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간호사의 전문직관, 정치참여가 대상자 옹호에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Influence of Nursing Professional Value and Political Participation of Nurses on Patient Advocacy 
 김민지  ;  이현경 
 Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구), Vol.27(2) : 140-148, 2021-08 
Journal Title
Clinical Nursing Research(임상간호연구)
Issue Date
Patient Advocacy ; Nursing Theory ; Professionalism ; Politics
Purpose: This study aimed to identify the level of patient advocacy and to determine the influence of nursing
professional value and political participation of nurses on patient advocacy theory. Methods: This study used
a cross-sectional descriptive study design. Data were collected from 232 nurses from a tertiary hospital, three
general hospitals, and a public health center in two districts of a metropolitan using self-reporting questionnaires.
Data were analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression
using SPSS/ WIN 21.0. Results: The mean score of patient advocacy was 4.64±0.55 out of 6, nursing professional
value was 3.60±0.49 out of 5, and political participation was 2.21±0.71 out of 5. Nursing professional value
(r=.37, p<.001) and political participation (r=.23, p<.001) showed a significant positive relationship with
patient advocacy. Factors influencing patient advocacy were identified as nursing professional value (β=.28,
p<.001) and political participation (β=.15, p=.014). Conclusion: Based on the findings that nursing
professional value and political participation are key factors of patient advocacy, educational strategies and
endeavors as level of professional organization are recommended for enhancing patient advocacy.
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Yonsei Authors
Lee, Hyeonkyeong(이현경) ORCID logo
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