Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Yong Wook

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Kim, Yong Wook [김용욱]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (57135524600)

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Showing results 51 to 100 of 124

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2018Recovery of language function and brain metabolism in a patient with crossed aphasia: 2-year follow-up of brain FDG PET imagesAPHASIOLOGY
2018Successful Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy for Intractable Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in Patient with Pontine Hemorrhage: A case reportCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2018Pulmonary Rehabilitation in a Patient With Bronchiectasis and Underlying Cerebral Palsy: A Case PresentationPM&R
2018Association between cervical lordotic curvature and cervical muscle cross-sectional area in patients with loss of cervical lordosisCLINICAL ANATOMY
2018Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of a Sling Exercise and a Traditional Stabilizing Exercise for Clinical Lumbar Spinal InstabilityJOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION
2018Can the integrity of the corticospinal tract predict the long-term motor outcome in poststroke hemiplegic patients?NEUROREPORT
2018Cohort study of cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in a Korean populations: Demographics of prevalence, surgical treatment, and disabilityCLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY
2018Metabolic Changes in Central Poststroke Pain Following Thalamic Intracerebral Hemorrhage: An 18F-FDG PET StudyCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2017뇌졸중 재활치료를 위한 한국형 표준 진료 지침 2016 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2017Brain metabolism in patients with freezing of gait after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: A pilot study MEDICINE
2017Serotonin Syndrome Following Combined Administration of Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Agents in a Patient With Akinetic Mutism After Frontal Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Case ReportCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2017Diagnostic Value of Time-Constrained Naming Test in Mild Cognitive ImpairmentDEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS
2017Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Hamstring Tightness in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2017Predictors for Depressive Mood in Geriatric Patients After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2017Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping analysis of depressive mood in patients with isolated cerebellar stroke: A pilot study NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL
2016Is poststroke complex regional pain syndrome the combination of shoulder pain and soft tissue injury of the wrist?: A prospective observational study: STROBE of ultrasonographic findings in complex regional pain syndrome MEDICINE
2016Predictors of Depressive Mood in Patients With Isolated Cerebellar Stroke: A Retrospective Study Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2016Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Freezing of Gait in Patients After Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study MEDICINE
2016Voxel-based statistical analysis of brain metabolism in patients with growth hormone deficiency after traumatic brain injury.BRAIN INJURY
2016Comparison between Steroid Injection and Stretching Exercise on the Scalene of Patients with Upper Extremity Paresthesia: Randomized Cross-Over Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015뇌졸중 후 섬망의 진단과 치료 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2015Effect of Donepezil on Wernicke Aphasia After Bilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction: Subtraction Analysis of Brain F-18 FDG PET ImagesCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2015Simultaneous loss of bilateral voluntary eyelid opening and sustained winking response following bilateral posterior cerebral artery infarction Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2015Correction of camptocormia using a cruciform anterior spinal hyperextension brace and back extensor strengthening exercise in a patient with Parkinson disease Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2014치매의 재활치료 및 비약물치료 Geriatric Rehabilitation
2014Comparison of the therapeutic effects of intramuscular subscapularis and scapulothoracic bursa injections in patients with scapular pain: a randomized controlled trialRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2014저산소-허혈성 뇌병증 환자의 신경학적 회복 예측 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2014The development of the Geriatric Index of Communicative Ability (GICA) for measuring communicative competence of elderly: A pilot studySPEECH COMMUNICATION
2013Gene Expression Profiling in Parkinson’s DiseaseVascular Neurology
2013Usefulness of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the spasticity of the subscapularis in patients with stroke: a pilot study CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL
2013치매의 약물치료 Geriatric Rehabilitation
2013Comparison of proximal and distal cross-sectional areas of the median nerve, carpal tunnel, and nerv/tunnel index in subjects with carpal tunnel syndromeARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION
2013Core Capacities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Korea Communication Sciences & Disorders
2013Brain metabolism in patients with vegetative state after post-resuscitated hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: Statistical parametric mapping analysis of F-18 FDG PET CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012Rehabilitation for Postural Abnormalities and Gait Disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease Geriatric Rehabilitation
2012Statistical mapping analysis of brain metabolism in patients with subcortical aphasia after intracerebral hemorrhage: a pilot study of F-18 FDG PET images YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012The nerve/tunnel index: a new diagnostic standard for carpal tunnel syndrome using sonography: a pilot studyJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE
2012Dysgraphia in Korean patients with Alzheimer's disease as a manifestation of bilateral hemispheric dysfunctionJOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES
2012외상성 뇌손상 후 발생한 운동장애 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2012Effect of decannulation on pharyngeal and laryngeal movement in post-stroke tracheostomized patients Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
2011퇴행성 뇌질환 환자에서 나타나는 보행동결 Geriatric Rehabilitation
2011뇌병변 환자에서의 배뇨 장애의 특성 -다기관 연구- Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2011‘ASHA 의사소통 삶의 질 척도’의 한국어판 번안 : 청소년용Korean Journal of Communication Disorders (언어청각장애연구)
2011Freezing of Gait Following Hypoxic Brain Injury: Two Cases Reports Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지)
2010폐쇄성 두부손상 후 발생한 간접 외상성 시각신경병증으로 인한 완전실명 - 증례 보고 - Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine
2010Voxel-based statistical analysis of cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with permanent vegetative state after acquired brain injury. CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL
2010Treatment of chronic akinetic mutism with atomoxetine: subtraction analysis of brain f-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic images before and after medication: a case reportCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2010Changes in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with posttraumatic cognitive impairment after memantine therapy: a preliminary studyANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2010실어증 및 뇌 가소성 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2009Effects of methylphenidate on cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with impaired consciousness after acquired brain injuryCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY

