Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Chan Hyung

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Kim, Chan Hyung [김찬형]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Psychiatry (정신과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (10242487800)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 219

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Public Perception Towards Drug Abuse in South Korea: The Effects of Overconfidence and Affirmation PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2024Hyperarousal-state of Insomnia Disorder in Wake-resting State Quantitative Electroencephalography CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2023Neuroablative Intervention for Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2023Frontal EEG response to alcohol craving elicited by individually tailored video cuesALCOHOL
2023Clinical Advances in Treatment Strategies for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder in Adults CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2023정신의학에서 대마 관련 약물의 전망 Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry(생물정신의학)
2023COVID-19 대유행 동안의 병원 회피 현상 및 연관 요인 Anxiety and Mood(대한불안의학회지)
2023Social Stigma and Discrimination Toward People With Drug Addiction: A National Survey in Korea PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2023Evaluation of changes in neural oscillation after bilateral capsulotomy in treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder using magnetoencephalogramASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2022지연 표본 대응 과제에서 나타나는 젊은 남성 강박장애 환자의 작업기억 결손 Anxiety and Mood(대한불안의학회지)
2022Examining the Psychometric Properties and Clinical Correlates of the Korean Version of the Family Accommodation Scale-Self-Rated Version for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2021Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation with novel in-ear electrodes on anxiety and resting-state brain activity: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trialJOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS
2020Bilateral thermal capsulotomy with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound for patients with treatment-resistant depression: A proof-of-concept studyBIPOLAR DISORDERS
2020Association of Depression With Functional Mobility in Schizophrenia FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2020Korean Medication Algorithm for Schizophrenia 2019, Second Revision: Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2020Outdoor cycling improves clinical symptoms, cognition and objectively measured physical activity in patients with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trialJOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH
2019Clinical utility of heart rate variability during Head-up tilt test in subjects with chronic posttraumatic stress disorderPSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2019Association between Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in Outpatient Schizophrenia Patients Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience
2019Changes of motor cortical excitability and response inhibition in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE
2018The Potential Usefulness of Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY
2018Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder via Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound SurgeryBIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
2018A study of novel bilateral thermal capsulotomy with focused ultrasound for treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: 2-year follow-up JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE
2017Subjective memory complaints in an elderly population with poor sleep qualityAGING & MENTAL HEALTH
2017Gamma-knife subcaudate tractotomy for treatment-resistant depression and target characteristics: a case report and reviewACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2017Modulation of error monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder by individually tailored symptom provocationPSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
2017Telomere length in alcohol dependence: A role for impulsive choice and childhood maltreatmentPSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY
2016Comorbid panic disorder as an independent risk factor for suicide attempts in depressed outpatientsCOMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2016Preliminary Effectiveness and Sustainability of Group Aerobic Exercise Program in Patients with SchizophreniaJOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE
2016Emotional interference modulates performance monitoring in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorderPROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
2015Antipsychotic Prescribing Patterns in First-episode Schizophrenia: A Five-year Comparison CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2015한국판 약물 순응척도의 표준화 연구 Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology (대한정신약물학회지)
2015Bilateral thermal capsulotomy with MR-guided focused ultrasound for patients with treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: a proof-of-concept studyMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY
2014Antipsychotic polypharmacy and high-dose prescription in schizophrenia: a 5-year comparisonAUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2013조현병 환자에서 항정신병약물 병용요법의 최근 동향 Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology (대한정신약물학회지)
2013일 대학병원 정신증 환자에서 항정신병약물 병용요법의 사용 Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology (대한정신약물학회지)
2013Combined bilateral anterior cingulotomy and ventral capsule/ventral striatum deep brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder with major depression: Do combined procedures have a long-term benefit?RESTORATIVE NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2013Development and validation of a computer-based measure of symmetry and arranging behavior in obsessive–compulsive disorder: A preliminary studyCOMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY
2012중증 정신 질환 환자에서의 약물 순응도 향상Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology (대한정신약물학회지)
2012Interactive effects of background facial emotion stimulus and target salience on sustained attention performance in schizophreniaSCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH
2012Long-term follow-up of deep brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorderPSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING
2012Provoked arrangement symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder using a virtual environment: A preliminary reportCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
2012Comparison of checking behavior in adults with or without checking symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder using a novel computer-based measureCOMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE
2011정신병 위험상태 : 관련된 문제와 향후 전망 Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry (생물정신의학)
2011안정화된 만성 정신분열병 환자에서 강박장애 동반과 사회적 기능 Anxiety and Mood (대한불안의학회지)
2011글루타메이트 수용체(GRIN2B) 유전자와 강박장애 발병 연령과의 관련성 Anxiety and Mood (대한불안의학회지)
2011국내 정신분열병 환자에서 항정신병약물 장기지속형 주사제의 과거, 현재 및 향후 가능성 Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology (대한정신약물학회지)
2011Clinical predictors of drug response in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE
2011Alexithymia in obsessive-compulsive disorder: clinical correlates and symptom dimensionsJOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE
2010[123l]-lomazenil SPECT를 이용한 공황장애 환자에서 대뇌 벤조다이아제핀 수용체 결합 이상 Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association (신경정신의학)
2010강박장애에서 정서 이상의 의미 Anxiety and Mood (대한불안의학회지)

