the role of conversion surgery following chemotherapy BMC CANCER
2018Prognostic Significance of Sarcopenia With Inflammation in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Who Underwent Definitive Chemoradiotherapy FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2018Forty-nine gastric cancer cell lines with integrative genomic profiling for development of c-MET inhibitorINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
2018Efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected stage IB non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2017Prognostic Factors and Scoring Model for Survival in Metastatic Biliary Tract Cancer CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2017ANO9/TMEM16J promotes tumourigenesis via EGFR and is a novel therapeutic target for pancreatic cancerBRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER
2017Changes in telomerase activity due to alternative splicing of human telomerase reverse transcriptase in colorectal cancer ONCOLOGY LETTERS
2017Modulation of HAT activity by the BRCA2 N372H variation is a novel mechanism of paclitaxel resistance in breast cancer cell linesBIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY
2017ABCB1 2677G>T/A variant enhances chemosensitivity to anti-cancer agents acting on microtubule dynamics through LAMP1 inhibitionBIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY
2017Differential Prognostic Implications of Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma: Stage Adjusted Analysis From a Single High-volume Center in Asia ANNALS OF SURGERY
2016High-risk clinicopathological features and their predictive significance in Korean patients with stage II colon cancerJOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2016Prognostic Scoring Index for Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2014The effect of disintegrin-metalloproteinase ADAM9 in gastric cancer progression.MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS
2014Phase II gemcitabine and capecitabine combination therapy in recurrent or metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with anthracycline and taxaneCANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY
2014Angiogenic factor thymidine phosphorylase associates with angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in the intestinal-type gastric cancerPATHOLOGY
2014Influence of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on coping response to stress in patients with advanced gastric cancerJOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH
2013Prediction of metachronous multiple primary cancers following the curative resection of gastric cancer BMC CANCER
2013Application of the Adjuvant! Online Model to Korean Breast Cancer Patients: An Assessment of Prognostic Accuracy and Development of an Alternative Prognostic ToolANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2013Telomerase- and angiogenesis-related gene responses to irradiation in human umbilical vein endothelial cellsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2013Difference of interferon-α and interferon-β on melanoma growth and lymph node metastasis in miceMELANOMA RESEARCH
2013Mechanism of enhancement of radiation-induced cytotoxicity by sorafenib in colorectal cancer JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH
2012FKBP5 polymorphisms as vulnerability to anxiety and depression in patients with advanced gastric cancer: a controlled and prospective studyPSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY
2012Body fluid MMP-2 as a putative biomarker in metastatic breast cancer ONCOLOGY LETTERS

