Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Hyeonkyeong

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Lee, Hyeonkyeong [이현경]
Department :
College of Nursing (간호대학) - Dept. of Nursing (간호학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (8116516100)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 110

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Effectiveness of a media literacy-based smoking prevention program in female adolescentsPUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
2024Prevalence and risk factors of hypertension among adolescents living in GhanaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH
2023A Multi-component Living Lab on Health Engagement for Advancing Self-care Agency among Migrant Workers in South Korea: A mixed methods study Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
2023Sex and Age Differences in the Association Between Social Determinants of Health and Cardiovascular Health According to Household Income Among Mongolian Adults: Cross-Sectional Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2023Social determinants of health of racial and ethnic minority adolescents: An integrative literature review HELIYON
2023Hypertension literacy: Concept analysis NURSING OPEN
2023Use of the Tilburg frailty indicator in longitudinal studies with older adults: A scoping reviewJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2023Risk factors associated with the incidence and prevalence of hypertension in Ghana: an integrated review (2016-2021)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH
2023보건진료전담공무원의 노인 통합돌봄 역량 요구도 조사 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2023The Determinants of Adherence to Public Health and Social Measures Against COVID-19 Among the General Population in South Korea: National Survey Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2022Influence of social responsibility and pandemic awareness of nursing students on COVID-19 preventive behaviours: a cross-sectional online survey in South Korea BMJ OPEN
2022Benefits of sustained physical activity from middle age to early old age on quality of life in early old age SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022코로나19 전후 다문화 청소년의 건강관리와 일상생활 변화: 혼합연구방법Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion(보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2022Social Support for Acculturative Stress, Job Stress, and Perceived Discrimination Among Migrant Workers Moderates COVID-19 Pandemic Depression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2022Living labs for a mobile app-based health program: effectiveness of a 24-week walking intervention for cardiovascular disease risk reduction among female Korean-Chinese migrant workers: a randomized controlled trial ARCHIVES OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2022Reciprocal relationship between multicultural adolescents’ depression and life satisfaction: a random intercept cross-lagged panel model for 3-wave panel data APPLIED RESEARCH IN QUALITY OF LIFE
2022Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Premenstrual Syndrome in Female College Students in East Asia: A Multi-Country Study International Journal of Women’s Health
2021국내 다문화 청소년의 사회적 건강결정요인: 통합적 문헌고찰(2018~2020) Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2021Developing an integrated curriculum for patient safety in an undergraduate nursing program: a case study BMC NURSING
2021간호사의 전문직관, 정치참여가 대상자 옹호에 미치는 영향 Clinical Nursing Research(임상간호연구)
2021Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Smoking Media Literacy Scale for Adolescents FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
2021다문화 청소년과 어머니의 차별 경험이 다문화 청소년의 우울감에 미치는 영향 Journal of the Korean Society of School Health(한국학교보건학회지)
2021코로나바이러스감염증-19 발생기간 동안 보건진료전담공무원의 정신건강에 영향을 미치는 요인 Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
2021The Sequential Mediating Effects of Dietary Behavior and Perceived Stress on the Relationship between Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Multicultural Adolescent Health INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2021Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being of Adolescents in Multicultural Families in South Korea: Social-Cultural and Community Influence FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Effects of registered nurse staffing on quality of care and resident outcomes in nursing homesGERIATRIC NURSING
2020Network Support Using Social Networking Services to Increase Exercise Adherence Among Korean-Chinese Middle-Aged Migrant Women: Mixed Methods Study JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH
2020Factors Associated with the Health Literacy on Social Determinants of Health: A Focus on Socioeconomic Position and Work Environment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Prioritizing Training Needs of School Health Staff: The Example of Vietnam INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Health-related quality of life among migrant workers: The impact of health-promoting behaviorsNURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES
2020Developing Korean nursing students' global health competencies: A mixed methods approach to service learning in rural VietnamNURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2020Theoretical evaluation of Cox’s interaction model of client health behavior for health promotion in adult women Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing
2020Multilevel Effects of Community Capacity on Active Aging in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in South Korea ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH
2020Living labs for health: an integrative literature reviewEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Development of a Living Lab for a Mobile-Based Health Program for Korean-Chinese Working Women in South Korea: Mixed Methods Study JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH
2019NLN Jeffries 시뮬레이션 이론의 분석 및 평가Journal of Korea Society for Simulation in Nursing (한국간호시뮬레이션학회지)
2019Interprofessional global health competencies of South Korean health professional students: educational needs and strategies BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION
2019Effect of a Pedometer-Based, 24-Week Walking Intervention on Depression and Acculturative Stress among Migrant Women Workers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2019Cultural beliefs about breast cancer in Vietnamese women BMC WOMENS HEALTH
2019Psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Health Literacy on Social Determinants of Health Questionnaire (K-HL-SDHQ) PLOS ONE
2019Using the Stage-Based Approaches to Predict Breast Self-Examination Among Rural Vietnamese WomenAsia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
2019Sustainable development & the year of the nurse & midwife - 2020International Journal of Nursing Studies
2019간호학과와 타 보건의료관련 학과 학생들의 전문직 간 학습 준비도 차이 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education (한국간호교육학회지)
2018Mobile App-Based Health Promotion Programs: A Systematic Review of the Literature INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2018Parental HPV knowledge and perceptions of HPV vaccines among Korean American parentsAPPLIED NURSING RESEARCH
2018Community health needs assessment: a nurses' global health project in VietnamINTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2018Factors Affecting Secondhand Smoke Avoidance Behavior of Vietnamese Adolescents INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2018Factors affecting trust in healthcare among middle-aged to older Korean American women BMC WOMENS HEALTH
2018Effects of Perceived Discrimination and Trust on Breast Cancer Screening among Korean American WomenWomen's Health Issues
2017서비스직 여성근로자의 일과 삶의 균형에 영향을 미치는 요인 Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (한국직업건강간호학회지)

