2018 | Recovery of language function and brain metabolism in a patient with crossed aphasia: 2-year follow-up of brain FDG PET images | APHASIOLOGY |
2018 | Successful Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy for Intractable Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in Patient with Pontine Hemorrhage: A case report | CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY |
2018 | Pulmonary Rehabilitation in a Patient With Bronchiectasis and Underlying Cerebral Palsy: A Case Presentation | PM&R |
2018 | Association between cervical lordotic curvature and cervical muscle cross-sectional area in patients with loss of cervical lordosis | CLINICAL ANATOMY |
2018 | Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of a Sling Exercise and a Traditional Stabilizing Exercise for Clinical Lumbar Spinal Instability | JOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION |
2018 | Can the integrity of the corticospinal tract predict the long-term motor outcome in poststroke hemiplegic patients? | NEUROREPORT |
2018 | Cohort study of cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in a Korean populations: Demographics of prevalence, surgical treatment, and disability | CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY |
2018 | Metabolic Changes in Central Poststroke Pain Following Thalamic Intracerebral Hemorrhage: An 18F-FDG PET Study | CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE |
2017 | 뇌졸중 재활치료를 위한 한국형 표준 진료 지침 2016
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2017 | Brain metabolism in patients with freezing of gait after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: A pilot study
2017 | Serotonin Syndrome Following Combined Administration of Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Agents in a Patient With Akinetic Mutism After Frontal Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Case Report | CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY |
2017 | Diagnostic Value of Time-Constrained Naming Test in Mild Cognitive Impairment | DEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS |
2017 | Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Hamstring Tightness in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study
2017 | Predictors for Depressive Mood in Geriatric Patients After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study
| Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
2017 | Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping analysis of depressive mood in patients with isolated cerebellar stroke: A pilot study
2016 | Is poststroke complex regional pain syndrome the combination of shoulder pain and soft tissue injury of the wrist?: A prospective observational study: STROBE of ultrasonographic findings in complex regional pain syndrome
2016 | Predictors of Depressive Mood in Patients With Isolated Cerebellar Stroke: A Retrospective Study
| Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
2016 | Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Freezing of Gait in Patients After Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study
2016 | Voxel-based statistical analysis of brain metabolism in patients with growth hormone deficiency after traumatic brain injury. | BRAIN INJURY |
2016 | Comparison between Steroid Injection and Stretching Exercise on the Scalene of Patients with Upper Extremity Paresthesia: Randomized Cross-Over Study
2015 | 뇌졸중 후 섬망의 진단과 치료
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2015 | Effect of Donepezil on Wernicke Aphasia After Bilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction: Subtraction Analysis of Brain F-18 FDG PET Images | CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY |
2015 | Simultaneous loss of bilateral voluntary eyelid opening and sustained winking response following bilateral posterior cerebral artery infarction
| Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
2015 | Correction of camptocormia using a cruciform anterior spinal hyperextension brace and back extensor strengthening exercise in a patient with Parkinson disease
| Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
2014 | 치매의 재활치료 및 비약물치료
| Geriatric Rehabilitation |
2014 | Comparison of the therapeutic effects of intramuscular subscapularis and scapulothoracic bursa injections in patients with scapular pain: a randomized controlled trial | RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL |
2014 | 저산소-허혈성 뇌병증 환자의 신경학적 회복 예측
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2014 | The development of the Geriatric Index of Communicative Ability (GICA) for measuring communicative competence of elderly: A pilot study | SPEECH COMMUNICATION |
2013 | Gene Expression Profiling in Parkinson’s Disease | Vascular Neurology |
2013 | Usefulness of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the spasticity of the subscapularis in patients with stroke: a pilot study
2013 | 치매의 약물치료
| Geriatric Rehabilitation |
2013 | Comparison of proximal and distal cross-sectional areas of the median nerve, carpal tunnel, and nerv/tunnel index in subjects with carpal tunnel syndrome | ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION |
2013 | Core Capacities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Korea
| Communication Sciences & Disorders |
2013 | Brain metabolism in patients with vegetative state after post-resuscitated hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: Statistical parametric mapping analysis of F-18 FDG PET
2012 | Rehabilitation for Postural Abnormalities and Gait Disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease
| Geriatric Rehabilitation |
2012 | Statistical mapping analysis of brain metabolism in patients with subcortical aphasia after intracerebral hemorrhage: a pilot study of F-18 FDG PET images
2012 | The nerve/tunnel index: a new diagnostic standard for carpal tunnel syndrome using sonography: a pilot study | JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE |
2012 | Dysgraphia in Korean patients with Alzheimer's disease as a manifestation of bilateral hemispheric dysfunction | JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES |
2012 | 외상성 뇌손상 후 발생한 운동장애
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2012 | Effect of decannulation on pharyngeal and laryngeal movement in post-stroke tracheostomized patients
| Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine |
2011 | 퇴행성 뇌질환 환자에서 나타나는 보행동결
| Geriatric Rehabilitation |
2011 | 뇌병변 환자에서의 배뇨 장애의 특성 -다기관 연구-
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2011 | ‘ASHA 의사소통 삶의 질 척도’의 한국어판 번안 : 청소년용 | Korean Journal of Communication Disorders (언어청각장애연구) |
2011 | Freezing of Gait Following Hypoxic Brain Injury: Two Cases Reports
| Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지) |
2010 | 폐쇄성 두부손상 후 발생한 간접 외상성 시각신경병증으로 인한 완전실명 - 증례 보고 -
| Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine |
2010 | Voxel-based statistical analysis of cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with permanent vegetative state after acquired brain injury.
2010 | Treatment of chronic akinetic mutism with atomoxetine: subtraction analysis of brain f-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic images before and after medication: a case report | CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY |
2010 | Changes in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with posttraumatic cognitive impairment after memantine therapy: a preliminary study | ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE |
2010 | 실어증 및 뇌 가소성
| Brain & Neurorehabilitation |
2009 | Effects of methylphenidate on cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with impaired consciousness after acquired brain injury | CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY |