Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kwon, In Gyu

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Kwon, In Gyu [권인규]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Surgery (외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (55618644700)

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Showing results 1 to 27 of 27

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Influence of psychological factors and pain sensitivity on the efficacy of opioid-free anesthesia: A randomized clinical trialGENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY
2024Conformal Fixation Strategies and Bioadhesives for Soft BioelectronicsADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2024A randomized controlled study to assess the effect of mosapride citrate on intestinal recovery following gastrectomy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022SFRP4 and CDX1 Are Predictive Genes for Extragastric Recurrence of Early Gastric Cancer after Curative Resection JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2021Serum glucose excretion after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a potential target for diabetes treatmentGUT
2021Korean Gastric Cancer Association- Led Nationwide Survey on Surgically Treated Gastric Cancers in 2019 JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2021Real-time identification of aberrant left hepatic arterial territories using near-infrared fluorescence with indocyanine green during gastrectomy for gastric cancerSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2021Adverse Prognostic Impact of Postoperative Complications After Gastrectomy for Patients With Stage II/III Gastric Cancer: Analysis of Prospectively Collected Real-World Data FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2020Effect of histologic differences between biopsy and final resection on treatment outcomes in early gastric cancerSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2020Altered systematic glucose utilization after gastrectomy: correlation with weight lossSURGERY FOR OBESITY AND RELATED DISEASES
2020Prognostic significance of body mass index and prognostic nutritional index in stage II/III gastric cancerEJSO
2019Application of Fluorescent Lymphography Technique in Lymphadenectomy of Gastrectomy-ReplyJAMA SURGERY
2019Multi-institutional validation of the 8th AJCC TNM staging system for gastric cancer: Analysis of survival data from high-volume Eastern centers and the SEER databaseJOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2019A Lesion-Based Convolutional Neural Network Improves Endoscopic Detection and Depth Prediction of Early Gastric Cancer Journal of Clinical Medicine
2019Effect of Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy vs Open Distal Gastrectomy on Long-term Survival Among Patients With Stage I Gastric Cancer: The KLASS-01 Randomized Clinical TrialJAMA Oncology
2019Fluorescent Lymphography–Guided Lymphadenectomy During Robotic Radical Gastrectomy for Gastric CancerJAMA SURGERY
2019Ten Thousand Consecutive Gastrectomies for Gastric Cancer: Perspectives of a Master Surgeon YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015Minimally invasive surgery as a treatment option for gastric cancer in the elderly: comparison with open surgery for patients 80 years and olderSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2015Comparison of perioperative surgical outcomes between a bipolar device and an ultrasonic device during laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancerSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2014Is microsatellite instability a prognostic marker in gastric cancer? A systematic review with meta-analysis.JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2014Minimally invasive surgery for remnant gastric cancer: a comparison with open surgerySURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2014Minimally Invasive Surgery for Gastric Cancer Treatment: Current Status and Future Perspectives GUT AND LIVER
2014Can we apply the same indication of endoscopic submucosal dissection for primary gastric cancer to remnant gastric cancer?GASTRIC CANCER
2014Risk factors for double primary malignancies and their clinical implications in patients with sporadic gastric cancerEJSO
2014The Assessment of the Oncological Safety Margin of Insufficient Lymph Node Dissection in pT2 (pm) Gastric Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2013Laparoscopic total gastrectomy in a gastric cancer patient with intestinal malrotation. JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2013Comparing the short-term outcomes of totally intracorporeal gastroduodenostomy with extracorporeal gastroduodenostomy after laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer: a single surgeon’s experience and a rapid systematic review with meta-analysisSURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES

