Browsing by Yonsei Author : Jung, Bok Yeong

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Jung, Bok Yeong [정복영]
Department :
College of Dentistry (치과대학) - Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (35170018000)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 60

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Factors associated with age-related changes in oral diadochokinesis and masticatory function in healthy old adults BMC ORAL HEALTH
2023The effect of surface treatment and low-temperature degradation on flexural strength of additive manufactured zirconia JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS
2023Zirconia-veneered polyetherketoneketone frameworks of implant-supported complete arch fixed dental prostheses: A report on 5 patientsJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY
2023Mechanical properties of additively manufactured zirconia with alumina air abrasion surface treatment SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Mechanical properties of CAD/CAM polylactic acid as a material for interim restoration HELIYON
2023Assessment of subjective and objective masticatory function among elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
2022Accuracy in the Interface between Implant Components after a 5-year Functional Period; A Clinical Report Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2021Assessment of Age-Related Changes on Masticatory Function in a Population with Normal Dentition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021Fracture strength analysis of titanium insert-reinforced zirconia abutments according to the axial height of the titanium insert with an internal connection PLOS ONE
2020Accuracy evaluation of 3D printed interim prosthesis fabrication using a CBCT scanning based digital model PLOS ONE
2020The Effectiveness of Occlusal Adjustment Procedures for the Treatment of Food Impaction: Nine Clinical Cases Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2019Location of the Mandibular Incisive Canal Related to the Placement of Dental Implants: A Case ReportJOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY
2019Outcomes of autotransplanted teeth and prognostic factors: a 10-year retrospective studyClinical Oral Investigations
2019Comparison of Self-Etching Ceramic Primer and Conventional Silanization to Bond Strength in Cementation of Fiber Reinforced Composite Post MATERIALS
2019Multidisciplinary Approach for Full‐Mouth Rehabilitation of an Adult Patient with Collapsed Occlusal Plane and Several Missing Teeth: A Clinical ReportJOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY
2018고도의 치주염과 치아우식에 이환된 환자의 임플란트와 가철성 국소의치를 이용한 구강회복 증례 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2017근관 실러의 분류와 특성 비교Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2017Prevalence of proximal contact loss between implant-supported fixed prostheses and adjacent natural teeth and its associated factors: a 7-year prospective studyCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH
2016상아질 접착에서의 Chlorhexidine의 효과 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016Management of hyperthyroid patients in dental emergencies: a case report Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2016MTA의 특성과 임상적 적용 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016전신질환으로 발생할 수 있는 구강 내 증상의 발현: 증례보고 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016다수의 결손을 가진 상악 부분 무치악에서 열가소성 의치를 이용한 수복 증례 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2016Computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery for painless anesthesia: a literature review Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2016Development of a novel dual PLGA and alginate coated drug-eluting stent for enhanced blood compatibilityMACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH
2016Development of novel photopolymerizable hyaluronic acid/heparin-based hydrogel scaffolds with a controlled release of growth factors for enhanced bone regenerationMACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH
2015치아균열증후군 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Need of Orthodontic Treatment and Considering Factors from Interdisciplinary Point of View : Focused on Case Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Protective dental splint for oroendotracheal intubation: experience of 202 cases Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2015치수-치주 연관병소에 관할 고찰 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2015Preservation of Hypermobile Teeth by Establishing Posterior Occlusal Support Using Implant Prostheses: A 5-Year Follow-UpJOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY
2015Desensitizing efficacy of nano-carbonate apatite dentifrice and Er,Cr:YSGG laser: a randomized clinical trialPHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY
2014간접 수복물의 접착 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2014Alternative One Visit Impression Technique for Multiple Tooth Preparations and Implants Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2014Enhanced bone regeneration with a gold nanoparticle-hydrogel complexJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B
2014The study of anatomic structures in establishing the posterior seal area for maxillary complete denturesJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY
2014An esthetic appliance for the management of crown-root fracture; a case report Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
2014Radiographic assessment of clinical root-crown ratios of permanent teeth in a healthy Korean population JOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS
2014Chitosan/Polyurethane Blended Fiber Sheets Containing Silver Sulfadiazine for Use as an Antimicrobial Wound DressingJOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
2014Fabrication of periodically aligned vertical singlecrystalline anatase TiO2 nanotubes with perfect hexagonal open-ends using chemical capping materialsNANO RESEARCH
2013치과 공포를 갖고 있는 성인에서의 경구 및 아산화질소 복합 진정요법을 이용한 통합적 치과치료의 증례보고Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2013Coumadin을 복용중인 환자의 치주치료 후 발생한 술 후 과다출혈 Journal of Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry
2013컴퓨터를 이용한 속도 조절형 치과 국소마취 기구: 문헌고찰 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)
2013치경부 마모에 따른 상아질 지각과민증 감소를 위한 Er:Cr:YSGG 레이저 조사에 대한 임상 평가 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2013하악 좌측 제1소구치 부위의 임플란트 식립을 위한 하치조신경 국소마취 후 발생한 Paresthesia Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)
2013위장관으로 흡인된 치과기구의 처치 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)
2013Endodontic and Surgical Treatment of Root Damage Caused by Orthodontic Miniscrew PlacementJOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS
2012간이식 환자의 출혈 경향과 치과적 고려 사항 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)
2012항응고제 복용 환자에서 저분자량 헤파린을 사용한 구강 내 소수술 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)
2012하악공 전달마취 후 발생한 일시적인 시력 저하 Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (대한치과마취과학회지)

